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  • Hi there! It looks like the issue is happening because there might already be a page, post, or custom post type with the slug “shop” that’s causing WordPress to add the “-2” to avoid duplication. Here’s how you can fix it:

    1. Check for Duplicate Pages:
      • Go to Pages in your WordPress dashboard.
      • Search for any page titled “Shop.” If you find one, either delete it or rename it (to something like “Old Shop”).
    2. Empty the Trash:
      • After deleting the duplicate page, make sure to empty the trash. WordPress holds deleted pages in the trash, which can still reserve the “shop” slug.
    3. Update the Permalinks:
      • After ensuring there’s no conflict with the “shop” slug, go to SettingsPermalinks again and save the settings without making changes. This should refresh your permalinks.
    4. Custom Base Issue:
      • If you’re using a custom base like /shop/%product_cat%/, ensure that no other page or category conflicts with this structure. You may need to clear the cache or re-save permalinks to ensure it takes effect.


    Here are some troubleshooting steps to help:

    1. Check MAMP’s MySQL username/password: By default, MAMP uses “root” for both the username and password, but you can double-check this in MAMP settings:
      • Open MAMP.
      • Go to Preferences > Ports and ensure that the Apache Port is 8888 and the MySQL Port is set to 3306 (which should be the default).
      • Check the User and Password under the MySQL tab. It should say root for both. If this is different, update it in the WordPress installation screen.
    2. Ensure correct server settings:
      • Make sure the Database Host is localhost, which you already set.
      • Ensure you haven’t mistakenly added any spaces or typos in the database name, username, or password fields.
    3. Check the database in phpMyAdmin:
      • Log in to phpMyAdmin via localhost:8888/phpmyadmin.
      • Double-check that the database wordpress has been created correctly. Sometimes it might help to delete and recreate the database.
    4. Database connection in wp-config.php:
      • If the error persists, you can manually edit the wp-config.php file located in the WordPress folder.
      • Open wp-config.php and verify that the following settings match your environment:phpCopy codedefine('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); define('DB_USER', 'root'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'root'); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
      • If DB_HOST uses a non-default port, it should be localhost:3306 (MAMP’s default MySQL port) or the correct port number for your setup.
    5. Check MAMP MySQL service:
      • Ensure that MySQL is running in MAMP. Go to the MAMP control panel and ensure both Apache and MySQL servers are running.

    If you follow these steps and still encounter issues, let me know, and we can dive deeper!

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