How about making anti robot verification using picture with embedded text in it and some transforms to make it impossible (very difficult) to use automatic OCR. Same as in Yahoo mail sign in.
Put this both registering as a new user and posting a comment without logging in. This should stop automatic spamming.
php images gives quite good tools, but there is not very good image manipulation.
Some example code to get started:
$string = rand(1,9999);
$im = imagecreate(100,50);
$bg_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 200, 255, 255);
$tx_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 00);
$px = (imagesx($im)/2 – 7.5 * strlen($string)) ;
imagestring($im, 5, $px, 9, $string, $tx_color);
if ($im !== false) {
header(‘Content-Type: image/png’);
else {
echo ‘Error creating image’;
I will try to make some patch to wordpress. If it is left as option and disabled as default it would be great.
Data can be transferred back to wordpress using md5 hash over known key and random value. Random value should be created during installation.