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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP-Polls Version 2.0

    That did it. Thanks.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP-Polls Version 2.0

    I have the same problem. Usually that message is from the listed file having blank space after the closing ?>
    but that isn’t the case currently.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Need Feedback

    Looks good so far. It really is a useful plug-in for sites that get a lot of discussion in comments.

    The only thing I can think of, and it may not be practical or even useful. The abiltiy to mark more then one post that you want to quote in your comment. That way, you wouldn’t have to make a seperate comment for each previous one you wanted to comment. It would just insert each comment portion in the single comment.

    Sort of like this.

    <!– Quote Comment #452 –>

    You type here.

    <!– Quote Comment #454 –>

    You type here

    etc, etc. But its early in the morning and I am not fully awake and just rambling.

    I like the looks of the configuration screen and the abiltiy to change the layout of the quoted posts. Very handy.

    Up until today, I’ve never received duplicate emails. For some reason, last night with the time change, I received 10-15 duplicates.

    No big deal, they were easy enough to delete.

    But I have been extremely happy with the plugin and using it the past few months.

    This is one great plugin.


    So much easier to look at different themes then the old method. I really like the thumbnails of each theme and the ability to click on them for more info and a larger picture.

    Great job!



    FireFox 1.0.6. The crosshair is black on my screen.



    Also, on the test site, in the Black theme, you lose your cursor in the black background. It doesn’t show up and you don’t know where it is or what it is focused on.

    I used AMM and at one time in my sidebar had a book, film and cd section.

    Basically, I followed the instructions to create 3 custom function calls so that each one handled a specific media type. Then made the space in my sidebar, and called the funcions so they showed up.
    It did work nicely, when I had them up.


    Quick and easy upgrade. Thanks for the great plug-in.

    Ah. gotcha.

    Installed the plugin, very nice. I made a template for it and a new page using that template.

    Though I did hack the plugin code, and it might be something you consider to add.

    In the output as table display, you don’t have the option to exclude the plugin author column like you did if you output it as a list.

    I added the code in so I could turn off the author field. In the theme I’m using, having it display the plugin name, description and author was cutting off part of the text.

    You can see an example here

    This is what I changed.

    // Takes the plugin array and outputs it as a table
    function output_table($tabledetails = '', $displaydescription = TRUE, $displayversion = TRUE, $displayauthor = TRUE) {
    // Set a default table style for when it's not specified
    if ($tabledetails == '') $tabledetails = 'width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"';

    echo '<table ' . $tabledetails . ">n <tr class="pluginheader">n <th>" . __('Plugin') . "</th>n";
    if ($displayversion == TRUE) echo ' <th>' . __('Version') . "</th>n";
    if ($displayauthor == TRUE) echo ' <th>' . __('Author') . "</th>n";
    if ($displaydescription == TRUE) echo ' <th>' . __('Description') . "</th>n";
    echo " </tr>n";

    foreach($this->plugindata as $plugin_name => $plugin_details) {
    $rowstyle = ($rowstyle == 'class="pluginrow"') ? 'class="pluginrowalt"' : 'class="pluginrow"';

    echo " <tr $rowstyle>n";

    echo " <td>";
    echo ($plugin_details['plugin']) ? $plugin_details['plugin'] : '&nbsp;';
    echo "</td>n";

    if ($displayversion == TRUE) {
    echo " <td>";
    echo ($plugin_details['version']) ? $plugin_details['version'] : '&nbsp;';
    echo "</td>n";
    if ($displayauthor == TRUE) {
    echo " <td>";
    echo ($plugin_details['author']) ? $plugin_details['author'] : '&nbsp;';
    echo "</td>n";
    if ($displaydescription == TRUE) {
    echo " <td>";
    echo ($plugin_details['description']) ? $plugin_details['description'] : '&nbsp;';
    echo "</td>n";

    echo " </tr>n";

    echo "</table>n";

    Awesome work.
    I was going to install the plugin, but now I think I’ll wait for the next release. ??

    Those options page images are great looking.

    Thread Starter vryce


    Ahh.. thank you for the reply.

    I was under the impression that WordPress generated one.

    Now that I’m clear on that, I’ll set it so that I type one in myself. THough I think there are some plugins that create an excerpt automatically.

    Thanks again.

    Great plugin. Though I don’t know if this is possible.

    Currently, the only type of poll I see available is a radio button type. You can only choose one answer.
    I’d love the ability to have a different kind of poll and be able to choose which type I want to use.
    Something like a check box where more then one answer can be chosen.

    Looking foward to further releases of this, as it is much better then the external polling options available.

    I wouldn’t think its the WP Admin Bar 2 causing the problems.
    I use a fair bit of plugins, probably too many as well. One of them is the WP Admin Bar 2 and I have wp-db-backup running just fine. I had 1.6 running and just uploaded 1.7 and both work just fine.
    I set it up to email me a daily database backup and they come with no issues.
    Its a great plugin.

    Skippy, the WP Admin Bar 2 is a plugin that adds an admin bar to your blog when you are logged in and not actively in the admin panel. It adds liks to common tasks like write, logout, etc.

    Its a pretty nifty plugin. [url=]WP Admin Bar 2[/url]

    This is what it looks like

    [url=]Screen shot[/url]

    Easy upgrade for me. Thanks for posting these threads each time there is an upgrade.

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