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  • I think I am looking for the same thing with the Publicize and LinkedIn.

    On LinkedIn you can have groups (Such as companies, teams, projects, topics,…) but if you are setting up the plug-in on a blog for say a company and you want new posts to be publicized to the group, the only option right now is to connect to your users account in LinkedIn and not the Group you may manage as part of the Blog. I think that is how to explain it.

    I / We are looking for
    Blog -> LinkedIn Group

    Blog -> User on LinkedIn

    I’m seeing 2 errors one CSS not sure if it had anything to do with this, the other is an error when clicking the media button.

    GET 404 (Not Found) flexie.min.js:18
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL load-scripts.php,qc=0,aload,5B,5D=admin-bar,,hoverIntent,,common,,schedule,,wp-ajax-response,,autosave,,jquery-color,,wp-lists,,jquery-query,,admin-comments,,suggest,,jquery,aload,5B,5D=-ui-core,,jquery-ui-widget,,jquery-ui-mouse,,jquery-ui-sortable,,postbox,,post,,thickbox,,underscore,,shortcode,,backbone,,media-models,,wp,aload,5B,5D=-plupload,,media-views,,media-editor,,word-count,,editor,,jquery-ui-resizable,,jquery-ui-draggable,,jquery-ui-button,,jquery-ui-position,aload,5B,5D=,,jquery-ui-dialog,,wpdialogs,,wplink,,wpdialogs-popup,,wp-fullscreen,,media-upload,

    I got this from the Chrome Developer Tool built into the browser. I was able to add images in an earlier post but it seems to mess up on a second post, I also did have a browser restart and computer restart to get it to work again, I also tried this in Firefox and it still would not open up from a fresh log in even. It also doesn’t seem to change anything if you re-upload the WP code to your host as I did.

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