Walter Viana
Forum Replies Created
In my case, I used the Hide my WP plugin for the first installation of my site more than two years ago and renamed the site administration url. Then I installed the kit site. I believe it must have been cached on the plugin’s servers. And so, after I did a standard installation, the authentication url remained the previous one. After a lot of breaking my head and experiencing a lot of stress here, I looked at your information and decided to check the URL I was returning, just change the path to the standard administration and the kit site came on time. In this situation, the option to reset the site kit does not appear. Only after this change in the url did the kit website allow us to reset everything. Thank you very much!
Here is the solution :
I think I finally found the error. When I click allow finish, it points to: the correct one is Just copy this url and put wp-admin in place of sysdataadm that Site Kitu correctly including the option to restart the site kit! Restart it and I finally got it! is finally working now! Thank you so much for everything!
I just reset my server. I deleted everything. I’m going to do a fresh install of wordpress (for the hundredth time!) and I’m going to try to install this damn plugin, which I need working on my site!
To be honest with you, I agree. This plugin does not work as intended. Bad code! impossible to make this crap work! I am experiencing unprecedented rage! This plugin is incompetent, inefficient, crap! I will have to wait! I agree!I’m about to give up on this crap!
- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Walter Viana.
I’ve already disabled cloudflare and it’s the same. I’ve been trying to solve the problem for 6 months.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Walter Viana.
diagnostic statusSite diagnostics shows you critical information about your WordPress settings and items that need attention.
1 recommended improvement
A scheduled event is late PerformanceThe litespeed_task_imgoptm_pull scheduled event did not run. Your site is still working, but this could indicate that scheduling posts or automatic updates won’t work as expected.
diagnostic status
Site diagnostics shows you critical information about your WordPress settings and items that need attention.
3 recommended improvements
You must remove deactivated plugins SecurityPlugins extend your site’s functionality with things like contact forms, online stores, and more. This means they have deep access to your site, so it’s vital to keep them up to date.
Your site has an active plugin and is up to date.
Your site has 28 plugins disabled. Deactivated plugins are tempting targets for attackers. If you don’t use a plugin, we recommend that you remove it.
Manage your plugins
Manage deactivated plugins
You must remove disabled themes SecurityThemes change the look of your site. It’s important to keep them up to date so they’re consistent with your brand and to keep your site safe.
Your site has 3 themes installed and they are all up to date.
Your site has 2 themes disabled, not listing Twenty Twenty which is your theme in use. We recommend removing any unused themes to improve your site’s security.
manage your themes
A scheduled event is late PerformanceThe action_scheduler_run_queue scheduled event did not run. Your site is still working, but this could indicate that scheduling posts or automatic updates won’t work as expected.
Status do diagnóstico
O diagnóstico do site mostra informa??es críticas sobre as configura??es do seu WordPress e itens que precisam de aten??o.
3 melhorias recomendadas
Você deve remover plugins desativados Seguran?aOs plugins estendem a funcionalidade do seu site com coisas como formulários de contato, lojas virtuais e muito mais. Isso significa que eles possuem acesso profundo ao seu site, por isso é vital mantê-los atualizados.
Seu site tem um plugin ativo e está atualizado.
Seu site tem 28 plugins desativado. Plugins desativados s?o alvos tentadores para atacantes. Se você n?o usar um plugin, recomendamos que você o remova.
Gerenciar seus plugins
Gerenciar plugins desativados
Você deve remover temas desativados Seguran?aTemas alteram o visual do seu site. é importante mantê-los atualizados para que fiquem consistentes com a sua marca e para manter seu site seguro.
Seu site tem 3 temas instalados e todos est?o atualizados.
Seu site tem 2 temas desativados, n?o listando Twenty Twenty, que é seu tema em uso. Recomendamos a remo??o de qualquer tema que n?o esteja sendo usado para melhorar a seguran?a do seu site.
Gerenciar seus temas
Um evento agendado está atrasado DesempenhoO evento agendado action_scheduler_run_queue n?o foi executado. Seu site continua funcionando, mas isso pode indicar que agendamento de posts ou atualiza??es automáticas n?o funcionar?o como o esperado.
The information you requested in the example is the same as the one I sent! There is no other field with information anymore.
diagnostic status
Site diagnostics shows you critical information about your WordPress settings and items that need attention.
2 recommended improvements
You must remove deactivated plugins Security
You must remove disabled themesStatus do diagnóstico
O diagnóstico do site mostra informa??es críticas sobre as configura??es do seu WordPress e itens que precisam de aten??o.
2 melhorias recomendadas
Você deve remover plugins desativados Seguran?a
Você deve remover temas desativadosI just did everything you indicated and sent it as information again. Google site kit doesn’t give me data reset option
I managed to find the option to reset the kit site, and it still gives 404 error after all the tedious process.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Walter Viana.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Walter Viana.
I’ve done all these steps, reset my server and reinstalled my WordPress from scratch about 15 times. I’ve tested with other Google plugins and they all work! Only this plugin that doesn’t. Am I blocked on a Google server? Because my other site works the kit site correctly. It just doesn’t connect Adsense. Am I blocked for any reason on Google’s servers?