Forum Replies Created
For edit tables: Click <text>-editor and then back <visual>-editor or try the <bold>-Trick after you are clicking on the table. Both should work…
Same problems here:
Another Problem with “ngg_attach_to_post_tinymce_plugin.js”:
Clicking the NextGEN-ATP-Button destroys title-line and close-button of other Tiny-MCE-Interfaces.
Yes I have to do this each time when I edit a new/other page…
I can also drag the editor window larger or press any other button (except the NextGEN-ATP-Button) after I’ve selected some text. After that procedure the hyperlink-button works again.
If I add my own CSS-file under OtherOptions->Styles->own.css it looks like this in the source-code:
<link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’nggallery-css’ href=’https://localhost/wp-contentngg_stylesown.css?ver=3.6′ type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />
If i use OtherOptions->Styles->default-styles and add some code it looks like this:
<link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’nggallery-css’ href=’https://localhost/wp-contentngg_stylesnggallery.css?ver=3.6′ type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />Maybe it’s a (local) windows-problem.
I have 28 plugins deactivated simultaneously. Only nextgen 2.0.7 was left. The Hyperlink error unfortunately remained. (locally tested under Win7 and https://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html)
I think the problem is in the “ngg_attach_to_post_tinymce_plugin.js”
BTW: If I select some text and then press <B> (bold) once or twice -> then the hyperlink button is working again.
Same problem here (Win7/xampp-test-environment):
Local-Example-Screenshot: https://s7.directupload.net/file/d/3346/y6yleyby_jpg.htm
It works normally again if I deactivate NextGEN 2.0.7
Sure ? I’ve added that code to your style.css (download/offline-site) and it works: (firefox&chrome)
In NextGEN 2.0.7 nggallery.css doesn’t work, because slashes are missing in path. (in my case)
You can try to add something like this to your theme-css (style.css):
.widget_slideshow .ngg_slideshow {
}ah and delete the line:
require_once (dirname (__FILE__) . ‘/lib/media-rss.php’);food for thought:
My “quick&dirty-solution”:
1 Goto …/nextgen-gallery/nggfunctions.php (Version 1.9.13 !!!)
2 Copy the complete
function nggCreateGallery($picturelist, $galleryID = false, $template = ”, $images = false) {
return $out;
3 Goto …/nggSearch/nggSearch.php
Paste the complete function nggCreateGallery at the end of the file just before ?>
4 At the top of the function nggCreateGallery add after line “global $nggRewrite;” this code:
if (class_exists(“nggRewrite”)) $nggRewrite=new nggRewrite();Some CSS-Hacks amd it works like before…
Please optimize if anyone has time – or offer a better solution… ??
In nextgen 2.02 beta ( https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/nextgen-gallery-latest-beta/ ) you can choose “no effect” as lightbox-effect. (after deactivate, update to 2.02, reactivate and login/logout/login)
On my site photoswipe works with this setting. (WP 3.6)This should work:
$Width = ‘145px’;
$Height = ‘100px’;
if (class_exists(“C_Widget”))
$example = new C_Widget();
?>This seems to work:
$example = new C_Widget();
?>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery, Sliders, Proofing and Themes - NextGEN Gallery] RandomImagesOk – this seems to work:
$example = new C_Widget();