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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Single event calendar import search result datesSorry to bump such an old thread, but I can’t seem to get this working any more!
It would be very useful to be able to add a single event to a Google (or iCal) calendar.
Ideally what I’m trying to do is make it so that in the event-meta, the date is clickable to add the single event to the calendar. This way, for single events, just clicking the date is fine – and for reoccuring events, since you have a list of dates to pick from you can click on the one that you want to add to your calendar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Force map to display only venues with upcoming eventsSorry for the double-post, but I was able to get the height thing working. I don’t really need the other attributes (e.g. width, venue array, etc) working yet, so I’ll leave it for now – but here’s the code (mostly replicating the proper in-built map shortcode) in case it’s of use to anyone else.
<?php function eo_upcoming_events_map($args=array()) { $args_array = array('zoom' => 15, 'scrollwheel'=>true, 'zoomcontrol'=>true, 'rotatecontrol'=>true, 'pancontrol'=>true, 'overviewmapcontrol'=>true, 'streetviewcontrol'=>true, 'maptypecontrol'=>true, 'draggable'=>true,'maptypeid' => 'ROADMAP', 'width' => '100%','height' => '200px','class' => '', 'tooltip'=>false ); $args = shortcode_atts($args_array , $args ); //Cast zoom as integer $args['zoom'] = (int) $args['zoom']; //Escape attributes $width = esc_attr($args['width']); $height = esc_attr($args['height']); $class = esc_attr($args['class']); //If class is selected use that style, otherwise use specified height and width if( !empty($class) ){ $class .= " eo-venue-map googlemap"; $style = ""; }else{ $class = "eo-venue-map googlemap"; $style = "style='height:".$height.";width:".$width.";' "; } $events = eo_get_events(array( 'events_start_after'=>'today', 'showpastevents'=>false,//Will be deprecated, but set it to true to play it safe. )); $venue_array; if($events): foreach ($events as $event): $venue_id = eo_get_venue($event->ID); $venue_array[] = $venue_id; endforeach; endif; echo eo_get_venue_map($venue_array, array('height'=>$height)); } add_shortcode('eo_upcoming_events_map','eo_upcoming_events_map'); ?>
So now I can use [eo_upcoming_events_map height=”600px”] on a page to display only venues with upcoming events.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Force map to display only venues with upcoming eventsAwesome, thank you!
I’m still playing around with how to specify the map height, but I’ve learned so much more about WordPress by coding up this shortcode than I have from months of using it generally.
Here’s what I came up with using your documentation:
<?php function eo_upcoming_events_map() { $events = eo_get_events(array( 'events_start_after'=>'today', 'showpastevents'=>false,//Will be deprecated, but set it to true to play it safe. )); $venue_array; if($events): foreach ($events as $event): $venue_id = eo_get_venue($event->ID); $venue_array[] = $venue_id; endforeach; endif; echo eo_get_venue_map($venue_array); } add_shortcode('eo_upcoming_events_map','eo_upcoming_events_map'); ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Cannot update pluginJust a little update on this. I had the “Types” plugin installed. It got updated today and suddenly Events Organiser is back in my list.
Looking through the Types changelog I see this:
Fixed compatibility with ACF, Events Calendar and a number of other plugins due to removed actionsSeems like the fault was with their plugin in the end.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Cannot update pluginNo, still not showing in the updates. I assume when I tried updating the unrelated plugin then something happened on my end and it sort of half-tried to update EO. I’m sure it’ll all fix itself whenever there’s another regular EO update anyway. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Showing event time in search resultsI’ll wait for the next big update then, sorry about that! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Showing event time in search resultsI’ve put the code from the github page into includes/functions.php in my theme folder, I hope that’s the right place!
The code I pasted above is still only showing the venue and not the date, but again I’m pretty dumb with WordPress so I’m sure I’m missing something somewhere!
I’ve only been able to test it on PC, iPhone and iPad (hopefully Android is alright since it’s 15% of my readers!) but adding “min-width:200px” into the styles for <ul id=”eo-event-meta”> and the test div seems to have done the trick for now to keep everything looking nice. If I make my browser window comically thin it messes up, but anyone who does that to their browser deserves what they get. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Showing event time in search resultsI’m a bit dumb with WordPress still, so you’ll need to tell me which file needs edited and I’ll gladly chuck it in and test it out! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Showing event time in search resultsAh, as long as there’s a reason why I can’t do it that’s grand. If it’s working in 1.8 then I’ll definitely have to get around to finding a donate link to give you some cash!
I know this has been marked as resolved, but I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on my second issue, where having the metadata of an event beside the map means that on a mobile phone screen everything gets really squished. I’d like the map to drop below the metadata if there’s no room.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Showing event time in search resultsIt’s the generic site search, so blog posts show up in there too.
From the looks of it, I had an extra </div> in single.php which isn’t attached to an opening <div>, I wonder how I got that there. Thanks again for the help!
Ah, okay then. I’ll have a look in the theme files – thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] [Plugin: Event Organiser] iCal link, working with iPhone?Seconding the hope for a .ics file for an individual event – subscribing to this thread ??