Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YouTube Advanced Embed] sidebars disappearedYes if I delete the video the sidebars reappear. I can put a video on a post page and it’s fine, but even if I just put the video by itself on a page the sidebars disappear. I did a work around by using an iframe.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Easy Columns] Can't click columnssame problem. What am I missing? should I set something up somewhere? The pop shows up and I can insert div but not columns and I don’t get how to use the combinations.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Extra File Types] adding a file typeYou are so awesome! The only problem is that it’s bld(BLD) not bid.
Sorry for not typing it in caps last time. maybe just next time you are in there you could change it.Thanks again for the really cool plugin!
Just wondering if it would be easier if you had it set up so people could just type in their file types and then the plugin would go and do the magic inside WP to add the file types? Really have no idea how you make this work, it’s all magic to me but it just seems like it’s a lot of work for you and there are so many file types.
Thanks again
PattiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Surveys] Some feature requestsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] how to make tables w/ Rows & ColumnsYes
[formaway_open numcols=”6″ col2=”Building 6 Banquet Hall” theme=”silver-bullet” heading=”Tentative Schedule” hcolor=”silver”]Tentative ScheduleForum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] iframe using a shortcode?I think I found a work around.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] iframe using a shortcode?still having this problem. I looked up on my html webpage forum a solution and they say to … To break out of an inline frame you can set the target of the link to ‘_parent’
is there a way to do this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Users] Send later or save for laterdarn. thanks for the quick reply.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Customize Email sent to respondentThat was it. Thanks again for the really nice plugin. I’m starting to get the hang of it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Customize Email sent to respondentI changed that and it doesn’t change the email. I checked and tried again and even though the box at setup>mail>respondent no longer has Dear in it, it still goes to the original email that starts out with Dear #_RESPNAME,. I was able to change the subject for the email, but not the body.
Also is there a way to test the email without me registering for an event?
Or is there a way to have it use the default WP emails? I use a plugin called WP Better Emails and it sends a really nice looking email for all of the plugins that use the default wp email.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Customize Email sent to respondentwhere do I change the email that is sent to the person that books the event?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] is it possible to show events list on a html page?Works Great! Thanks for the nice plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] iframe using a shortcode?I’m not sure why but the link above worked when clicked on it. but if you type in the url https://www.aibdca.org it will open for a second and then it auto goes to the events list https://wp.aibdca.org/event-list/
I’ve tried it on several computers and IE FF and chrome same thing happens.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] iframe using a shortcode?yes I did that https://wp.aibdca.org/event-list/
And then I put that page into an iframe in my html page https://www.aibdca.org/
Click on this and it will take you to the html page and then auto take you to https://wp.aibdca.org/event-list/
Ok for some reason it works when you click on the link above but if you type in the url it auto opens the fileaway iframe page.
Also is there a way to have the iframe background white? I just started looking through the tutorials.
PattiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] iframe using a shortcode?Well maybe not.
What I want to do is I have a timely calendar event list I want to display on my html home page and I want to strip off the wp header and widgets. that’s what I’m using the fileaway iframe for.So I made my fileaway iframe and inserted it into my html home page. I did this by making an html iframe linking to the fileaway iframe page. Now when you open the html home page the iframe page steals the show and auto opens to the fileaway iframe page. I have done wp iframes on my html page before w/o the fileaway iframe and not had this problem.
maybe I’m over thinking this? I’s there an easier way?
WOW I just reread this and it’s a lot of WOW.. sorry. hopeful you can understand what I’m trying to do.