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  • Thread Starter Chris


    Thanks! That would be great! I think it would be most useful under Action Hooks and Filters on the FAQ page.

    It’s not fully compatible though and could easily be extended. That code is specifically for phone and phone2 fields that are not required. I’m probably going to extend it to handle replacing the default required text, and to show different error messages when phone2 is empty versus when it does not match. I’ll also add some comments to the code to help others understand what’s going on and where to make changes.

    Thread Starter Chris


    After looking at how some of the other validation is done, I realized the POST variables are accessible, so that worked out perfectly.

    For reference, here is how I did it (my fields were phone and phone2):

    function contact_form_phone2_validation($form_errors, $form_id_num){
      if ( isset( $_POST['phone2'] ) ) {
        $phone  = FSCF_Util::clean_input( $_POST['phone'] );
        $phone2 = FSCF_Util::clean_input( $_POST['phone2'] );
        if ( ( !empty($phone) && empty($phone2) ) || ( !empty($phone) && ($phone != $phone2) ) ) {
          $form_errors['phone2'] =  __( 'The two phone numbers did not match.', 'si-contact-form' );
      return $form_errors;
    add_filter('si_contact_form_validate', 'contact_form_phone2_validation', 1, 2);

    Thread Starter Chris


    Thanks mbrsolution, but yes I’ve read what’s on that URL – it helped me get as far as I have.

    That won’t work will it? From what I understand, that is for after validation and is just to edit the field before it is sent in an email. I need it to validate that the two phone number fields match and show an error message if they are not the same.


    Hi Daniel,

    Is there any chance of getting bbPress support soon? I’d happily pay for the Pro version to get it.

    Outside of native support, do you think it is possible to use the shortcodes and API to make it work?

    The main feature I’m trying to figure out is to let visitors rate the topic when they post a reply, which is similar to posting a rating along with a comment on a post. I want to use star ratings, so maybe the rating can be submitted when they click a star and submit it via AJAX, but I definitely need to avoid a separate submit button.

    I also want to show the visitor’s rating along with their reply and I want to show an aggregate rating of all topics in a forum, but I’m pretty sure I can figure out queries for that data.

    Any info is much appreciated!

    FYI: If you can make this work, you can surely beat the competition. The only other option I’ve found is Rating Widget which charges a small monthly fee or about $300, and that’s out of my price range. You could even release this as an addon to the Pro plugin.


    Thread Starter Chris


    Sorry for my absence, I’ve been really busy with other projects. Looks like there was a little confusion over us working together, but it sounds like everything is cleared up now.

    I just wanted to confirm that the problem appears to be fixed. Sorry I didn’t post back earlier. Thanks for the quick fix!

    Thread Starter Chris


    Oh, and there are no errors in the error log, just a couple of warning from the theme and theme plugins – not causing any problems there.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hmm, everything else works fine. I tried deactivating and deleting the plugin and reinstalling it, which deleted all the ads, so then I imported the ads into the database from a backup. The start and end dates were all reset back to January 1, 1970, except two (odd). I tried updating the dates but it still does the same thing.

    At least the “extend for one year” works, but if we can figure this issue out it would be better.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Sorry for the confusion, I didn’t mean the schedules feature, I’m just using the start and end dates. When I set the end date to a date in 2030, it is not saving the setting properly. The new end date is shown on the Manage Ads page, but when I go in to view the details of the ad, the end date still shows a date in 2013.

    Also, is there a way to just not have an end date? It wouldn’t fix whatever this bug is, but it would solve my problem.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hmm, I thought I already responded to this with the exact same question as B-P. The links are also seen on the “All Ads” page.

    I can only assume this is something added by a recent change in WordPress core and how it shows custom post types. Datafeedr should update the plugin to remove those links.

    My error, those styles are loaded dynamically and are not part of the styles.css.

    Add this to the end of the styles.css:

    #menu {z-index: 99 !important;}

    Hi Rachel, the element your looking for is the #menu element.

    A little ways down in your stylesheet, look for this:

    /* Menu */
    #menu {clear: both;font-size: 1.4em;font-weight: bold;z-index: 1;position:relative;width:100%;}

    Change the z-index to 2 or 99, like this:

    /* Menu */
    #menu {clear: both;font-size: 1.4em;font-weight: bold;z-index: 99;position:relative;width:100%;}

    Thread Starter Chris


    Thanks, I had the same idea and tried that. It returned no results. I’m going to do some more testing to see what the query returns normally, or maybe I got something wrong. I will review this later today.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Actually I figured part of it out. You can not use the default code because it uses the $this variable which is only available within the class.

    I know there is a way to refer to the class, but I do not see where the class is instantiated. How do I refer to $this?

    It is the exact same code as is found within the output function.

    It could be a number of things. You say it has a simple menu, could it be that that template does not support drop-down sub-menus? Otherwise, it could be the z-index on one of the other div wrappers, or it could be something else entirely different. Start a new topic and post the site address so we can check it out.

    THIS TOPIC IS SPECIFICALLY FOR ISSUES WHERE THE “SLIDER HIDES DROP-DOWN MENU”. IF THIS IS NOT THE PROBLEM YOU HAVE, PLEASE START A NEW TOPIC! No offence intended, but it can be confusing to others when we post back and forth on unrelated issues.

    @valeriacordero, I do not see the problem. I do not see the main menu and I do not see any caption text. Let us know if you have already fixed it.

    If this is not related to the original problem posted here, please start your own topic.

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