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  • Thread Starter wadams92101


    I’ve been tinkering with your plugin for accessibility compliance. I’m no expert but when I put a screenreader on it, the screenreader either ignores the popup entirely or only reads it when I put a cursor on it. Given the number of lawsuits against websites for non-accessibility these days, that’s a concern. Would love to see your pop-up work with screenreaders. Please let me know if you address this issue. Thanks.

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    I just emailed you a screenshot of the WCAG scan of your sample pop-up. Don’t know if that works to do that. But it stated you had the empty button issue.

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    The following are allegations in a lawsuit I’m defending on behalf of a client, and I’m wondering if your form would at least pass these issues:

    1) Empty or missing form labels which presented a problem because if a form control does not have properly associated text label, the function or purpose of that form control may not be presented to screen reader users. Form labels provide visible descriptions and larger clickable targets for form controls.
    2) Empty buttons, which means that a button is empty or has no value text. When navigating to a button, descriptive text must be presented to screen reader users to indicate the function of the button: and
    3) Redundant Links where adjacent links go to the same URL address, which results in additional navigation and repetition for keyboard and screen reader users.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by wadams92101.
    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Haven’t heard back so I put in a second message on your website.

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Hi Paul, Just checking in. My coding ability is very limited, so I just want to make sure I followed your instructions correctly:
    1) Uploaded and activated your beta wp-author-avatar-master zip
    2) I used your replace_content code instead of what I had

    I’m still getting the same user-id alt text for all avatars. Did I miss something?

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Just did. Hope to talk with you soon.

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Thanks Paul: I put the code in the plugin UserList.clas.php. I’m still getting the “avatar for UrbDeZine” alt text for everybodies’ avatar. I sent you a screenshot via email. As noted above, the hacks to the child theme’s functions.php and the Add Local Avatar plugin’s avatars.php file fixed the alt text for avatars that display outside of your plugin. However, the avatars in the Author Avatars List plugin now displays the one-size-fits-all alt text.

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    OK, progress:

    I have three things defining avatar alt text: The Add Local Avatar plugin, the Author Avatars List plugin, and the Genesis child theme.
    I modified the Add Local Avatar plugin php file as follows (for {$alt} added)

    // WAA Mod to get name alt text.
    	$alt = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' );
    	$avatar = "<img src='{$src}' class='{$class} avatar-{$size} avatar-default' height='{$size}' width='{$size}' style='width: {$size}px; height: {$size}px;' alt='avatar for {$alt}'/>";

    It worked in the Featured Posts widget but made all the Authors List Avatars change to “avatar for UrbDeZine”

    I did the mod in the functions.php file from the article previously cited.

    function replace_content($text)
    $alt = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' );
    $text = str_replace('alt=\'\'', 'alt=\'Avatar for '.$alt.'\' title=\'Gravatar for '.$alt.'\'',$text);
    return $text;

    It worked for my avatar for my bio at the bottom of articles – figures because that is a Genesis themes feature.

    But now all the avatars in the AA-List plugin have identical alt text without the user name.

    What is the hack for the php file for Authors Avatar List plugin to make the alt text alt="Avatar for username" with username being the variable that identifies the correct name of user associated with the avatar?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by wadams92101.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by wadams92101.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by wadams92101.
    Thread Starter wadams92101


    This is what the firebug / chrome inspect is showing for the alt text:

    <img src="/avatars/johndoe-av.jpg" class="avatar avatar-90 avatar-default" height="90" width="90" style="width: 90px; height: 90px;" title="John Doe" alt="John Doe">

    I’d like the alt text to read alt="John Doe Avatar" or alt="Avatar for John Doe"

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    I’ve hacked it with display: none; and for some reason it still shows up as an error in the error accumulator on the side of the page but it doesn’t show up on the page itself, like it did before I hacked the CSS.

    On another WCAG issue, the alt text for the user avatars is showing the users’ names. This is triggering another WCAG alert for having alt text that is identical to adjacent text (the user names). I’d like to add the word “avatar” to the alt text with user name. I found this article with a code hack: It didn’t work for me. Is the alt text for the user avatars/ images in the Author List widget generated by the plugin or is the plugin passing it through from somewhere else?

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Hi Paul, I can send you a screenshot if you provide me a way to upload it to you. But basically, it just says:


    Empty heading
    What It Means
    A heading contains no content.
    Why It Matters
    Some users, especially keyboard and screen reader users, often navigate by heading elements. An empty heading will present no information and may introduce confusion.
    How to Fix It
    Ensure that all headings contain informative content.
    The Algorithm… in English
    A heading element is present that contains no text (or only spaces) and no images with alternative text.
    Standards and Guidelines
    Section 508 (o)
    1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)
    2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A)
    2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA)
    Icon index

    Since I used some custom html and a link in heading above the widget (using a text widget), I just want to leave the title field for the AA widget empty. But empty headers are an error for WCAG compliance. So if there was a way to turn off the title field, that would be perfect.

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Thank you both for your responses. As noted, I defend these lawsuits and also network with colleagues who do. It would be helpful to have some experts available to review websites for compliance modifications and occasional expert testimony. Joe, would you be interested? Claudio, I’m not sure of your expertise in this area but if you have expertise and interest, please let me know.

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Hi Ron, thanks for your responses. Does the setting to have the tags page not indexed by search engines apply when the plugin is set up to have the main blog receive the posts? I’m assuming so but just want to make sure I understand correctly.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by wadams92101.
    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Thanks Ron. I notice that as long as the sitewide tags plugin remains activated, the duplicate tags posts show a permalink of the original subdomain post? Is it the permalinks that the search engine bots look at? Am I worried about a problem that isn’t?

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Wow, interesting. Couldn’t I deactivate the old plugin then use this function to link the posts duplicated with the old plugin?

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