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  • WebPrezence


    Are you sure you installed it and deleted it? Check again.

    If it left traces in your database, you’d have to use your web host’s cPanel, click phpmyadmin, and open your database. It sounds scary, but it’s not.

    Look for the table that ends in _options. Click it. View 500 entries on one page instead of 25. Find the yith option, and delete that row.

    Alternatively, you can just do a search within phpmyadmin for “yith” and delete yith from all rows.

    Finally, consider doing a Search & Replace to find out where the remnants / leftovers from the yith plugin are lurking, so you can eliminate them.

    First, things have gotten worse. Your homepage main image is now 493KB, which is massive and severely hampering not only the page load time, but how the visitor perceives your page as loading.

    Please don’t say “that doesn’t work”. When you shave 850KB off your page size — as I’ve done for you in this post — obviously your page will load faster; common sense.

    GT Metrix and Pingdom are really not accurate representations of page load times, although they serve a purpose.

    The most accurate representation of page load times would be Web Page Text dot Org. See your results and test again if you’d like..

    Again, for your homepage main full-width banner, please use one of these:
    (1) Losslessly compressed (no image quality loss): 118KB –>

    (2) Progressive jpg (Recommended; slight quality loss; nobody will notice): 40KB –>

    (3) Another image — this was 348KB, now it’s 21KB with no image quality loss: –>×380.jpg

    (4) Final image. Was 92KB, now is 18KB: –>×380.jpg

    It’s good you added WP Super Cache. If you’d like more images optimized, GTMetrix will do that for you (not quite as good as I can do it, but I have the software). Just click Optimize Images, and then See Optimized Version from your GTMetrix test results. Right-click and save the optimized version, and use your FTP client or web host’s file manager to overwrite the old, bloated image.

    Please add a lazy loading plugin such as BJ Lazy Load so your images — even the optimized ones (that you’re going to use now, right?) — don’t slow down page load times, and only load as the visitor scrolls.

    Lastly, ensure everything that’s “recommended” within your WP Super Cache settings are checked, prime your cache (it’s in the WP Super settings), and go to your root directory in your file manager — ensure “show hidden files” is checked, and add these lines anywhere inside your .htaccess file:

    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresByType image/jpg “access plus 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access plus 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/gif “access plus 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/png “access plus 1 year”
    ExpiresByType text/css “access plus 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/pdf “access plus 1 month”
    ExpiresByType text/x-javascript “access plus 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access plus 1 month”
    ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access plus 1 year”
    ExpiresDefault “access plus 2 days”

    This will leverage your browser caching, making your pages load more quickly.

    So now we’ve shaved almost 1000KB (1MB) off your massive page size, and we’ve leveraged your browser caching. Additionally, we’re now lazy loading your images so your page loads faster. Trust me, all of these things will make a difference.

    Extra tip not related to page load times:
    Please start naming your images appropriately. Instead of naming an image “3-380×380.jpg”, name it “Muziek band spelen op Sam’s Bar.jpg” if you’d like search engines to crawl your images in Dutch. It’s must better for search marketing purposes.

    Good luck.

    I ran a Pingdom test on your site. You can see the results (and what’s taking the most time) here: Frequenzy Pingdom Results.

    For starters, your home page full-screen image was 388KB. That’s massive, and takes a long time to load on all devices.

    I losslessly compressed it (no loss in image quality and reduced it to 175KB:

    Then I saved it as a progressive JPG, and got it down to 73KB:

    This image is loading on your homepage according to GTMetrix and Pingdom. It was a .png file. You should only use .png files if you need to preserve transparency, or if it’s, say, a digital image from a camera for a photographer, or something. I converted it to a .jpg and losslessly compressed it, and reduced the file size from 348KB to 22KB.

    You’re calling the YouTube API somewhere, somehow. Is there a video there? If so, how are you embedding it?

    Download a plugin like EWWW Image Optimizer which will losslesly compress your images and thumbnails (no quality loss) or lossy compress your images (slight image loss, but you can’t really recognize it).

    Download and install a caching mechanism such as WP Super Cache (easier to set up) or W3 Total Cache (more complex; I like it better).

    Other than that, your site will load fast, as you reduced your page size by over 650KB just by using the new images alone. Then take care of the YouTube thing, and then install those plugins.

    Let me know when you’ve downloaded those images from my website, so I can delete them and let me know if you have any more questions.

    Oh, and I would encourage you to lame tech people at HostGator to upgrade your php.

    One of those live chat people can do it, but they’re otherwise inept. It’s free. They should upgrade for free, but you have to tell ’em.

    So go to HostGator live chat and tell them to please upgrade your php to the latest version.

    What do you mean, couldn’t access your plugins page?

    If you deleted what I told you to delete — the active plugins table in your database _options, you can still access your plugins >> installed plugins.

    I do that for my search marketing firm all the time.

    They’ll just be deactivated, that’s all. Then you activate 1 or 2 at a time until you find the culprit. Then either reconfigure the culprit or find an alternative plugin.

    Regardless, glad you fixed the issue.

    That’s not what you’re supposed to do. In a nutshell:

    1. Yes, use phpmyadmin. Find your _options table. Then find “active_plugins” and delete everything in there, and click Go. No worries; it will repopulate that table when you activate your plugins (which will be deactivated).
    2. Log into your WP Admin.
    3. Activate your plugins one at a time (or two or three at a time if you have a lot).
    4. Each time you activate a plugin, log out of your WP Admin and log back in.
    5. Eventually, you’ll find the plugin that’s causing the problem, and you won’t be able to log in.
    6. Use your HostGator cPanel or your FTP client to chance the name of the plugin causing the problem to plugin-name-bak.
    7. Log back into your WP Admin

    Now, you have two options:

    (1) Log back into your FTP utility, erase the -bak, and the plugin will appear in your plugins list. You can then activate it from your WP Admin. Adjust the settings that could possibly be causing the issue, and you’re all set.

    (2) Find an alternative to the culprit plugin that doesn’t cause the issue you’re experiencing.

    This may seem laborious and time-consuming, but it’s not — especially once you’re used to it. If you had less than 60 plugins, I bet I could figure out the culprit and fix it in less than 5 minutes.

    Good luck!

    If you’re still getting that database error when clicking About in the menu, try reading this tutorial:

    What is your URL?

    Use your FTP tool or file manager in your cPanel and rename any security plugins to (plugin name)-bak.

    IF you’re familiar with how to use your cPanel’s phpmyadmin, ensure your Site URL and Home URL are identical (e.g., with www or without www).

    Try logging in to

    Further solutions:

    Lastly, don’t neglect your WordPress site for “a few months”. You should always be updating themes and plugins, and checking to ensure you’re not getting any brute force attacks and whatever else.

    Add these lines to your wp-config.php:

    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
    define( ‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘512M’ );

    just above:

    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    Also, go to your child theme’s functions.php (or a custom functions option if you have one), and add these lines:

    /* Set memory limits */
    @ini_set( ‘upload_max_size’ , ‘128M’ );
    @ini_set( ‘post_max_size’, ‘128M’);
    @ini_set( ‘max_execution_time’, ‘300’ );

    Lastly, if the problem persists, ask your host to adjust your php.ini file.

    Thread Starter WebPrezence


    Thank you, Paul. That seems to have resolved the issue, as I’m able to edit posts now.

    And thank you for making this lightweight security plugin available on the WordPress repository!

    Bruce and Paul have a nice, neat little plugin … I still use Antispam Bee, however, to combat SPAM — for what it’s worth.

    imo, it doesn’t really make a difference. I use the Simple Security Firewall so I have a firewall in place, brute force protection, and I can still change my wp-login.php so I’m stealth.

    Just use a plugin; tons of ’em do this. You can use All in One Security …. I personally use Simple WordPress Firewall because it’s lightweight and doesn’t add htaccess rules, which can bog down your site with bloat like most of those security plugins do (e.g. WordFence, IThemes Security, etc.).

    Easily rename your wp-login.php from there, among other things.

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