Forum Replies Created
Hi qwik3r,
See below for my entire file. This worked for me.
Matt<?php /* Plugin Name: Post Expirator Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/post-expirator/ Description: Allows you to add an expiration date to posts which you can configure to either delete the post or change it to a draft. Author: Aaron Axelsen Version: 1.4 Author URI: https://www.frozenpc.net */ // Default Values $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat = 'l F jS, Y'; $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat = 'g:ia'; $expirationdateDefaultFooterContents = 'Post expires at EXPIRATIONTIME on EXPIRATIONDATE'; $expirationdateDefaultFooterStyle = 'font-style: italic;'; // Detect WPMU function postExpirator_is_wpmu() { return file_exists(ABSPATH."/wpmu-settings.php"); } // Timezone Setup function postExpiratorTimezoneSetup() { if ( !$timezone_string = get_option( 'timezone_string' ) ) { return false; } @date_default_timezone_set($timezone_string); } // Add cron interval of 60 seconds function postExpiratorAddCronMinutes($array) { $array['postexpiratorminute'] = array( 'interval' => 60, 'display' => __('Once a Minute') ); return $array; } add_filter('cron_schedules','postExpiratorAddCronMinutes'); /** * Add admin notice hook if cron schedule needs to be reset */ function postExpirationAdminNotice() { if (postExpiratorCronStatus() === false) { echo '<div class="error fade" style="background-color:red;"><p><strong>Post Expirator cron schedules need to be reset. <a href="'.admin_url('options-general.php?page=post-expirator.php&tab=upgrade').'" style="color: blue;">Click here to reset</a></strong></p></div>'; } } add_action('admin_notices','postExpirationAdminNotice'); /** * Function that does the actualy deleting - called by wp_cron */ function expirationdate_delete_expired_posts() { global $wpdb; postExpiratorTimezoneSetup(); $result = $wpdb->get_results('select post_id, meta_value from ' . $wpdb->postmeta . ' as postmeta, '.$wpdb->posts.' as posts where postmeta.post_id = posts.ID AND posts.post_status = "publish" AND postmeta.meta_key = "expiration-date" AND postmeta.meta_value <= "' . mktime() . '"'); if (!empty($result)) foreach ($result as $a) { $post_result = $wpdb->get_var('select post_type from ' . $wpdb->posts .' where ID = '. $a->post_id); if ($post_result == 'post') { $expiredStatus = strtolower(get_option('expirationdateExpiredPostStatus')); } else if ($post_result == 'page') { $expiredStatus = strtolower(get_option('expirationdateExpiredPageStatus')); } else { $expiredStatus = 'draft'; } if ($expiredStatus == 'delete') wp_delete_post($a->post_id); else { wp_update_post(array('ID' => $a->post_id, 'post_status' => 'draft')); delete_post_meta($a->post_id, 'expiration-date'); update_post_meta($a->post_id, 'expiration-date', $a->meta_value, true); } } } if (postExpirator_is_wpmu()) add_action ('expirationdate_delete_'.$current_blog->blog_id, 'expirationdate_delete_expired_posts'); else add_action ('expirationdate_delete', 'expirationdate_delete_expired_posts'); /** * Called at plugin activation */ function expirationdate_activate () { global $current_blog,$expirationdateDefaultDateFormat,$expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat,$expirationdateDefaultFooterContents,$expirationdateDefaultFooterStyle; update_option('expirationdateExpiredPostStatus','Draft'); update_option('expirationdateExpiredPageStatus','Draft'); update_option('expirationdateDefaultDateFormat',$expirationdateDefaultDateFormat); update_option('expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat',$expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat); update_option('expirationdateFooterContents',$expirationdateDefaultFooterContents); update_option('expirationdateFooterStyle',$expirationdateDefaultFooterStyle); update_option('expirationdateDisplayFooter',0); postExpiratorTimezoneSetup(); if (postExpirator_is_wpmu()) wp_schedule_event(mktime(date('H'),0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')), 'postexpiratorminute', 'expirationdate_delete_'.$current_blog->blog_id); else wp_schedule_event(mktime(date('H'),0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')), 'postexpiratorminute', 'expirationdate_delete'); } register_activation_hook (__FILE__, 'expirationdate_activate'); /** * Called at plugin deactivation */ function expirationdate_deactivate () { global $current_blog; delete_option('expirationdateExpiredPostStatus'); delete_option('expirationdateExpiredPageStatus'); delete_option('expirationdateDefaultDateFormat'); delete_option('expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat'); delete_option('expirationdateDisplayFooter'); delete_option('expirationdateFooterContents'); delete_option('expirationdateFooterStyle'); if (postExpirator_is_wpmu()) wp_clear_scheduled_hook('expirationdate_delete_'.$current_blog->blog_id); else wp_clear_scheduled_hook('expirationdate_delete'); } register_deactivation_hook (__FILE__, 'expirationdate_deactivate'); /** * adds an 'Expires' column to the post display table. */ function expirationdate_add_column ($columns) { $columns['expirationdate'] = 'Expires <br/><span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: normal;">(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM)</span>'; return $columns; } add_filter ('manage_posts_columns', 'expirationdate_add_column'); add_filter ('manage_pages_columns', 'expirationdate_add_column'); /* Adds a custom section to the "advanced" Post and Page edit screens */ function myplugin_add_custom_box() { if( function_exists( 'add_meta_box' )) { add_meta_box( 'myplugin_sectionid', __( 'My Post Section Title', 'myplugin_textdomain' ), 'myplugin_inner_custom_box', 'post', 'advanced' ); add_meta_box( 'myplugin_sectionid', __( 'My Post Section Title', 'myplugin_textdomain' ), 'myplugin_inner_custom_box', 'page', 'advanced' ); } else { add_action('dbx_post_advanced', 'myplugin_old_custom_box' ); add_action('dbx_page_advanced', 'myplugin_old_custom_box' ); } } /** * fills the 'Expires' column of the post display table. */ function expirationdate_show_value ($column_name) { global $wpdb, $post; $id = $post->ID; if ($column_name === 'expirationdate') { postExpiratorTimezoneSetup(); $query = "SELECT meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = \"expiration-date\" AND post_id=$id"; $ed = $wpdb->get_var($query); echo ($ed ? date('Y/m/d H:i',$ed) : "Never"); } } add_action ('manage_posts_custom_column', 'expirationdate_show_value'); add_action ('manage_pages_custom_column', 'expirationdate_show_value'); /** * Add's hooks to get the meta box added to post */ function expirationdate_meta_post() { add_meta_box('expirationdatediv', __('Post Expirator'), 'expirationdate_meta_box', 'post', 'advanced', 'high'); } add_action ('dbx_post_advanced','expirationdate_meta_post'); /** * Add's hooks to get the meta box added to page */ function expirationdate_meta_page() { add_meta_box('expirationdatediv', __('Post Expirator'), 'expirationdate_meta_box', 'page', 'advanced', 'high'); } add_action ('edit_page_form','expirationdate_meta_page'); /** * Add's hooks to get the meta box added to custom page types */ function expirationdate_meta_custom() { $custom_post_types = get_post_types(); foreach ($custom_post_types as $t) { add_meta_box('expirationdatediv', __('Post Expirator'), 'expirationdate_meta_box', $t, 'advanced', 'high'); } } add_action ('edit_form_advanced','expirationdate_meta_custom'); /** * Actually adds the meta box */ function expirationdate_meta_box($post) { // Get default month postExpiratorTimezoneSetup(); $expirationdatets = get_post_meta($post->ID,'expiration-date',true); if (empty($expirationdatets)) { $defaultmonth = date('F'); $defaultday = date('d'); $defaulthour = date('H'); $defaultyear = date('Y'); $defaultminute = date('i'); $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } else { $defaultmonth = date('F',$expirationdatets); $defaultday = date('d',$expirationdatets); $defaultyear = date('Y',$expirationdatets); $defaulthour = date('H',$expirationdatets); $defaultminute = date('i',$expirationdatets); $enabled = ' checked="checked"'; $disabled = ''; } $rv = array(); $rv[] = '<p><input type="checkbox" name="enable-expirationdate" id="enable-expirationdate" value="checked"'.$enabled.' onclick="expirationdate_ajax_add_meta(\'enable-expirationdate\')" />'; $rv[] = '<label for="enable-expirationdate">Enable Post Expiration</label></p>'; $rv[] = '<table><tr>'; $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">Month</th>'; $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">Day</th>'; $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">Year</th>'; $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;"></th>'; $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">Hour (24 Hour Format)</th>'; $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">Minute</th>'; $rv[] = '</tr><tr>'; $rv[] = '<td>'; $rv[] = '<select name="expirationdate_month" id="expirationdate_month"'.$disabled.'">'; for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { if ($defaultmonth == date('F',mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y")))) $selected = ' selected="selected"'; else $selected = ''; $rv[] = '<option value="'.date('m',mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y"))).'"'.$selected.'>'.date('F',mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y"))).'</option>'; } $rv[] = '</select>'; $rv[] = '</td><td>'; $rv[] = '<input type="text" id="expirationdate_day" name="expirationdate_day" value="'.$defaultday.'" size="2"'.$disabled.'" />,'; $rv[] = '</td><td>'; $rv[] = '<select name="expirationdate_year" id="expirationdate_year"'.$disabled.'">'; $currentyear = date('Y'); if ($defaultyear < $currentyear) $currentyear = $defaultyear; for($i = $currentyear; $i < $currentyear + 8; $i++) { if ($i == $defaultyear) $selected = ' selected="selected"'; else $selected = ''; $rv[] = '<option'.$selected.'>'.($i).'</option>'; } $rv[] = '</select>'; $rv[] = '</td><td>@</td><td>'; $rv[] = '<input type="text" id="expirationdate_hour" name="expirationdate_hour" value="'.$defaulthour.'" size="2"'.$disabled.'" />'; $rv[] = '</td><td>'; $rv[] = '<input type="text" id="expirationdate_minute" name="expirationdate_minute" value="'.$defaultminute.'" size="2"'.$disabled.'" />'; $rv[] = '<input type="hidden" name="expirationdate_formcheck" value="true" />'; $rv[] = '</td></tr></table>'; $rv[] = '<div id="expirationdate_ajax_result"></div>'; echo implode("\n",$rv); } /** * PHP Code to be executed by ajax function call - currently nothing happens */ function expirationdate_ajax_process() { // Gather Values $enable = $_POST['enable']; die(0); } add_action ('wp_ajax_expirationdate_ajax','expirationdate_ajax_process'); /** * Add's ajax javascript */ function expirationdate_js_admin_header() { // use JavaScript SACK library for Ajax wp_print_scripts( array( 'sack' )); // Define custom JavaScript function ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function expirationdate_ajax_add_meta(expireenable) { var mysack = new sack("<?php expirationdate_get_blog_url(); ?>wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"); var expire = document.getElementById(expireenable); if (expire.checked == true) { var enable = 'true'; document.getElementById('expirationdate_month').disabled = false; document.getElementById('expirationdate_day').disabled = false; document.getElementById('expirationdate_year').disabled = false; document.getElementById('expirationdate_hour').disabled = false; document.getElementById('expirationdate_minute').disabled = false; } else { document.getElementById('expirationdate_month').disabled = true; document.getElementById('expirationdate_day').disabled = true; document.getElementById('expirationdate_year').disabled = true; document.getElementById('expirationdate_hour').disabled = true; document.getElementById('expirationdate_minute').disabled = true; var enable = 'false'; } mysack.execute = 1; mysack.method = 'POST'; mysack.setVar( "action", "expirationdate_ajax" ); mysack.setVar( "enable", enable ); mysack.encVar( "cookie", document.cookie, false ); mysack.onError = function() { alert('Ajax error in looking up elevation' )}; mysack.runAJAX(); return true; } //]]> </script> <?php } add_action('admin_print_scripts', 'expirationdate_js_admin_header' ); /** * Get correct URL (HTTP or HTTPS) */ function expirationdate_get_blog_url() { global $current_blog; $schema = ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) ? 'https://' : 'https://'; if (postExpirator_is_wpmu()) echo $schema.$current_blog->domain.$current_blog->path; else echo get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/'; } /** * Called when post is saved - stores expiration-date meta value */ function expirationdate_update_post_meta($id) { if (!isset($_POST['expirationdate_formcheck'])) return false; $month = $_POST['expirationdate_month']; $day = $_POST['expirationdate_day']; $year = $_POST['expirationdate_year']; $hour = $_POST['expirationdate_hour']; $minute = $_POST['expirationdate_minute']; if (isset($_POST['enable-expirationdate'])) { postExpiratorTimezoneSetup(); // Format Date $ts = mktime($hour,$minute,0,$month,$day,$year); // Update Post Meta delete_post_meta($id, 'expiration-date'); update_post_meta($id, 'expiration-date', $ts, true); } else { delete_post_meta($id, 'expiration-date'); } } add_action('save_post','expirationdate_update_post_meta'); /** * Build the menu for the options page */ function postExpiratorMenuTabs($tab) { echo '<h2>'._('Post Expirator Options').'</h2>'; echo '<p>'; echo '<a href="'.admin_url('options-general.php?page=post-expirator.php&tab=general').'"'.(empty($tab) || $tab == 'general' ? ' style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration:none;"' : '').'>General Settings</a> | '; echo '<a href="'.admin_url('options-general.php?page=post-expirator.php&tab=upgrade').'"'.($tab == 'upgrade' ? ' style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration:none;"' : '').'>Upgrade</a>'; echo '</p><hr/>'; } /** * */ function postExpiratorMenu() { $tab = $_GET['tab']; echo '<div class="wrap">'; postExpiratorMenuTabs($tab); if (empty($tab) || $tab == 'general') { postExpiratorMenuGeneral(); } elseif ($tab == 'upgrade') { postExpiratorMenuUpgrade(); } echo '</div>'; } /** * Hook's to add plugin page menu */ function postExpiratorPluginMenu() { add_submenu_page('options-general.php','Post Expirator Options','Post Expirator',9,basename(__FILE__),'postExpiratorMenu'); } add_action('admin_menu', 'postExpiratorPluginMenu'); /** * Show the Expiration Date options page */ function postExpiratorMenuGeneral() { if ($_POST['expirationdateSave']) { update_option('expirationdateExpiredPostStatus',$_POST['expired-post-status']); update_option('expirationdateExpiredPageStatus',$_POST['expired-page-status']); update_option('expirationdateDefaultDateFormat',$_POST['expired-default-date-format']); update_option('expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat',$_POST['expired-default-time-format']); update_option('expirationdateDisplayFooter',$_POST['expired-display-footer']); update_option('expirationdateFooterContents',$_POST['expired-footer-contents']); update_option('expirationdateFooterStyle',$_POST['expired-footer-style']); echo "<div id='message' class='updated fade'><p>Saved Options!</p></div>"; } // Get Option $expirationdateExpiredPostStatus = get_option('expirationdateExpiredPostStatus'); if (empty($expirationdateExpiredPostStatus)) $expirationdateExpiredPostStatus = 'Draft'; $expirationdateExpiredPageStatus = get_option('expirationdateExpiredPageStatus'); if (empty($expirationdateExpiredPageStatus)) $expirationdateExpiredPageStatus = 'Draft'; $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat = get_option('expirationdateDefaultDateFormat'); if (empty($expirationdateDefaultDateFormat)) { global $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat; $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat = $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat; } $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat = get_option('expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat'); if (empty($expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat)) { global $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat; $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat = $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat; } $expireddisplayfooter = get_option('expirationdateDisplayFooter'); if (empty($expireddisplayfooter)) $expireddisplayfooter = 0; $expireddisplayfooterenabled = ''; $expireddisplayfooterdisabled = ''; if ($expireddisplayfooter == 0) $expireddisplayfooterdisabled = 'checked="checked"'; else if ($expireddisplayfooter == 1) $expireddisplayfooterenabled = 'checked="checked"'; $expirationdateFooterContents = get_option('expirationdateFooterContents'); if (empty($expirationdateFooterContents)) { global $expirationdateDefaultFooterContents; $expirationdateFooterContents = $expirationdateDefaultFooterContents; } $expirationdateFooterStyle = get_option('expirationdateFooterStyle'); if (empty($expirationdateFooterStyle)) { global $expirationdateDefaultFooterStyle; $expirationdateFooterStyle = $expirationdateDefaultFooterStyle; } ?> <p> The post expirator plugin sets a custom meta value, and then optionally allows you to select if you want the post changed to a draft status or deleted when it expires. </p> <p>Valid [postexpiration] attributes: <ul> <li>type - defaults to full - valid options are full,date,time</li> <li>dateformat - format set here will override the value set on the settings page</li> <li>timeformat - format set here will override the value set on the settings page</li> </ul> </p> <form method="post" id="expirationdate_save_options"> <h3>Defaults</h3> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign-"top"> <th scope="row"><label for="expired-post-status">Set Post To:</label></th> <td> <select name="expired-post-status" id="expired-post-status"> <option<?php if ($expirationdateExpiredPostStatus == 'Draft'){ echo ' selected="selected"';}?>>Draft</option> <option<?php if ($expirationdateExpiredPostStatus == 'Delete'){ echo ' selected="selected"';}?>>Delete</option> </select> <br/> Select whether the post should be deleted or changed to a draft at expiration time. </td> </tr> <tr valign-"top"> <th scope="row"><label for="expired-page-status">Set Page To:</label></th> <td> <select name="expired-page-status" id="expired-page-status"> <option<?php if ($expirationdateExpiredPageStatus == 'Draft'){ echo ' selected="selected"';}?>>Draft</option> <option<?php if ($expirationdateExpiredPageStatus == 'Delete'){ echo ' selected="selected"';}?>>Delete</option> </select> <br/> Select whether the page should be deleted or changed to a draft at expiration time. </td> </tr> <tr valign-"top"> <th scope="row"><label for="expired-default-date-format">Date Format:</label></th> <td> <input type="text" name="expired-default-date-format" id="expired-default-date-format" value="<?php echo $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat ?>" size="25" /> (<?php echo date("$expirationdateDefaultDateFormat") ?>) <br/> The default format to use when displaying the expiration date within a post using the [postexpirator] shortcode or within the footer. For information on valid formatting options, see: <a href="https://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php" target="_blank">PHP Date Function</a>. </td> </tr> <tr valign-"top"> <th scope="row"><label for="expired-default-time-format">Time Format:</label></th> <td> <input type="text" name="expired-default-time-format" id="expired-default-time-format" value="<?php echo $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat ?>" size="25" /> (<?php echo date("$expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat") ?>) <br/> The default format to use when displaying the expiration time within a post using the [postexpirator] shortcode or within the footer. For information on valid formatting options, see: <a href="https://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php" target="_blank">PHP Date Function</a>. </td> </tr> </table> <h3>Post Footer Display</h3> <p>Enabling this below will display the expiration date automatically at the end of any post which is set to expire.</p> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign-"top"> <th scope="row">Show in post footer?</th> <td> <input type="radio" name="expired-display-footer" id="expired-display-footer-true" value="1" <?php echo $expireddisplayfooterenabled ?>/> <label for="expired-display-footer-true">Enabled</label> <input type="radio" name="expired-display-footer" id="expired-display-footer-false" value="0" <?php echo $expireddisplayfooterdisabled ?>/> <label for="expired-display-footer-false">Disabled</label> <br/> This will enable or disable displaying the post expiration date in the post footer. </td> </tr> <tr valign-"top"> <th scope="row"><label for="expired-footer-contents">Footer Contents:</label></th> <td> <textarea id="expired-footer-contents" name="expired-footer-contents" rows="3" cols="50"><?php echo $expirationdateFooterContents; ?></textarea> <br/> Enter the text you would like to appear at the bottom of every post that will expire. The following placeholders will be replaced with the post expiration date in the following format: <ul> <li>EXPIRATIONFULL -> <?php echo date("$expirationdateDefaultDateFormat $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat") ?></li> <li>EXPIRATIONDATE -> <?php echo date("$expirationdateDefaultDateFormat") ?></li> <li>EXPIRATIONTIME -> <?php echo date("$expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat") ?></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr valign-"top"> <th scope="row"><label for="expired-footer-style">Footer Style:</label></th> <td> <input type="text" name="expired-footer-style" id="expired-footer-style" value="<?php echo $expirationdateFooterStyle ?>" size="25" /> (<span style="<?php echo $expirationdateFooterStyle ?>">This post will expire on <?php echo date("$expirationdateDefaultDateFormat $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat"); ?></span>) <br/> The inline css which will be used to style the footer text. </td> </tr> </table> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" name="expirationdateSave" value="Save" /> </p> </form> <?php } function postExpiratorCronStatus() { $names = array('expirationdate_delete','expirationdate_delete_'); // WPMU if (postExpirator_is_wpmu()) { global $current_blog; $names[] = 'expirationdate_delete_'.$current_blog->blog_id; } $results = array(); foreach ( $names as $name ) { array_push($results,wp_get_schedule($name)); } foreach ( $results as $result ) { if ($result == 'hourly') return false; } return true; } /** * Reset all cron schedules for Post Expirator Plugin */ function postExpiratorResetCron() { postExpiratorTimezoneSetup(); if (postExpirator_is_wpmu()) { global $current_blog; wp_clear_scheduled_hook('expirationdate_delete_'.$current_blog->blog_id); wp_schedule_event(mktime(date('H'),0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')), 'postexpiratorminute', 'expirationdate_delete_'.$current_blog->blog_id); } else { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('expirationdate_delete'); wp_clear_scheduled_hook('expirationdate_delete_'); wp_schedule_event(mktime(date('H'),0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')), 'postexpiratorminute', 'expirationdate_delete'); } } function postExpiratorMenuUpgrade() { if (isset($_POST['reset-cron-schedules'])) { postExpiratorResetCron(); echo "<div id='message' class='updated fade'><p>Reset Cron Scheules!</p></div>"; } $status = postExpiratorCronStatus(); if ($status) $cronstatus = '<span style="color:green">OK</span>'; else $cronstatus = '<span style="color:red">RESET NEEDED</span>'; ?> <form method="post" id="postExpiratorMenuUpgrade"> <h3>Upgrade</h3> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign-"top"> <th scope="row"><label for="reset-cron-schedules">Reset Cron Schedules:</label></th> <td> <input type="submit" name="reset-cron-schedules" id="reset-cron-schedules" value="Reset" /> Status: <?php echo $cronstatus; ?> <br/> Resets the cron scheduler and removes any old or stray entries. </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } // [postexpirator format="l F jS, Y g:ia" tz="foo"] function postexpirator_shortcode($atts) { global $post; $expirationdatets = get_post_meta($post->ID,'expiration-date',true); if (empty($expirationdatets)) return false; extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'dateformat' => get_option('expirationdateDefaultDateFormat'), 'timeformat' => get_option('expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat'), 'type' => full, 'tz' => date('T') ), $atts)); if (empty($dateformat)) { global $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat; $dateformat = $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat; } if (empty($timeformat)) { global $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat; $timeformat = $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat; } if ($type == 'full') $format = $dateformat.' '.$timeformat; else if ($type == 'date') $format = $dateformat; else if ($type == 'time') $format = $timeformat; return date("$format",$expirationdatets); } add_shortcode('postexpirator', 'postexpirator_shortcode'); function postexpirator_add_footer($text) { global $post; // Check to see if its enabled $displayFooter = get_option('expirationdateDisplayFooter'); if ($displayFooter === false || $displayFooter == 0) return $text; $expirationdatets = get_post_meta($post->ID,'expiration-date',true); if (!is_numeric($expirationdatets)) return $text; $dateformat = get_option('expirationdateDefaultDateFormat'); if (empty($dateformat)) { global $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat; $dateformat = $expirationdateDefaultDateFormat; } $timeformat = get_option('expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat'); if (empty($timeformat)) { global $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat; $timeformat = $expirationdateDefaultTimeFormat; } $expirationdateFooterContents = get_option('expirationdateFooterContents'); if (empty($expirationdateFooterContents)) { global $expirationdateDefaultFooterContents; $expirationdateFooterContents = $expirationdateDefaultFooterContents; } $expirationdateFooterStyle = get_option('expirationdateFooterStyle'); if (empty($expirationdateFooterStyle)) { global $expirationdateDefaultFooterStyle; $expirationdateFooterStyle = $expirationdateDefaultFooterStyle; } $search = array( 'EXPIRATIONFULL', 'EXPIRATIONDATE', 'EXPIRATIONTIME' ); $replace = array( date("$dateformat $timeformat",$expirationdatets), date("$dateformat",$expirationdatets), date("$timeformat",$expirationdatets) ); $add_to_footer = '<p style="'.$expirationdateFooterStyle.'">'.str_replace($search,$replace,$expirationdateFooterContents).'</p>'; return $text.$add_to_footer; } add_action('the_content','postexpirator_add_footer',0);
‘IF’ I ever get time…
I will look to make a branch of this plugin and add this new feature if the developer has truly given up ??
MattFYI have managed to get this to work with custom post types.
Add the following
/** * Add's hooks to get the meta box added to custom page types */ function expirationdate_meta_custom() { $custom_post_types = get_post_types(); foreach ($custom_post_types as $t) { add_meta_box('expirationdatediv', __('Post Expirator'), 'expirationdate_meta_box', $t, 'advanced', 'high'); } }
At line 179
This worked for me ??
If the developer could add this to the next release, i would be happy ??
would be great to have this functionality out the box.
Hi starcomputersupport,
Found a work-around, it’s not pretty but it does work…
$post_id = 2955; $queried_post = get_post($post_id); $content = $queried_post->post_content; $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content); echo $content;
Create a page, place the shortcode in the page, then note the id of that page, swap your id for mine (2955) and paste the above code where you want the contact form to appear, boomshanka! – there’s the form ??
Like i said, not pretty, but it does work!
MattForum: Plugins
In reply to: 'category__and' for custom taxonomy?Really? No one else has had this problem? ??
This seems to have resolved itself for me. I think this is due to the account owner has started to tweet again which they hadnt in 3 weeks while the marketing manager was on holiday. Seems odd that the system would ignore the older tweets though?
– Matt
Hi Kirilln,
Thanks for the super swift reply!
The site can be found here: https://yellowbuses.base-dev.com/
Have a quick look about and let me know your initial thoughts. If I change the user to my personal account this will show tweets fine. I know the account in mention hasn’t posted since July 27th – but shouldn’t the widget just find their most recent tweets regardless of the time frame?
Any help you can offer would be most appreciated,
Thanks Kirilln,
– Matt