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  • Thread Starter wallyvianna


    I discover the problem: the image was WebP; I switch it to JPG.
    I’m trying use plugins like Optimole and Web-express to swap automactically these WebP images.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by wallyvianna.
    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    I discover the problem: the image was WebP; i switch it to JPG.
    I’m trying use plugins like Optimole and Web-express to swap automactically these WebP images.

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    I did a new WordPress installation, in other web derver, to test the Elementor menu Plugin.
    Seems that the Elementor do not works with the WordPress Theme Emmet-lite; I did tests with other themes reccomended by you – “Generate press”, for instance – and they work well.
    When I install the “NavMenu Addon for Elementor plugin” my WP installation (with Emmet-lite theme)
    – do not recognizes the Elementor header and footer.
    – crashes, as it never exists.
    This – ignore or crash – depends of host server where the Elementor plugin NavMenu is being isntalled.
    I do not discover what is the server problem/feature that causes this crash error.

    If you desire publish a list of web dervers and themes/plugins incompatibles or problematic, I can help you with more details.

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    I think this idea does not apply – the only plugins or themes installed were the Elementor and the theme of the site, which, in fact, works well with just the Elementor

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    I didn’t understood what that debug does, and how it works, but I will make a new WordPress install just to send you that error screen capture.

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    After plugin installation there no is message like “error database conection”, simply the wp site does not appears, as it never exists.

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    Recently I posted a question on forum but my post did not show up for me. Resended more than once, including a new category but nothing appeared.
    I received an email asking threads were discontinued.
    Apologize for the inconvenience. Don’t know it was a momentary problem or if the changed its interface (see my post only when you access my profile space).

    Thread Starter wallyvianna



    I got a WP site in construction at
    and I like to have a WP MultiUser (MU) to make easy buil a new version of site, in other language (avoiding to do a new WP installation).

    I was doing the WP MU configurations oriented by CODEX WP site:

    According to step 2, I added this string
    /* Multisite */
    define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );
    to wp-config.php

    this enabled at dashboard option at “tools > network setup”]

    After press the buttom “install” in this screen cited, opened a screen with 2 codes to add to .htaccess and wp-config.php files.
    The code of .htacess file

    “RewriteEngine on

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress”

    already was in my host/wordpress instalation. I do not change it.

    the code for wp-config.php file

    “define(‘MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false);
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘www.[DomainName]’);
    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’);
    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
    define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);”

    knocked down my WP site, and thsi message appears:

    “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/sasdepne/public_html/wp-config.php:1) in /home/sasdepne/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1121”

    What should I do to enable WP MU in my WP installation?
    Thanks a lot for any help,
    Wallace Vianna
    webdesigner, Brazil

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    Thanks for help, but the tips colored ALL background form fields (and not tExt color). I’ll try apply a colored image on background buttom, if it works…

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    Thanks a lot, I will try this solution.

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    Dear CrouchingBruin Member
    You have reached the point that I wanted to talk:

    “Fluid Layout theme. A fluid layout is like a fixed width layout, but the widths of the elements will change as the screen size gets narrower. The elements will stay in their same relative position. However, with a Fluid Layout, things start looking very squished together at narrow screen widths.”

    Can you recommend themes with fluid layout? A Fluid Layout can be modified (reducing the size of pictures, when the screen width is narrow, for instance) to be “less responsive” (not changing the page layout).

    I got a demand/project for WP themes that keep the sama layout in different devices, hence the reason of my question.

    Thanks for any reply.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: wordpress migration
    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    I found the WP official tutorial about WP (manual) Migration between servers; I did the step-by-step, but when I import the database on 2nd server this message appears:

    “Erro (Error)
    Comando (command) SQL:

    — Database: databasename-26-characters

    — ——————————————————–

    — Estrutura da tabela wp_commentmeta

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_commentmeta (

    comment_id BIGINT( 20 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,
    meta_key VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
    meta_value LONGTEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY ( meta_id ) ,
    KEY comment_id ( comment_id ) ,
    KEY meta_key ( meta_key )

    Mensagens do MySQL (SQL messages): Documenta??o (documentation)

    #1046 – No database selected”

    To understand the message, I read the SQL documentation at

    that says:
    “Error: 1046 SQLSTATE: 3D000 (ER_NO_DB_ERROR)
    Message: No database selected”

    Someone can help me?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Clone] StartLogic
    Thread Starter wallyvianna


    It seems that the WP Plugin do not works when the DataBank Server is not called “localhost”. Fix this issue should resolve incompatibilities problems (?).

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