Aaron Brown
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Latest Update (v3.1) Removed Font Style OptionsWhich font do you have selected? Also, what are the notices at the bottom of the page under the “Font List Synchronization” heading?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Latest Update (v3.1) Removed Font Style OptionsThanks for letting us know @mlmjr. Do you mean that there are no options to choose from, or that your previous setting is now blank?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] How do I change all fonts in Custom Community theme?Hello Ryann,
Taking a quick look at your theme shows that the Google fonts plugin settings are being overruled in the CSS set by your custom theme (just to confirm what you thought).
One way to overrule the overrulings is to add a CSS selector that trumps the others to each element you want to your custom CSS box in WP Google Fonts for your font. So, for your specific theme something like:
#outerrim h1{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;} #outerrim h2{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;} #outerrim h3{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;} #outerrim h4{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;} #outerrim h5{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;} #outerrim h6{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;} #outerrim blockquote{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;} #outerrim p{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;} #outerrim li{ font-family:"Lato", arial, sans-serif;}
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Undefined index Notice/ErrorThanks @ken90. We’ll address this in the upcoming release. In the mean time, if you want you can edit the following line, which should take care of the issue.
On line 802 replace:
if(isset($this->options[$option]) && $this->options[$option]){
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Admin Page Crashes BrowserThanks everyone. We’ve greatly improved this for the next release, which will be out soon!
In the mean time, if you’re using Firefox with the developer’s toolkit installed, you can turn the toolkit off for the Google Fonts Admin page and it will help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Not working after sign out from admin panelHave you resolved this issue @sumitsipani? If not, can you please give us more details or a link to your site?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Admin Page Crashes BrowserThanks for letting us know @nathmie. You are the first to report this, but we do know that the options page currently creates a bunch of html to accommodate all of the available fonts and options, and this can slow down the page load time of the admin options page. We are currently working on a different method of loading the options to speed up the admin options page loading.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Fonts are not working in Firefox 3.0Yes, it is true @lavisrap. Prior to Firefox 3.5, it did not support @font-face, which is the method that Google Webfonts–and many other font replacement tools–uses.
There is a good article by John Daggett covering this issue here: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/06/beautiful-fonts-with-font-face/
You will need to find a different replacement method like sIFR. Here is a good round up of your choices: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/10/22/rich-typography-on-the-web-techniques-and-tools/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Settings Gone in WP 3.5@dchapple, have you made any progress on this? If not, can you explain further?
Is your screen completely blank when you go to the Google Fonts control panel, or just the part of the screen where you would expect to see options?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Not working half the timeThanks for digging into the issue @funsail.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] [Plugin: WP Google Fonts] Deprecate call user/rolesThanks again Pierre. We have now written changes to correct these notices in the upcoming version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] [Plugin: WP Google Fonts] Deprecate call user/rolesThanks for finding that @bozz and @pierre. We will update it in v3.0.2.
In the mean time, you can change “function_admin_link()” in wp-content/plugins/wp-google-fonts/google-fonts.php from:
add_options_page('Google Fonts', 'Google Fonts', 10, basename(__FILE__), array(&$this,'admin_options_page'));
add_options_page('Google Fonts', 'Google Fonts', 'manage_options', basename(__FILE__), array(&$this,'admin_options_page'));
The only change is making the ’10’ be ‘manage_options’.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] [TEMP FIX] Settings won't save after upgrading WP to 3.5@sewebdev, thanks for the post. I help develop the plugin and we haven’t heard this issue from anyone else. Can you please give me some more information? Did you have the latest version (v3.0) of WP Google Fonts plugin installed before your upgrade to 3.5? What version of WordPress were you upgrading from?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] Settings Gone in WP 3.5@zerogravitygraphics, did you find a resolution for this? I helped develop the plugin and would love to know more about your setup and the issue so we can iron it out.
We haven’t heard of this happening on others’ sites and our own test installations are also not showing the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Fonts] No Font List SynchronizationHey Alex,
That is really odd. The code above uses the exact same method as the WordPress Twenty Twelve theme to add the style to your theme header. However, on your site it is creating the same result as the WP Google Fonts plugin where it is outputting only the webfonts URL (https://fonts.googleapis.com/css) and not including its necessary query string (?family=Righteous:400|Open+Sans:400&subset=latin). It looks like something in your other plugins or theme set up is somehow stripping off the query string. If I had to guess, I would say that it is happening during the wp_enqueue_script action hook.
Here are a couple of options to possibly get around this. Before either of these, remove the temporary fix code from your functions.php file.
The most straightforward and sure way would be to add the following style information to your theme’s main CSS stylesheet (usually style.css):
@font-face { font-family: 'Righteous'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local('Righteous'), local('Righteous-Regular'), url(https://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/righteous/v2/w5P-SI7QJQSDqB3GziL8XT8E0i7KZn-EPnyo3HZu7kw.woff) format('woff'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local('Open Sans'), local('OpenSans'), url(https://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/opensans/v6/cJZKeOuBrn4kERxqtaUH3T8E0i7KZn-EPnyo3HZu7kw.woff) format('woff'); }
Another way would be to add the following line of HTML to your theme anywhere between the <head></head> tags (usually found in a header.php file):
<link rel='stylesheet' id='googlefonts-css' href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Righteous:400|Open+Sans:400&subset=latin' type='text/css' media='all' />