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  • Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Yes, it doesn’t show up at all for the mentioned email domain. Ideally, it is supposed to import the email as a draft post.

    The Allow Anyone To Post Via Email has been selected as “Yes”

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hi All,

    Actually there is a way of loading the products by entering value and hitting the space at the same time. I tested myself and it works fine. Otherwise, if you enter the value and wait for it to load, it is not loading the values in the dropdown.?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hi @alopezari,

    Thank you for your assistance, but I would say it is partially working and the fetch isn’t consistent. Ex: To get value 8, I still have to enter 8 and hit spaces, but sometimes it works, so it works without consistency.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hi @alopezari,

    Have you got any updates?

    Thread Starter webnetvalue



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    Oldest: 2023-08-10 12:57:29 +1200
    Newest: 2023-08-10 14:42:01 +1200 Status report information
    Generated at: 2023-08-10 12:49:06 +12:00

    I am aware of the issue if you have more than 50 attribute terms in WordPress. The system will read only if you enter 2 or more characters, but after the latest version, the function is behaving weird. As mentioned above, you need to enter 3 or more characters. Ex: If you are trying to add size number 8 according to the latest update, you need to add the size 8 like this: 8 + entering space 2*

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hi @londom,

    Thank you for your prompt response, and yes, we did the same rollback solution. However, the user wouldn’t prefer that method for a long time, depending on their situation. Therefore, it will be great to fix this bug as soon as they can.?

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hello @anastas10s ,

    do you have any updates for this?

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hello, can we update on this? The issue is persisting on the live website?

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hi Allen,

    Thank you for your response. Now I can understand the reason why there was an issue.

    Thank you

    Have a great day!!

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hi Allen,

    What our client did was, sent the original email to Postie and manually publish the article on the WordPress website. However, after publishing the article, the client replied to that email via the Gmail account, and when the client received a return email from the sender, this email conversation got published on the website automatically.

    I checked the email history, and I couldn’t find any overriding actions that have been mentioned in that email.

    Does this make sense? Please help

    Thank you

    Thread Starter webnetvalue


    Hi Team,

    Have you got any updates regarding this issue?

    Thank you

    Best Regards,

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