Forum Replies Created
i have only these block when i try to add or edit a form in surecart.
this is not the answer of my question. I know about the template
I am only looking for hook i can use to customize the required field i can reconstruct.
like a username field must be in html like
<div class=”someclass”>
</div>please notice label just after the input field.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Sync] Duplicate product imagescan we separate out the attribute and variation process instead that whole process like we have separate the image and gallery process?
Can we create shortcode For cpt like location is a post type. And how to get post Id Of cpt from current event Like I have get location id from current event [location location=”{{meta:_location_id}}”] #_LOCATIONNAME[/location]
How can we create these kind of variable {{event_start_date}}Thanks
Thanks Patrick for fast reply
But this is not what I was asking
Even in this slider how to get info of custom post types and additional taxonomies I have created organiser and speakersForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Sync] Duplicate product imagesprocess breaks if a product of eCommerce have a lot of attribute. can you please help to not break the process.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Sync] Duplicate product imagesI hope to hear back from you soon
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Sync] Duplicate product imagesYes I am talkig about this code. can you analyze that part of the code and makes it to perform well as i have question.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Sync] Duplicate product imagesany suggestion.
one product of oscommerce when move to woocommerce
new product create successfully
when i have debug I have seen
this product have 22 attributes and 2048 combo
it means that this product need to create 2048 new posts with product variation type
but at the end blank screen or temporarily resources not available seen.
and in final receive only new product in woocommerce but not attribute.
is there any way we could create all the variations as well. can it be done by using ajax?please suggest
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Sync] Duplicate product imageswith the updated plugin. the gallery attached images https://prntscr.com/lbtl5d not shown where the images attached. also is there any way to if image exist then used that image instead to upload same image again.also the delete image not work properly to delete images.
Hope to hear back from you soon.
thanks.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Sync] Duplicate product imagesyes that was the function.
actually i m using old version and it have modified according to my oscommerce requirements.
please take my question and i need solution how do i use same image for different products. please recode the image upload function in a way if a product image already uploaded then use that image instead to upload same product again.
i have disabled to use date folders.Thanks.