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  • Nice plugin.
    On your download page, on the download zip file link, you have a type in the URL. You have it as siightly instead of slightly for your domain.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: New Plugin: WP-PostViews

    GamerZ: I had posted a problem I was having with the plugin. However I was able to figure it out myself.
    But since you can’t delete a post you made here, only edit it. I removed my question and posted above.
    Sorry for the confusion.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: FAQ Plugin

    In my FAQ, I have html in the answer to the second question. There shouldn’t be any html in the questions as they are just short ones on my site.

    I look forward to the update. It is a really nice plugin.

    Thanks again.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: FAQ Plugin

    Awesome. Thanks for that change.

    It makes it so much easier to find a category to place a question in now.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: FAQ Plugin

    Great plugin.

    Two things that I would love to see.

    In the admin section, where you choose a category for the question. Could that be changed to sort by Category Name? It looks like its sorting by ID value currently?

    Also, and this one might be harder and not useful. But a way to order the questions. Currently it looks like the recent questions go at the top.

    Nice little plugin.
    Only thing that I would add, and its more of a personal thing. Is when you change an option and press Update, there is no indication the changes saved. They do save, if you reload the page, but a little inidication makes it reassuring.

    Thanks again for the great plugin.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: New Plugin: WP-PostViews

    I was able to resolve.

    It seems to be a common problem now for some reason. I hope someone has an answer soon.

    I know someone that is having the same issue on a blog that was upgraded from 1.5.2 to 2.0

    Email when a comment was posted was working until recently when it just stopped. Would love to find out why and if there is a fix for it.

    I took out the call in the header file to list_pages and put in a hard coded list I had in a prior theme.

    The shading part, I’d say either leave it in the post body section, and maybe add a div for it so it gets some shading, or you could add it to the tag list and have that bar look like

    Filed Under: list of categories
    Tags: list of tags

    Looks nice. Like the layout and the colors.

    Only thing that I can think of that I would change would be to shade the “Filed Under” section so that it is distinct from the rest of the post.

    Also,if you have a lot of pages and/or a long blog title, it messes up the formatting of the top bar.

    I have your theme active on my site currently, as I’m checking it out, and you can see what I mean.

    It may be a resolution issue on my computer, but I’m not sure.

    Overall, I really like the theme and may continue to use it on my site and just customize the layout of the sidebar and some minor formatting stuff to suit what I need.

    Great job.

    Thread Starter vryce


    If needed, I can post the output from the Dump Environment plugin. I enabled that and am looking at the source of a 404 error page.

    Lots of info there.

    Thread Starter vryce


    Not sure if that is the case, though I may be wrong.

    Using WP 2.0,

    My permalink structure is set to in Options>Permalinks

    Date and name based

    And the Optional Category Base line is blank.

    I thought to check to see it it was something in my theme causing the problem. It isn’t theme related, because it occurs in both my current and the default theme.

    Where else would I look for permalink sturcture?

    Thread Starter vryce


    I tried setting up the RewriteRule, but still get 404 messages

    RewriteRule ^category/(.+) /archives/$1

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