Vegard Skjefstad
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] Working With W3 Total Cache PluginSorry for the very, very late reply. Try to insert this into your PHP code:
The plugin will stop using AJAX to show its information after 1 day.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] Code into Template-Tags.php FileSorry for the late reply. Give this a try. It’s untested and I’m assuming you’ve defined both $stopUsingAjaxAfter and $showDateAfter somewhere else in your code. If not, replace $stopUsingAjaxAfter with 0 and $showDateAfter with when you want the plugin to start showing the actual date something was published (in seconds after it was published). Using a value of 3600, for instance, will make the plugin start showing the date instead of “X minutes ago” after one hour.
Please have a look at the documentation for further information about the available options the plugin supports:
printf( __( '<span class="byline"><i class="fa fa-user"></i>%1$s</span><span class="posted-on"><i class="fa fa-calendar">%2$s</i>%3$s</span>', 'themememe' ), sprintf( '<span class="author vcard">%2$s</span>', esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ), esc_html( get_the_author() ) ), wp_days_ago_v3($stopUsingAjaxAfter, $showDateAfter) , sprintf( '<!---->%2$s<!---->', esc_url( get_permalink() ), $time_string) );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] show date after<?php wp_days_ago_v3 (0, 172800); ?>
Note that this will turn off AJAX, which can be handy for cached sites. If you want to use AJAX, use value greater than 0 for the first parameter. The first parameter is the number of seconds the plugin should use before it stops using AJAX calls.
Please refer to the documentation for details:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] How to send Persian translationGreat, thanks a lot. I’ve released a new version, with your translation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] How to send Persian translationHi. Sorry for my very, very late reply. Could you please share the files on dropbox, google drive or some other cloud service?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Update to 4.1.1 not working?Can confirm that the workaround proposed by @taurus1016 also worked for me. Make sure you remove the three lines from the wp-config.php file as soon as the upgrade to 4.1.1 is complete so you don’t end up with passwords in your config files.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] round up or downThis if not possible at the moment (without modifying the code). But I’m sure you’re not the only who who’d find that feature useful, so I’ll keep it in mind for the next release of the plugin.
If you want to modify the code yourself, open the file wp_days_ago-core.php and replace line 82 with the following:
if($t[2] >= 1 && !$foundYear && !$foundMonth) {
Note that I haven’t tested the code change, so I’m not 100% sure it’ll work. But it should round everything down for you by skipping display of the number of days if it’s more than a month since something was published.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] Date displays as 'Some time in the future' for new posts.Not sure how to solve this one, unfortunately. I’ve been doing a lot of testing and I’m unable to reproduce the behaviour you are describing. What about your WordPress version, are you using the most recent version?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] How to translate it ?Please see the installation instructions on how to translate the plugin. It’s a parameter you can set on the non-AJAX version of the plugin. Unfortunately, the AJAX version cannot be translated at this point (unless you edit the actual plugin code).
The next major version of the plugin might support better ways of translating the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] Date displays as 'Some time in the future' for new posts.THe plugin uses the UTC time of the server to do its calculations, and it might be off. You can see the UTC time of the server in the WordPress settings where you configure the WordPress time zone (Settings -> General). Look for the text “UTC time is”. Since you’re Eastern time, you should be UTC-5. Does the UTC time look right?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] Date displays as 'Some time in the future' for new posts.Unfortunately, I’m not able to reproduce this. “Some time in the future” is shown when the publishing time > current time, in other words some time in the future. So it should only be visible on scheduled posts before they are published (when you look at them in preview mode).
For how long does the date display “Some time in the future”? Does your time zone setting in WordPress match your actual time zone? And, if you know it, is the time zone on the server that host your WordPress site and the time zone setting in WordPress the same or do they differ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] Need help with customizing it!!Hi. I’ve updated the plugin with a new feature that will make it work in the way you describe. Please upgrade through the WordPress plugin manager (you should be notified about a new version, 2.6, of the plugin) and have a look at the installation instructions on how to configure it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] How to put wp_days_ago inside class element?Hi David.
I’m unfamiliar with how get_post_class works in your theme. Could you please provide an example from the theme?
If the theme uses the post_class function, you might be able to do something like this (I’ve not tested it, though, so I have no idea if the code even compiles):
<?php post_class(wp_days_ago(1)); ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] wrong 'days ago' after upgrade from 2.5 to 2.5.1Oh, man. That’s embarrassing. Thanks for reporting this and shame on me for not testing enough. Fixed in 2.5.2.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-days-ago] [Plugin: wp-days-ago] How to make it work with Cache plugins?A new version if wp_days_ago has been released with cache plugin support through AJAX. If you have any problems with the new feature, please open a new support ticket for each problem.
Thanks a lot for the feedback, by the way.