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  • W0tti


    I am having this issue also and disabling all other plugins hasn’t worked.

    I have also just updated to the latest version of the plugin, version 2.9.9

    Thread Starter W0tti


    I have managed to solve my issue which I will explain below:

    With this plugin, you get 4 fields by default, Name, Email, Subject and Message. I chose to disable all of the default fields and added my own. There are no error messages or warnings to say that you cannot disable all default fields but that is what the issue was. I simply started doing some tests by enabling the default fields (and deleting any duplicate fields that I may have added as a result of disabling the fields in the first place) and what do you know, the form finally worked.

    As mentioned previously, the emails have always been sending, its just the page was redirected to a search results page after you submitted the form. I simply enabled the default Name field (leaving the other 3 default fields disabled) and everything works fine.

    If the plugin developer reads this, maybe it is worth either fixing it so you can disable all 4 default fields or at least provide a warning message letting people know that the form won’t work if you do disable them all.

    Anyway, I hope this helps anyone in the future with the same/similar issue.



    Thread Starter W0tti


    I am not too sure what the server specs are but I will find out.

    I am using the Post name permalink structure which I use for all my sites and I have never had this problem before.

    Regarding the plugins, I have All In One SEO Park, Easy SMTP Mail and then the Fast Secure Contact form. I disabled the SEO and SMTP plugins and the contact form still submits, the email gets sent but the same search results page appears.

    This makes me think that it must be the server configuration.



    Thread Starter W0tti


    Hi there,

    I had the field ‘Enable an HTML anchor tag on the form POST URL.’ ticked so I un ticked it, tested it again and was greeted with the same search results page.

    Nothing else on the Advanced section is ticked.



    Thread Starter W0tti


    A link to one of the contact forms on the site might help…



    Thread Starter W0tti


    Hi mcd,

    Thank you so much for getting back to me.

    I will edit the code in the core file to show the email placeholder text then, that will be fine.

    That bit of CSS you found does exactly what I wanted so thank you very much for that, you’re a legend.

    Regarding the error messages, I think that would be a great feature to add. This is just my personal opinion, but I think if the corresponding box were to outline in a red border to indicate it is a required field instead of some text appearing above it, that would look much nicer.

    Anywho, thanks again for getting back to me.


    Thread Starter W0tti


    Okay, after some more digging, I managed to update my list on my site and the placeholder text appeared without me editing any of the code which is a good start. However, the email field doesn’t seem to have any placeholder text, how do I enable this?


    Thread Starter W0tti


    Hi Fathi,

    Sorry I didn’t respond sooner, been a hectic week.

    I used the linked you provided with one of my urls but I am not sure if that will help. Reason being, it will be slow for me and quick for Steve despite sitting next to each other which is the case right now. In a few days time (or maybe even in an hour or so, can never tell), it will switch and behave at a normal speed for me and a slow speed for Steve.

    Touching on my point in my first message, if it is an issue with our internet settings then I will have to speak to our internet providers. A test to see if the same issue occurs for you (or anyone else) would be to open one of websites on one computer and then open the same one on another computer (or on your phone/tablet) in the same house and see if one behaves slower than the other. We haven’t tested this outside where we currently work so if it works fine for you then it must definitely be our internet.

    If you do test it, if you could let me know that would be great.

    One of our sites is

    Many thanks,


    Thread Starter W0tti


    I am currently using WordPress version 3.6.1 and it says the latest version of the plugin is compatible up to 3.5.2.

    I installed it anyway, tested it where i received the file in dropbox but received no email.

    Is the compatibility the issue here do you think?


    Thread Starter W0tti


    Okay, I have managed to get the tabs to be visible now (they weren’t before which I just realised I hadn’t mentioned in my first post).

    The issue I am having is the next and previous buttons/arrows on the single line tabs doesn’t do anything. I click it but it doesn’t scroll across to the other tabs which I assume it should.

    Could someone please help me with this?


    Thread Starter W0tti


    Ignore my questions, I am an idiot.

    Now resolved.

    Hi Kellbot,

    Sorry to sound stupid, from what I have read (if I have read it correctly), the code you posted above allows you add a shortcode on any page you wish which calls upon the plugin?

    If that is the case, what is the shortcode I would need to use?

    Many thanks


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Pinterest image upload
    Thread Starter W0tti


    Okay Esmi,

    Thought as much but wanted to check just in case.

    Thanks for your help.

    Take care

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Pinterest image upload
    Thread Starter W0tti


    Hi Esmi,

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

    I am afraid as far as I can see, those plugins don’t don what I want as I think what I am after is fairly complex (and I may have to get a developer to code it if I really want it).

    I would like to be able to upload an image to a post/page, and in the options on the right hand side where you can choose the Alignment, the Link To and the Size, I would like another dropdown option which lets you select which Pinterest board to also upload that image to on Pinterest.

    Do you know if anything like this exists?

    Many thanks


    Thread Starter W0tti


    Ignore that first post as I have now fixed it.

    Missing bracket was the problem.


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