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  • Thread Starter wearesaintly



    I thought I had fixed this problem but it still seems to be there today.

    Is it possible on mobile view to have the viewer click the event and go to a new page that has the even details?

    I am able to do this on desktop but I’d like this same preference on mobile view.

    Can you help me choose this if it already exists or let me know what I can do to have this?

    I have a lot of youtube videos on each event and in the pop down method, all of the videos don’t load and the whole app and website look slow.



    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    Hi Joe,

    Any idea if we can get it back to the way it was before?

    It doesn’t seem like adding an iframe html video code to the text editor should be something that goes out with an update.



    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    I’m guessing it would be this one that has excessive code changes to the back end upon updates.

    I’ve highlighted the one that could be the issue. But, you’re the expert so I’m sure you know even better than I would.


    Backend Changes:

    • Replaced date picker with the Duet Design Systems accessible date picker.
    • Accessibility & usability improvements to adding additional occurrences to an event. (DB change)
    • Add support for custom fields on locations. See demo at Github
    • Extensive back-end user experience changes.
    • Link location title to edit screen in location manager
    • Improve checkbox labeling in event manager.
    • Improve button labeling in nav ordering.
    • Add row actions to Location manager.
    • Add support for custom columns in location manager.
    • Bug fix: use aria tab panels properly in settings.
    • Removed upgrade cycles & associated code for upgrading from version 2.3.x (last release in 2015.)
    • Support aria-sort on sortable tables.
    • Locations support both descending & ascending sort.
    • Bug fix: pagination when sorting in event manager.
    • Update settings configuration for default calendar URL.
    • New setting to control whether plugin settings are removed on uninstall.
    • Text changes for clarity & simplification
    • Change ‘Short Description’ to ‘Excerpt’ for clarity
    • Collapse ‘Event Groups’ and ‘Events List’ into a single screen.
    • Inline help pop-ups
    • Show event count for category links.
    • Add settings manager to My Calendar primary view page.
    • Updated recurring events input method.
    • Add category during event creation.
    • Make event bulk actions a dropdown.
    • With Google Maps API, auto query lat/lon data for locations.
    • Add calendar view for navigating events in admin.
    • Simplify featured image support.
    • Use checkboxes to select categories in widgets & shortcode generator.
    • Show warning if screen has unsaved changes
    • Template tag & event template previews.

    Bug fixes:

    • Bug fix: Deleting a location from the location manager should not send user to the location editor.
    • Bug fix: row action links not properly labeled.
    • Bug fix: row action links not becoming visible on focus.
    • Bug fix: PHP warning on installations without saved locations.
    • Bug fix: Screen options weren’t able to retrieve user settings correctly.
    • Bug fix: Event manager displayed recurring event options on single event editing screens.
    • Bug fix: Form overflows in responsive views.
    • Bug fix: Need breaking container in map bubble after location name.
    • Bug fix [a11y]: Ensure focus isn’t loss in sortable lists; announce change via wp.a11y.speak.
    • Bug fix: If no previous or next event, generated numerous PHP errors.
    • Stylesheet previewer in Design manager.
    • Only show “special scheduling options” when relevant.
    • Add Help tab to explain statuses.
    • Add color picker to CSS variable UI

    Frontend changes:

    • Add front-end location view.
    • Update default custom templates.
    • Support filtering by multiple locations in calendar shortcodes or by filter.
    • Change: use a stateful heading for all calendar views.
    • Change: Support AJAX navigation on date select form.
    • Bug fix: Override custom select styles from Twenty Twenty One
    • New: recurring-event classes in event lists.
    • Rewrote Google Maps scripting
    • New SVG category icons, sourced from Font Awesome (
    • New default stylesheet: twentytwentyone.css
    • Individual display settings for different calendar views
    • Creates demo content on initial installation.
    • Enable pretty permalinks by default on new installations
    • Add accessibility fields as a default event output.
    • Removed RSS feeds.
    • Always show event title in pop-up.
    • Update default date/time formatting.
    • Support search in calendar navigation.
    • Support category dropdown in calendar navigation.
    • Support location dropdown in calendar navigation.
    • Support accessibility feature dropdown in calendar navigation.
    • Support ld+json data for events and locations.
    • Changed heading structure for main calendar view.
    • Add event number to list view and event number hint in mini view.
    • ‘Show recurring’ flag in upcoming events list.
    • Upcoming events list should not wrap empty value in ul
    • New default stylesheet

    Developer Changes:

    • New actions: ‘mc_event_happening’, ‘mc_event_future’, ‘mc_event_over’ executed whenever an event is compared to the current time, usable for automatic transitions and notifications.
    • Filter: ‘mc_output_is_visible’ to determine whether a given display feature should be shown on calendar.
    • Disable sending email notifications for Spam events. Add action to optionally handle spam notifications.
    • Remove the process shortcodes option. Shortcodes can be disabled using ‘mc_process_shortcodes’ filter.
    • Published documentation to
    • New filter to add custom permissions. ‘mc_capabilities’
    • New filter for event details mc_event_detail_{value}
    • Started work on documenting filters and actions.
    • Code reorganization. (definitley this one)
    • PHP 8.0 compatibility.

    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    Hi Joe,

    Any update on why the plugin is not working properly anymore?



    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    Okay this time, I reverted my website back to a couple of days ago before I changed anything with my calendar plugin.

    I chose NOT to click either of those options at the top hoping that it would just stay the same and I could continue using it as usual.

    I changed the text in my calendar entry for today and also updated 1 video using the html text editor.

    It showed up fine when I went back to the “view” mode but once I clicked on “update” all of my videos disappeared from the entry.

    Also, I have this event repeating yearly until 2032. When I click on update, sometimes this stays as it should and sometimes it reverts back to “does not repeat” and is missing from my calendar when I go to my website until I go back to the event and change it again to have it repeat yearly and save it again.

    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    I am using the latest version of the plugin now. Version 3.4.10.

    However, it says this at the top of the plugin. If I click either option, it messes up the CSS style regarding my H1 bold styling and my youtube video html that I used to be able to put in the text editor without any problem.

    “The CSS Style editor will be removed in My Calendar 3.5. Migrate custom CSS into the My Calendar custom directory at?/wp-content/plugins/my-calendar-custom/.?Migrate CSS now?Keep My Calendar’s styles?Learn more

    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    I reverted my website back to a previous version a couple of days back and it fixed the issue.

    Then, when i went to my calendar app, it asked me to update and either migrate or keep my current css.

    This time, I chose to press “keep my current css”.

    The same issues occured..

    All of my bolden H1 header texts went down to paragraph mode.

    Also, when I updated only the text in an event, once saved, all of the videos disappeared.

    What can we do to fix this?

    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    I just tried editing a different event in my calendar for March 6th. It did have 4 videos on it with bold text. As soon as I updated only the text on the event and clicked “update”, the bold and italicized style along with all the pictures and videos went away.

    It used to look similar to this event before I updated it…

    Please help.

    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    Okay, so I’m thinking it’s actually the CSS code when I use the text html editor.

    My CSS style is not working with any of my new events that I create once I make the event.

    The titles are supposed to be bold and they are not. The video iframe codes I put in are not working either.

    I had a message at the top of the screen that asked me to migrate css code or keep my code. I clicked on Migrate and I think it changed my wp- trail in my html code for my site and I don’t know how to edit this back so that the styles and the videos work like they used to before I migrated the css and updated the plugin.

    Please help and advise.

    I think you calendar is amazing and I want to keep using it like I was able to before.



    Thread Starter wearesaintly


    I think it may have something to do with the embedding iframe videos in the html classic editor format in your plugin.

    I was able to “add media” and insert the video an an [embed] code.

    However, I was unable to center the video as there still seems to be glitches.

    Previously in your plugin, I was able to edit the post and embed the videos in the html the same way I would when writing a post in the classic editor.

    Can you please fix this?

    I tried rolling back the plugin update with WP Rollback plugin but this still did not fix the issue.

    I got the emails to send!!

    I’m very excited about that.

    However, now I’m having an issue with the email formatting.

    I’ve created a new ticket topic for that.

    Do you have any suggestions for me?

    Thanks so much!

    I still am having an issue sending emails to all of my subscribers. I have the Arigato Pro version now and have set up a cron job that is working but it isn’t sending my emails to the rest of my list. It sends to my email address that I have subscribed to so that I can see the emails and but it is not sending to my husband’s email address who is also subscribed.

    Why is this?

    Thank you both for the help!

    @prasunsen, with those recommendations from @sterndata, do you think we could figure out what could be causing the emails to not be sent?

    Thanks so much.

    I am using Easy WP SMPT.
    I viewed the log there also and didn’t see my husband’s email perhaps showing an error there as well.

    I understand all that you are referring to but in my case, I only have 9 subscribers and Arigato is only sending my email to 3 of them.

    It sends it to my email twice per day and I can see that the second one was sent 6 hours after the first one.

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