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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 500 Internal ErrorIn 90% of cases such kind of problem can be solved by client and does not need Administrator rights.
Usually the error “500 Internal Server Error” appears when:.php files have incorrect permissions. For example , if you try to run PHP file with 777 permissions or PHP file is located in the folder with 777 permission, then “500 Internal Server Error” will be generated. Please check the article “Permissions for *.php files” for more info.
.htaccess file has incorrect directives. For example, when someone tries to use .htaccess file to change PHP variables like:
php_value register_globals On
For this purpose you should use o n l y php.ini file. Anyway If you are not sure what can be wrong in .htaccess file just try to access your php script without .htaccess (temporary remove or rename it ).Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 404 Error above header of all pages404 Not Found error usually is rising up when the requested URL is not found. Let’s review the most common situations:
First possible reason why your browser throws Not Found error is the domain’s DNS zone misconfiguration either on registrar or on server side. Using DNS tools try to find out if NameServer settings are properly set for your domain. \
Now use DNS Lookup tool and check NS in drop-down menu:If you can see your domain’s NS settings link on the picture below, then DNS zone is properly configured and you should search for another solution.
If the result page shows another information, like:please press on “Click Here” link and you will see the result of your DNS request in details. Now if you see that your domain’s DNS zone is not cached on the root DNS servers, like on the picture below:
then your domain is not registered or no NS records are set for it. So you should either register it, or contact your registrar and ask them to set valid NS records for your domain (you may find our NS records in your account activation e-mail).
Otherwise, if you have clicked on “Click here” and you see the following page:Then your domain DNS zone is misconfigured on the server side. In this case you should get in touch with our support team by opening a trouble ticket or sending an e-mail. They will make all necessary changes to fix the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress database error fix no longer seems to work.The best solution is either to repair your database or restore it from a backup.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): Whole blog is downIf you see this kind of error, then your web server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request by the client for access to the requested URL. This is a ‘catch-all’ error generated by your web server. Basically something has gone wrong, but the server can not be more specific about the error condition in its response to the client. In addition to the 500 Internal Server Error notified back to the client, the Web server should generate some kind of internal error log which gives more details of what went wrong. It is up to the operators of your Web server site to locate and analyse these logs.
Any client (e.g. your Web browser or our CheckUpDown robot) goes through the following cycle when it communicates with your Web server:Obtain an IP address from the IP name of your site (your site URL without the leading ‘https://’). This lookup (conversion of IP name to IP address) is provided by domain name servers (DNSs).
Open an IP socket connection to that IP address.
Write an HTTP data stream through that socket.
Receive an HTTP data stream back from your Web server in response. This data stream contains status codes whose values are determined by the HTTP protocol. Parse this data stream for status codes and other useful information.This error occurs in the final step above when the client receives an HTTP status code that it recognises as ‘500’.
Resolving 500 errors – general: this error can only be resolved by fixes to the Web server software. It is not a client-side problem. It is up to the administrators of your Web server site to locate and analyse the logs which should give further information about the error
I advise you to block your script using the shell chattr command ( chattr -R +ias script.php)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank Page After Migrating SiteAfter moving the site from one server to the other, first of all pay attention that all the files are transferred correctly. Before transferring the site, get in touch with your new server tech support and ask them about the server php and Mysql version.
In case these versions don’t coincide with your old server, this may cause troubles for your domain.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Transferring a WP site to another hostIf you see this kind of error ( 500 error), then your web server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request by the client for access to the requested URL. This is a ‘catch-all’ error generated by your web server. Basically something has gone wrong, but the server can not be more specific about the error condition in its response to the client. In addition to the 500 Internal Server Error notified back to the client, the Web server should generate some kind of internal error log which gives more details of what went wrong. It is up to the operators of your Web server site to locate and analyse these logs.
Any client (e.g. your Web browser or our CheckUpDown robot) goes through the following cycle when it communicates with your Web server:Obtain an IP address from the IP name of your site (your site URL without the leading ‘https://’). This lookup (conversion of IP name to IP address) is provided by domain name servers (DNSs).
Open an IP socket connection to that IP address.
Write an HTTP data stream through that socket.
Receive an HTTP data stream back from your Web server in response. This data stream contains status codes whose values are determined by the HTTP protocol. Parse this data stream for status codes and other useful information.This error occurs in the final step above when the client receives an HTTP status code that it recognises as ‘500’.
Resolving 500 errors – general: this error can only be resolved by fixes to the Web server software. It is not a client-side problem. It is up to the administrators of your Web server site to locate and analyse the logs which should give further information about the error.
See more at https://goo.gl/juYFb
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionMake sure that your database has all the necessary permissions via your hosting control panel.In case the login details in your wp.config file are 100% identical with the database user and password details set by you while adding your db in your control panel, try to run grant all command to set all the db permissions.
If this won’t help, try to import the database latest dump via PHPMyadmin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP 500 – I can't access to my website with error HTTP 50Yeah. check the site error logs and in case you have a backup, try to to restore your site from that backup.
Moreover, your hosting provider should make the site and database backups at least once in 24 hours. So please get in touch with them and ask to restore the site and database from the latest backup.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Media Widget] [Plugin: Social Media Widget] About.me & Clippings.meUseful plugin. Beautiful icons
Thank you!