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  • washburn


    I’ve had a related problem: I’ve been unable to get the Flickr Gallery (the grid of thumbnails, not just a single photo) to appear centered on the WordPress Page where I’ve installed it.

    Putting “float=”center” doesn’t seem to have any effect. I’ve also tried inserting “ { text-align: center }” as suggested above at several points in my blog’s .css file, to no avail.

    I’ve experimented with several sorts of float and text=center instructions, but not of these seem to move the Flickr Gallery to the middle of the column.

    Does anyone have any ideas (or perhaps just a more detailed explanation of the idea that Dan suggested above) about an effective method of getting the Flickr Gallery centered? Would appreciate any suggestions.

    podz–I had a similar problem with my sidebar. It looked fine in Firefox, but jumped down the page in IE. When I reduced it as suggested, it sort of fixed the problem, but now in both Firefox and IE, the sidebar has some background showing up around its top and right edges.

    I wonder if you might provide any info. on how to position this properly? I’m quite inexperienced at this sort of thing (my website is at ). I’d much appreciate any help you can provide.

    A further note: in the code you provide above, it looks like at least one line doesn’t display properly. It looks like something got chopped-out of the fifth line from the bottom. Is something missing there? Maybe that’s the issue.

    Also, I note that the Black letter-head based website seems to use a header image that’s 760×200 px–so it would seem that it must be possible to use images larger than 740×192. (see

    One (dumb) question. The example above refers to two image files–“/images/yourimage.jpg” and “images/yourpersonalheader.jpg”–should this code really refer to two separate images, or should these file names really be the same?

    If it’s two different images, what image, aside from the one to be used in the header, is refered to here?

    Maybe a dumb question, but whatever.

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