Hi – FYI to Forum Members:
I see that https://kidsfoodallergiesblog.com has an wordpress theme – HeatMapTheme.com
I am writing this forum to let you all know that I had to file a DMCA Complaint against him because he is an article thief.
Here is the article he stole from me – 1 of them:
Here is my site link where he stole it from:
And my Ezine Article link – Also where he stole my article from:
As you can see, this is a blatant example of article theft. I can’t stand a thief.
Since he is an article thief, I also contacted his advertisers and hosting site and will be delighted to give him some free publicity on social media.
An honorable business person would delete this kind of person from their pool of affiliates lest they be linked to a dishonorable thief.
Thank you,
Mischelle Watkins- [signature moderated]