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  • Good luck — and don’t forget to thank Jeff for his work on the plugin — he’s always updating it!

    Check that … for whatever reason, when I have Ignore URL Protocol set to disable, that seems to work for now (after doing the steps in he above thread).

    However, I had to go to pages and resave the page / purge website cache to get the changes to display properly on the front-end.

    This might be because I use the WordPress HTTPS plugin, and there might be some type of thing with that — not a conflict, but some type of reason I should have Enable URL Protocol set to disable.

    Use your FTP utility and look for the file:


    It will either be in your:

    /wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder (where you want it), or
    /wp-content/plugins/plugin-organizer/lib/ folder (where you don’t want it)

    Normally, you can use your WordPress admin interface and, at the bottom of Plugin Organizer >> Settings, move the Plugin Organizer to your /wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder (create a folder “mu-plugins” if it doesn’t exist).

    For me, the move function wasn’t working properly, so I manually downloaded PluginOrganizerMU.class.php, deleted it from /wp-content/plugins/plugin-organizer/lib/ folder, and uploaded it to the /wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder.

    If you don’t have that file and need it, go to click the current version, then click /lib/ and right-click PluginOrganizerMU.class.php, “save link as” and upload it to your /wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder.

    Lastly, I think Jeff intended to make Plugin Organizer SSL-friendly with an update about a year ago. So technically, you should be able to go into Plugin Organizer >> Settings …. Ignore URL Protocol and set that to enable.

    For some reason, however, when I enable this option, all my my plugins that are globally disabled will remain globally disabled. I’m still seeing if I can figure out if it’s my fault on these domains, or something Jeff might have skipped over by accident, so I’m checking.

    Hi Ting. Jeff does a great job with this plugin, and always checks the support ticket area. But it’s Labor Day, so let’s see if I can help.

    Ideally, you’d go to:

    Plugin Organizer >> Settings

    And then enable Ignore URL Protocol and that would allow your https plugins that are enabled/disabled to mirror your http plugins that were enabled/disabled.

    Personally, I have found that this setting doesn’t work, so I’m looking for a hack for it, and if I can come up with one, I’ll give it to Jeff.

    But see if changing that setting works for you; it doesn’t on my domains that are SSL’d.

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