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I turned off siteground and the wp rocket plugin still does this.
This is weird, I seem to have disabled siteground, cloudflare, wp rock, and the preload feature in the theme.
Hi James Osborne,
PageSpeed Insights website and web.dev/measure test my website why won’t it load my CDN and how to make it load my CDN so I get a better score.My website cannot be detected by https://web.dev/measure/以及https://pagespeed.web.dev/, does it mean that this Google is also difficult to detect my website? Is it necessary for me to solve this problem, which leads to bad ranking and inclusion?
Is PageSpeed Insights pointing to my web host? My web hosting is Ali cloud, domain name points to the host, cname to cdn when accessing from abroad, SSL certificate is Amazon cloud, when I use China proxy to access the site http can be displayed, access https will report an error. When I use a US proxy to access the site, (https, http) are able to access the cdn cache normally. So should I do work in DNS resolution or Amazon cloud? I don’t know how PageSpeed Insights works.
Analysis given to me by an Amazon cloud technician:
PageSpeed Insights didn't show the result of your website. Because PageSpeed Insights is a 3rd party online web tool and it don't reveal more information for us to debug, we are not able to tell why PageSpeed Insights get error. I try to analyze your website [2] with HTTPS, it shows the following error message. When I change the url to HTTP version [3], the report can output successfully. The different results make no sense for me because the HTTP version response eventually redirects to HTTPS version. <code></code>
Unable to resolve https://xxxxx. . Try checking the URL for validity.`
PageSpeed Insights HTTPS – https://my site
PageSpeed Insights HTTP – https://my siteWhere is the josn file located? I tried to whitelist it, ①wp-includes/*
②same as wp-content/* ③wp-admin/* ④wp-login.php or other location?
Can you be more specific than my location, like wp-content → …… →……I’ve fixed this error, but it still doesn’t work properly with pagespeed.
I clear the cdn cache and it takes effect immediately, but that’s it too. Please send me where you found the anomaly and maybe I can decipher the problem, what did you use to find out that I have a record still pointing to http.
https://aws.amazon.com/cn/blogs/startups/how-to-accelerate-your-wordpress-site-with-amazon-cloudfront/,Is there a problem with behavior here? What should I add to it, or this what to change to HTTPS?You can take a look at that table about behavior.
When I turned off amazon cdn, both ways are now detected properly.
I set both the WordPress address (URL) and the site address (URL) to https, but it still doesn’t work, is it a problem with Amazon Cloud CDN.It seems to have worked fine before when I wasn’t using a CDN.
1.I have sent site health information, please reconfirm.
2. The same thing happens if you check from a Chrome incognito window.