thanks for the reply whooami. I’ve also heard that aggregating content is a good way to get banned from google adsense and be removed from listings due to their policy on duplicate content. But if you take a look at and take a look at that guys camera phone and digital camera blogs, it’s obvious he’s pulling all his content from other sites. Whether he has permission to do this or not i don’t know, but he is very successful with adsense and the blogs are listed with google. This is what i dont understand. What is your opinion on these blogs?
EDIT: Also let me clarify on what i was planning to do with my blog. I was going to offer origional content such as free wallpapers and i was also going to sell my own services from my blog. I was going to use rss feeds to publish news and reviews on my blog, but it by no means was going to be 100% of the blogs content. It would be more like a space filler. Something interesting to read on the blog as well as my own origional content. Basically is was going to be simalar to the photoblog or cameraphone blog on . Again what are your opinions on this approach?