Thanks for the tips! Very informative and I’ve learned a lot. Ran in to some trouble though.
$querydate = date('Ymd',strtotime($provided_date));
query_posts('m=' . $querydate . '&showposts=-1');
$count = $wp_query->post_count - 1;
$first_post_ID = $wp_query->posts[$count]->ID;
That’s the code I’ve used, and with The Loop you mentioned above, it does indeed show an excerpt of EVERY post made that day. I inserted some echo commands, and it turns out that the failing line of code appears to be:
$count = $wp_query->post_count - 1;
This value, no matter what date is inserted, is always “-1”.
Because of this, $first_post_ID always ends up being the same and the “if” statement is triggered for each post.
I’m really scratching my head over this one!