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  • Thread Starter Walton


    Amazing! Thank you!!! Also for what it’s worth, since you seem to be an official person, I’ll share my opinion, kill the block editor, kill it with fire. For 15 years, I loved working with WordPress, learned so much from fiddling with it, told everyone to get it. Now I look at my blog as a burden, a chore, everything is tilted toward developers, not normal users like me who want to be creative and play and have control. The block editor was the last straw, so many damn menus to search through just to put a picture next to a bloody line of text!

    People ask why I’m still on WordPress and I sigh and say I really don’t have time to figure anything else out so I’m stuck like a spouse you no longer love or a dead-end job. That’s my “brand image” of WordPress.

    Thread Starter Walton


    What you have to do: click on the separator-block on the 3 points > click on “insert after” > choose the Block to use after the separator Block.

    Thanks! So is there any rhyme or reason to when those little red plus things pop up? Sometimes I see them, then I move my cursor to press them and they disappear! It’s so very annoying.

    Thread Starter Walton


    a script is adding the background-image to that div so the code is inline. That will override your CSS in a style sheet. The !important, makes your CSS more, well… important thus overriding the inline style.

    Got it. Thanks for explaining that.

    Totally agree. I hate Gutenberg and every time I am forced to interact with WordPress, I get more and more frustrated with fewer redeeming values except that learning a new blogging system would take more time than figuring out Guternberg. For 15 years, I used to post weekly, tweak my blog design, tweak plugins, play with themes. I adored WordPress. I told my friends to use it. I posted code (I’m an English teacher who majoted in philosophy!) Ever since Gutenberg I procrastinate every time I have to do anything with my website. I scream at the computer. I wept openly once with frustration.

    If it was a better CMS (which it used to be when custom post types and taxonomies were prominent. I LOVED those!!!) or WooCommerce didn’t force you to pay for every step, I would be able to put it out of my mind. But I have to say that Classic Editor makes me no longer want to slit my wrists everytime I’m forced to blog.

    Thread Starter Walton


    Thanks for noting the colon error. I did have it correct in my code, but the ‘!important’ worked.

    Out of curiosity, why does it need to be ‘!important’? One of the things that drives me nuts about CSS is those little things like that. Sometimes you need to do it this way or that way, sometimes you don’t!

    Thread Starter Walton


    Thanks for seeing what I meant!

    I have been feeling the blocks editor suck my will to use my website for quite some time and so I am back to the Classic Editor and my enthusiasm for WordPress has returned! Placing images to my own specs looks nicer anyway, to me!!

    Thread Starter Walton


    Thanks! That solved the problem!

    Thread Starter Walton


    Brilliant! Yes, I used to adore WordPress and learned quite a bit of programming from it back in the day. Now it’s all too far over my head!

    Have a great day!

    Thread Starter Walton


    Thanks! I hadn’t seen block patterns so that’s good to know about and the shift-enter thing works ok, but I wish there was a way to make it look nicer, but it works ok!

    Thread Starter Walton


    Thanks for your help and positive attitude!

    I did use classic editor then everyone said blocks is so much better, and I find it does nothing for me. I desperately want to use classic editor again, but I’m so scared if I turn on the classic editor again, it’ll screw up my posts that were made in blocks. I posted that question once and never got a clear answer!

    I had been using it and then someone said I should try Guternberg so I did and I still want to stab knives through my eyeballs every time I have to use WordPress (I used to love it). So if I activate classic editor, that doesn’t do bad things to posts that used Gutenberg does it?

    Thread Starter Walton


    Tried to post an idea but I’m not signing up for another account. I already have 10 Woocommerce and and forum and shmorum accounts and I never know what is what and who is who. I’m not signing up for an account for the WooCommerice IDea board seperate from all my other automatic logins. But thanks for the thought!

    Thread Starter Walton


    OK, Look at this screenshot from the page I mentioned above:
    The covers in the row of 3 book covers are all the same size.
    But the covers in the row of 4 book covers are all the same size as each other. However they are smaller than the book covers in the row of 3 book covers.

    Now Look when I pick 2 handpicked products. It’s a row of 2 so the book covers are both even bigger than the book covers in the row of 3. The images aren’t high enough quality so they are starting to get blurry. I would like to be able to handpick 1 or 2 products and have the covers still be smaller.

    Or is this a glitch? Because this happens to me every time. The block expands proportionally to the width of the post so the more columns the smaller the images (fine great) but the fewer columns, the bigger the image! Picking one item (and I notice that NO demo sites ever show that, they always show people picking three items because that looks pretty good) makes for this HUGE image that is often longer than my post and half the time it’s blurry!

    I often write blogposts and then say “to learn more buy X book” In the old days before Gutenberg, I could float the cover image right or left and then link to the page. Now that we are in the times of technology making life more and more complicated, I can’t do that, so I’m forced to use the Handpicked Product block and it drives me insane that it makes my posts look like crap.

    The blurriness is because I’m forced to use a giant image but I’m trying not to upload huge images, over 800 pixels (per your own recommendations by the way).

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Walton.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Walton.

    I don’t understand what you mean by redundant link removed.

    Thread Starter Walton


    I know this isn’t CSS. As I said, I can’t find the CSS but this is the kind of weird crap I see.This is the kind of thing the CSS Looked like though. “style” {“font-family”{sans-serif}}”

    Weird crap like that. It was probably something similar. Stupid me thought the code editor was there in case normal human beings wanted power over their blogs! I thought it would let me edit code or something LOL!

    In the before times, you could add space between things in a post by using <br> or by using inline styles, no problem. I was hoping the code editor gave me that freedom back but I see now that I have no right to decide what my blog looks like!

    I don’t want to change the spacing between every block simultaneously. I want to be able to add padding or margins to particular blocks at particular times. Like when you group blocks, it adds all this extra padding or margin that looks like crap! I don’t see how taking control away from people is a good thing!

    If I had the time to get a new theme and redo everything, I’d spend that time learning a new blogging system honestly!

    Thread Starter Walton


    I guess I should have copied it. It was all over one post with blocks so I assumed all blocks look like this. But here’s some weird html with “” and {} in it. And the whole thing is commented out with <– –> so how does it even get read?
    <!– wp:image {“align”:”center”,”id”:1370,”width”:366,”height”:512,”linkDestination”:”custom”} –>
    The style thing was the same “” around everything and {} around everything totally weird.

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