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  • Thread Starter vsimons


    Hi @mibuthu – To be honest, because I rolled back my site to use the previous version of the plugin, I can’t check again what happened. But from what I recall, the plugin update seemed to go fine, and the rest of the site was all present and correct. But yes, the main menu item in the admin menu completely disappeared and I couldn’t get to it.

    Thread Starter vsimons


    @mibuthu – I’m on PHP 7.1.

    @dave333 – I keep regular backups via ManageWP. ??

    Sorry, but unfortunately arrows still aren’t appearing for me after updating to WordPress 4.9.

    From what I can see examining both the screen and the code, the simple-calendar font family simply isn’t being called. There’s just a blank where the arrows should be. I’ve tried hacking the CSS to make them appear, but it doesn’t work as the arrows simply aren’t present.

    Hi – I have also experienced this issue. I actually had a couple of sites where the database seemed to be malfunctioning on a particular host. I moved it to another host, checked the options table and found thousands of jpsq_sync entries. Deleted those and moved it back to the original host and the site is now fine. However, it’s still gathering jpsq_sync entries at a rate of knots – I cleared it out yesterday and one particular site already has 60 entries again today.

    If there is any solution to this I’d be grateful to know.

    And if it’s possible to turn off Jetpack sync I’d like to know that too – can anyone enlighten me?

    Thread Starter vsimons


    Ah, okay, I’ve found it. As I’m producing sites for clients and giving them a very stripped-back, custom interface (using ACF) to make it easy for them to use, I remove all the Page Meta Boxes using White Label CMS. The one that’s causing problems and making a blank Yoast SEO content panel is ‘Slug’ – not the greatest problem as that one doesn’t confuse clients too much, but it would be great to fix if possible! Thanks.

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