Forum Replies Created
I updated version 3.2.3 to version 3.2.10 after which I exported the definitions.
I then reverted to version 3.2.3 to have page caching working on the site.As I don’t see how I can send the settings file (wpoptimize-settings-parteico), I transcribe its content:
{“epoch_date”:1674226880723,”local_date”:”20/01/2023, 15:01:20″,”network_site_url”:”https://www.parteicobcs.pt”,”data”:{“cache_settings”:{“enable_page_caching”:1,”enable_mobile_caching”:1,”enable_user_caching”:0,”page_cache_length_value”:”3″,”page_cache_length_unit”:”months”,”enable_schedule_preload”:0,”preload_schedule_type”:”wpo_daily”,”cache_exception_urls”:[“/privada“,”/wp-login.php“,”/helpdesk-bcs*”],”cache_exception_cookies”:[“”],”cache_exception_conditional_tags”:[“”],”cache_exception_browser_agents”:[“”]},”minify_settings”:{“enabled”:”true”,”html_minification”:”true”,”enable_js”:”true”,”enable_css”:”true”,”enable_js_minification”:”true”,”enable_merging_of_js”:”true”,”exclude_js”:””,”enable_defer_js”:”individual”,”async_js”:””,”defer_js_type”:”defer”,”defer_jquery”:”true”,”enable_js_trycatch”:”false”,”exclude_js_from_page_speed_tools”:”false”,”enable_css_minification”:”true”,”enable_merging_of_css”:”true”,”exclude_css”:””,”async_css”:””,”inline_css”:”false”,”remove_print_mediatypes”:”false”,”exclude_css_from_page_speed_tools”:”false”,”enable_display_swap”:”true”,”gfonts_method”:”async”,”fawesome_method”:”inherit”,”remove_googlefonts”:”false”,”merge_inline_extra_css_js”:”true”,”emoji_removal”:”true”,”default_protocol”:”dynamic”,”disable_when_logged_in”:”false”,”clean_header_one”:”false”,”cache_lifespan”:”30″,”minify_advanced_tab”:”1″,”debug”:”false”,”edit_default_exclutions”:”false”},”smush_settings”:{“compression_server”:”resmushit”,”image_quality”:”75″,”lossy_compression”:true,”back_up_original”:true,”back_up_delete_after”:true,”back_up_delete_after_days”:”50″,”preserve_exif”:false,”autosmush”:false,”show_smush_metabox”:true,”webp_conversion”:false},”database_settings”:”enable-auto-backup-1=true&retention-period=2&revisions-retention-count=2&schedule_type=wpo_weekly&wp-optimize-auto%5Brevisions%5D=true&wp-optimize-auto%5Bdrafts%5D=true&wp-optimize-auto%5Btrash%5D=true&wp-optimize-auto%5Bspams%5D=true&_wpnonce_db_settings=8acb3ab261&_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fadmin.php%3Fpage%3DWP-Optimize&enable_cache_in_admin_bar=1&_wpnonce=8acb3ab261&_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fadmin.php%3Fpage%3DWP-Optimize&enable-retention=0&enable-revisions-retention=0&enable-auto-backup-scheduled=0&enable-schedule=0&wp-optimize-auto[optimize]=0&wp-optimize-auto[unapproved]=0&wp-optimize-auto[transient]=0&wp-optimize-auto[usermeta]=0&enable-admin-bar=0″}}
Once again I describe the problem:
webpart (@webpart)
1 month, 3 weeks agoAfter updating from version 3.2.3, everything works fine with page caching if nothing else is done.
However, if you purge the cache (clicking purge cache or disable/enable cache), write cache settings, …, it stops working.
Reverting back to version 3.2.3, just save the cache definitions for it to work normally in this version.
It is not possible to keep reverting to 3.2.3 and later updating to 3.2.9 whenever the cache is purged (for example after updating any plugin).
I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin but the behavior is the same.Your last answer was:
vupdraft (@vupdraft)
1 month, 1 week agoHi,
Sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our development team are working on this and we should have a new release for you soon.
Now I’ve been given instructions that result in an error on the site.
What are we left with?
Do you resolve the error or not?
We’ve been at this for months!!!I did exactly as instructed, and it didn’t work.
Attention: Put define(‘ENABLE_CACHE’, TRUE); in wp-config.php causes the site to give an error and not even be displayed !!!
We continue with version 3.2.3 !!!
Any news about this subject?
Unfortunately it is not so.
I had already done the test of putting a value other than 0 in the cache life span.
In this case, the references in Cron Schedules disappear but the page cache still doesn’t work.
Preloading the cache doesn’t work either.Even after activating/deactivating the cache, saving the settings, … it does not cache the pages.
I’m back to version 3.2.3 where everything works perfectly.
This schedule is added by another plugin and cannot be deleted
0 (now)
This interval is less than the WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT constant which is set to 60 seconds. Events that use it may not run on time.Every time after the cache has expired
This schedule is added by another plugin and cannot be deleted
0 (now)
This interval is less than the WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT constant which is set to 60 seconds. Events that use it may not run on time.Same as cache lifespan: 0 hours
No errors on JS Console.
Error on php error log:
[29-Nov-2022 12:00:03 UTC] Cron reschedule event error for hook: wpo_purge_old_cache, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: O evento agendado n?o existe., Data: {“schedule”:”wpo_purge_old_cache”,”args”:[],”interval”:0}.Windows Server.
Do you have nothing to say about what has been reported?
Have you given up on putting the cache to work?I did some more tests, and these are the verified facts:
1) after reverting to version 3.2.3, it is necessary to disable/enable the cache and save for the cache to work in this version.
2) after updating to version 3.2.9, the cache is working without doing anything else after the update; however, if you purge the cache (clicking on purge cache or doing the disable/enable of the cache) it will not work.
It is not possible to keep reverting to 3.2.3 and later updating to 3.2.9 whenever the cache is purged (for example after updating any plugin).
After upgrading to version 6.1 of wordpress, I tried again to update your plugin to version 3.2.9.
To my amazement, the cache finally worked right away without even having to disable/enable the cache or the plugin.However, following your suggestion, I tried to disable/enable the cache as well as the plugin.
In either case, the cache stopped working.This is crazy. I definitely lost confidence in the plugin !!!
Any development on this subject?
We’re still stuck with version 3.2.3 because the cache doesn’t work in later versions.
As I sent you about 3 weeks ago, the content of the debug.log file is as follows:
[09-Oct-2022 10:08:48 UTC] PHP Warning: unlink(C:\PARTEICO_wwwroot\PARTEICOBCS/wp-content/uploads/wpo/images/wpo_logo_small.png.webp): No such file or directory in C: \PARTEICO_wwwroot\PARTEICOBCS\wp-content\plugins\wp-optimize\vendor\rosell-dk\webp-convert\src\Convert\Converters\BaseTraits\DestinationPreparationTrait.php on line 73
I checked the permissions and everything is fine.
I remember the facts, again:
– with version 3.2.3 the cache works fine;
– on a test site, made with the Duplicator plugin after the source site has been updated to version 3.2.9, and installed on the same web server, the cache also works fine.Something is wrong with upgrading from version 3.2.3 to a later version on existing installations.
Any development on this subject?
You have a good plugin but since version 3.2.3 the caching functionality has been a disaster.
Permalinks are enabled and properly set.
Nothing detected on the web server (disk, permissions, …).I remember the facts:
– with version 3.2.3 the cache works fine;
– on a test site, made with the Duplicator plugin after the source site has been updated to version 3.2.9, and installed on the same web server, the cache also works fine.Something is wrong with upgrading from version 3.2.3 to a later version on existing installations.
The content of the debug.log file is as follows:
[09-Oct-2022 10:08:48 UTC] PHP Warning: unlink(C:\PARTEICO_wwwroot\PARTEICOBCS/wp-content/uploads/wpo/images/wpo_logo_small.png.webp): No such file or directory in C:\PARTEICO_wwwroot\PARTEICOBCS\wp-content\plugins\wp-optimize\vendor\rosell-dk\webp-convert\src\Convert\Converters\BaseTraits\DestinationPreparationTrait.php on line 73