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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate FAQ Accordion Plugin] Step by step guideHi Oliver,
I know it would be a lot easier for a Ultimate FAQ dev to see the page or post in question. Go ahead an publish it (not draft) and paste the link here. I’m sure a support team member will be able to help you. More than likely it’s a really easy fix. 9 out of 10 times problems like the one you’re having is due to an incompatible plugin. Try disabling all your other plugins one at time to find the culprit it in fact that’s the issue.
On a separate matter however, the rule of thumb is that if you are using WordPress, if you want to give yourself the best odds of getting found on Google predominantly, if you want the best compatibility with most popular WordPress plugins – then you do NOT use any other theme other than one developed by StudioPress.com. Period! Trust om on this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate FAQ Accordion Plugin] Step by step guideHi Oliver,
While I may not have the answer, I have been learning a lot about uFAQ. Is there a specific page or post you could refer us to see if I can help? One thing that’s quite easy to do is to have a space after opening bracket and before the closing bracket. If you copy and paste their short code as I did from their documentation page, you’ll notice that the shortcodes have spaces after the opening bracket and before the closing bracket. Probably so that it’s easier for us to read.
Make sure you’re in Text mode on your page or post when you insert the shortcode and try removing the spaces, if you happened to have copied and pasted the shortcode like I did.
It should look like this:
[ultimate-faqs include_category=’dairy’]Not like this:
[ ultimate-faqs include_category=’dairy’ ]Obviously swap out the word “dairy” with your category slug name.
Hopefully that’s the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate FAQ Accordion Plugin] Change title of breadcrumbThanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found the file, made a backup and replaced the letters ‘FAQs’ with “Support”. I’ll make a note that we need to update this file again the next time the plugin gets updated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate FAQ Accordion Plugin] Change title of breadcrumbI’m almost certain that the breadcrumbs are being controlled by my theme. I’m using the Altitude Pro Theme from StudioPress.com. All their theme use their Genesis Framework.
Please check out these two links which might help solve the problem?
https://wpsites.net/web-design/change-breadcrumbs-in-genesis/The name of the page where I included the shortcode of [ultimate-faqs] is titled “featured”. This isn’t the page that is displaying the breadcrumbs, it’s the FAQ or post itself.
I can’t give you our actual web address here due to privacy reasons, but the URL to the FAQ looks like this:
https://domain.com/support/test-pageThe breadcrumb on this FAQ says:
You are here: Home/FAQs/Test PageThe word FAQs is a link that does work correctly, in that it does take you to:
https://domain.com/supportSince I’m pretty sure the breadcrumb is being controlled by my theme and based on the links I posted above to modify the breadcrumb, do you know what the code should be to replace the word FAQs with whatever my “FAQ Slug Base” is – in this case the word Support? I know I need to drop the code within the functions.php file of my theme.
So at the end of the day, I’d like to have our breadcrumbs say:
You are here: Home/Support/Test PageThanks a million for your awesome support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate FAQ Accordion Plugin] Using Ultimate FAQ instead of existing PostsWow great idea.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wpForo Forum] can users have private messages?Checkout this thread:
https://wpforo.com/community/general-discussions/private-messaging-between-users/#post-1800It’s coming soon. The one thing I noticed about the developers is that they really think about their updates and new releases. When they do something, they do it right. Your request and more is just around the corner.
They’ve come along way in a very very short time.
Good to hear it. Both Sendy and Word fence are amazing. Thanks.
I’d like to know as well.
Thanks – I had to remove the plugin from a staging site we were using. Is there any way to scrub the mySQL database to remove all tables referencing the plugin. After uninstalling I noticed a lot a tables still hanging around.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Simple Hooks] Return to top of page – Not workingIronically I found a solution shortly after posting here:
Apparently Genesis dropped the #wrap div that used to make that back to top link work.
To fix, just get rid of the word wrap.
<div class="gototop"> <p><a href="#wrap" rel="nofollow">Return to top of page</a></p> </div>
<div class="gototop"> <p><a href="#" rel="nofollow">Return to top of page</a></p> </div>
I hope this helps someone else out. While I’m here I would like to ask if we even need this plugin if all we’re doing is adding copyright info to the bottom of each page. Is there now an easier way or should we still use this plugin?
I know if offers a lot of other uses but we’re not using it for that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blog Designer] Featured images are hugeThanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blog Designer] Featured images are hugeSorry I had a typo. My last question was whether or not there was a separate forum, not form.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blog Designer] Featured images are hugeI’m having the same issue and using a Genesis Framework child theme. Prior to using your plugin, the blog template included with my child theme suggested using a featured image of 150 x 150 px. When using your Evolution layout, those images are huge. I did notice however, that when using a larger featured image, that the images were much smaller when looking at my new page using this Evolution theme layout.
Could you please tell me size you’d recommend using for featured image that’s associated to a post? We’re not using any sliders on our site so the image size could be anything we want.
Great plugin by the way. I did upgrade to the Pro Version. Lastly, since I purchased the Pro Version, is there a separate form to post questions to, or should we post here on www.ads-software.com?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Custom Headers] WordFence Reporting Errors with this pluginHi Nick,
I deactivated your plugin and updated it. I ran a new WordFence scan and we’re getting a warning that gch-settings.php contains a link to https://genesistutorials.com as well. I see you removed the link from gch-metabox.php but not this gch-settings.php file. You may want to update that file as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Custom Headers] WordFence Reporting Errors with this pluginThanks Nick ~ Good to hear it and thank you for the quick reply. I had a feeling that was the case that’s why I posted here. It can take a while for Google to remove the warning once he removes any of his malicious code from his site. Hopefully it’ll get cleared up on his site soon.
Thanks again Nick.