Forum Replies Created
See here for a quick solution:
In my opinion it was correct to use forward-slash “/” for an URL and the PHP-const DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR only for a PATH.
So DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is wrong in this place, because https://…/nggallery.css is an URL.
The problem is also described here: https://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php/topic/18012-to-use-directory-separator-or-not-to-use-it/
Please try to simply replace all 12 DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR with ‘/’ or “/”This should work…
Tested Version: NextGEN Gallery 2.0.12 / WP 3.6 / local XAMPP/Win7
OK – the problem is the PHP-const “DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR”. If i echo DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR in my local xampp-windows-test-environment it shows “\”.
If i add 2 lines to class.netxgen_style_manager.php:
var $forward_slash=”; // line 1
function __construct()
$this->forward_slash=’/’; // line 2and replace all const “DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR” with “$this->forward_slash”
it works locally under xampp/windows. In this case forward-Slash should work under Windows and Unix.
Topic of this thread are the hyperlink-buttons in TinyMCE and the table-buttons in TinyMCEAdvanced-Plugin. These buttons now work in NextGEN 2.0.11. (now you can click on these buttons – before they were grayed out) At least for me.
Maybe you mean something else with the error description “links do not work”?This error is fixed in the latest beta 2.0.10:
An official version is expected on Monday.
Just tested: In 2.0.10 the error is resolved. Similarly, the TinyMCE Advanced table editing now works correctly.
This problem still appears in 2.0.10:
Another Problem with “ngg_attach_to_post_tinymce_plugin.js”:
Clicking the NextGEN-ATP-Button and then clicking another Interface-Button – like text,word (TinyMCE) or in the above example:pictures (TinyMCE-Advanced) – destroys temporarily the title-line and close-button of other Tiny-MCE-Interfaces.
Perhaps a problem with the onOpen/onClose-Functions.
It looks like that the following code-line currently does not work for all users: (only works for a update if galImages was previously set)
$maxElement = $ngg_options[‘galImages’];
for example you can simply hard-code:
$maxElement = 10; // 10 is the number of thumbs per page
Try to add this: (in the modified file nggSearch.php)
global $nggRewrite;
if (class_exists(“nggRewrite”)) $nggRewrite=new nggRewrite();after
function __construct() {
// no NextGEN Gallery, no addon
if (!class_exists(‘nggGallery’) )
–>hereand pagination should work ??
The error has been corrected. The table handling in TinyMCE Advanced works for me fine now. You can replace this file:
or wait for the next version – maybe 2.09 – release maybe today.
To get this hack work in IE the local browser cache must be deleted.
Sorry: I mean line 78
If I change the line 74 from the file “ngg_attach_to_post_tinymce_plugin.js” to
/* return false; */
return true;both does work. (the hyperlink button and the table handling in TinyMCEAdvanced)
The error must be somewhere in this code-area. Please check.
Unfortunately it does not work properly. Although the TinyMCE-Advanced-tables-icons appear with this trick, but the editing of the table is still almost impossible. You have to disable NextGEN or TinyMCEAdvanced to edit a table properly. ??