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  • Update — I do get the correct behavior from Paypal directing to the Thank You page which shows a working download link in Live mode. yay

    The email, however still just shows:
    These are available for download via:

    I’m goign to try editing the template to direct users to a password protected page with a link to the doc until this is fixed for real – I need to launch tomorrow.

    Great plugin – thanks for all the work and the prompt replies.

    H there – similar problem WP 2.8.1 and eShop 3.6.0

    In my test purchase the email I get only says:
    ————— DOWNLOAD DETAILS —————
    These are available for download via:

    There is no code and no link to the download page; I did a complete uninstall, including manual delete of the original special pages, then reactivated to make sure I hadn’t screwed something up.

    I’ve set up a sandbox paypal account – but it is a little weird – mail comes back saying “The transaction was not completed successfully.eShop thought the order to be no longer pending” – could that be causing the problem or is that expected in test mode?

    … on a more minor note – the redirect from checkout?eshopaction=redirect – never redirects to paypal – what should I do to fix? There seem to be a heckofa lot of clicks needed to complete shopping and it would be great to be able to eliminate at least one.

    But thanks – I hate to only complain – it seems like a very good and through plugin overall – hope I can get it working!

    I have WP 2.8 installed. When Permamlinks are enabled clicking proceed to checkout goes nowhere – the redirect doesn’t redirect. With Permalinks disabled it works fine. Ideally I’d like to use both. I’d be ahppy to disable permalinks just for the shopping pages, if that is possible.

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    May I offer a suggestion — the setting to “Hide sub pages from menu until top level page is visited” changed all of my child links in the pages widget. I didn’t expect that, and since I had installed the 2.8 upgrade right before I installed eShop so I wasted an hour thinking it was a 2.8 problem. I only expected the plugin settigns to effect the pages that belong to that plugin. At the very least the option description should be worded differently so that we know it applies to ALL page links.

    I’m using the page lists plus plugin to disable links to selected pages or change the link text. It works great. The hide children feature would be a great addition to that plugin.

    That said, so far this looks like the best eCommerce plugin available for WP. Another highly rated one has some issues, and lots of people reporting the same issue in the forum and no response from the developer. Thanks for the good work

    having the same issue here – any suggestions?

    Likewise! — looking for a way to show a paragraph-long description in the slideshow

    I’m afraid that fix will blow up in IE6. which unfortunately a lot of people still use. my experience is that IE won’t display any image at all if you only give one dimension. It wants all or nothing.

    I think there is a bug where the comment pagination does not function properly on a static home page. Is this a static page?

    I also am having problems with the way comments work on a static home page. The pagination feature in 2.7 is not working correctly on static home pages. When you enter a comment you are redirected to the blog, or a blank page if there is no blog, and if you have pagination enabled the “older comments” links you to the blog (or blank) page with none of the comments listed. I’m just goign to have to rearrange my site so this page I want comments on isn’t the home page

    I tried a vanilla installation (2.7.1) with the modifications to comments.php suggested here – and still having this problem. I tried a few different templates too.

    The site is here if anyone wants to have a look:
    “about” is the static home page (for now)

    “I’ve whitelisted the modsecurity rule catching this, please give it a try now and let me know if you’re still running into problems.”

    My host fixed it, and fast (! ! Don’t even bother with the htaccess stuff if you have a responsive host.

    Thanks, all

    I’ve tried the .htaccess suggestion above, and some variations I found since in the other posts – no luck.

    I’ll ask my allegedly wordpress friendly webhost if they have a suggestion. still really weird that this happens on only one of my wp sites with that host. I tried a clean install and a vanilla template with the same results.

    I was getting a 404 error before I upgraded to 2.7, the only change is that it is now returning a 500 error

    I’m experiencing that error when trying to update any of my widgets – none of these htaccess modifications is helping, neither is my recent upgrade to 2.7

    I’m getting a 500 after attempting to add a text widget. My host error log shows this:
    ModSecurity: Access denied with code 500 (phase 2). Pattern match “<:space:*(script|about|applet|activex|chrome)*>.*(script|about|applet|activex|chrome):space:*>” at REQUEST_BODY. [file “/etc/httpd/conf.d/modsec.rules.conf”] [line “318”] [hostname “”] [uri “/bloomarts/wp-admin/widgets.php”] [unique_id “d0g@N0ggOZwAACvgM6YAAAAG”]

    Maybe something to do with a DNS redirect??

    I still get the same error after upgrading to 2.7
    I would suspect my host of implementing some new security protocol, but I’ve got other WP sites on the same server that aren’t having this problem.

    It is very discouraging to come on this forum looking for answeres and find posts describing real and serious problems that haven’t been answered for months. (sigh)

    I’m having a similar issue —

    I set up a WP site for somebody else, and I used my API key to activate the stats plugin. I did not anticipate that my firend would need to log in separately to use the plugin each time he viewed it. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it so he could activate it with his own API key, but the plugin won’t accept it.Is there something I can delete in the database to clear out my API key and let him (the person who will be using this the most) use his?

    Thank you very much for you help.

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