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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway] Stripe Radar 3D secureThe topic you linked to confuses things a little as it refers to Checkout which is a different way of using Stripes services. Most plugins (including this one) use the Stripe API to connect and deal with transactions.
What the SCA changes mean is that authentication protocols such as 3DSecure and Verified by Visa will be enabled for cards/payment-methods that support/require them. That in itself will reduce the potential for chargebacks. The link you posted talks about a new service that effectively brands a Stripe insurance service based on much the same thing except it’s through Stripes “Checkout” service/system.
That said, I would definitely recommend you spend some time getting familiar with Radar and how to use it as it’s a very useful and powerful tool that can help catch fraud as well as false positives. Well worth the effort.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] Stripe SCA Complient?Ok… I left a query about this on here which has disappeared along with the authors own promise that an update was due soon.
I hope that’s not an indication that you’re abandoning this plugin or indeed your paid version.
A real shame as your plugin worked pretty well…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe Payment Plugin for WooCommerce] SCA ReadyLikewise… Any news?… There is literally 4 days to go before the plugin is non compliant.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix FAQ] PHP 7.2.3 CompatibilityFix is in the first post here:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/php-error-267/Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix FAQ] Link to FAQ Docs brokenRealised the issue is a link to your Advanced Documentation from somewhere using
…instead of…
https://docs.tychesoftwares.com/docs/faqUnfortunately, can’t remember where I saw the broken link… Might want to create a rewrite rule that redirects anything that comes in via:
https://www.tychesoftwares.com/docs/faq to save the headache of trying to look for it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Export any WordPress data to XML/CSV] Email CRON outputThe From email address is whatever you want it to be… In our case it’s my servers default account.
Just make sure whatever you use is not going to be spam filtered because of incorrect SPF filters, etc…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] Internal Server ErrorHmm… doesn’t look like it’s possible… Hadn’t noticed that.
Hopefully the admin for this support section can clean it up later for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] Internal Server ErrorThe key bit of info is likely this:
PHP Warning: It looks like the mbstring extension is not enabled. UTF-8 strings will not properly be encoded. Ask your system administrator to enable the mbstring extension
Talk to your host provider about getting your web hosting system up to specification with mbstring and any other functionality/modules that need to be installed to use this and/or other add-ons/plugins.
Also recommend you edit your posts to remove your debug info and your URL though as you’ve effectively identified a potentially insecure site for someone with less altruistic goals.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Export any WordPress data to XML/CSV] crontab problemsUnfortunately the code example you provided is incomplete and won’t work as it doesn’t include the all important $export object so I fixed it here:
The fixed version passes 2 arguments and includes the missing $exportObj object so the path can be extracted.
With a single argument of $export_id all you ever got was the wp_uploads path
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PayPal for WooCommerce] Paypal Express locks out other payment optionsThis is the odd thing… there were no caching services working on the site when the issue was cropping up so I suspect it’s more an issue with my browser cache… Rather strange though…
Either way, something to keep an eye out for if someone else finds themselves facing something similar.
in __construct()
The other currency keys are set as per the post above…
…then there’s a call to the function below..public function set_currency_keys() { try { $curr = strtoupper(get_woocommerce_currency()); } catch (Exception $ex) { $curr = ''; } if($curr == 'USD') { $this->stripe_testpublickey = $this->stripe_testpublickey_usd; $this->stripe_livepublickey = $this->stripe_livepublickey_usd; $this->stripe_testsecretkey = $this->stripe_testsecretkey_usd; $this->stripe_livesecretkey = $this->stripe_livesecretkey_usd; } elseif($curr == 'EUR') { $this->stripe_testpublickey = $this->stripe_testpublickey_eur; $this->stripe_livepublickey = $this->stripe_livepublickey_eur; $this->stripe_testsecretkey = $this->stripe_testsecretkey_eur; $this->stripe_livesecretkey = $this->stripe_livesecretkey_eur; } else { // Defaults to GBP $this->stripe_testpublickey = $this->stripe_testpublickey_gbp; $this->stripe_livepublickey = $this->stripe_livepublickey_gbp; $this->stripe_testsecretkey = $this->stripe_testsecretkey_gbp; $this->stripe_livesecretkey = $this->stripe_livesecretkey_gbp; } }
Not sure if you have a means of direct comms but if you can PM or similar, I can send a copy of the code file…
Hi Nazrul,
Just to provide you with an update on this… It’s actually really simple to hard-code in the functionality I mentioned (ie: true multi-currency support within Stripe).
I just added in new variable sets for each of the currencies eg:
$this->stripe_testpublickey_eur = 'pk_test_foo'; $this->stripe_testsecretkey_eur = 'sk_test_foo'; $this->stripe_livepublickey_eur = 'pk_live_foo'; $this->stripe_livesecretkey_eur = 'sk_live_foo';
… then wrote a simple function that reads the get_woocommerce_currency() value and sets the $this->stripe_testpublickey, etc… values according to that (defaulting to the one input in the form).
The rest of your add-on and stripe handle the rest pretty natively so really the only real job would be to create an Admin UI that allows currencies to be selected and then keys added for each.. along with the associated function to set keys from those.
My solution is a hack that does what I need so I’ll probably leave it as is but thought you might find the info useful if you decide you want to play with the feature list in the future.
Thanks for a nicely thought out add-on though… Was easy to figure out once I delved in…
Understand the limitations of your plugin and as I said originally it was a feature request so I understand your reluctance to add complexity. Especially as my reading on other currencies implies there’s more to it than I’d first supposed.
For clarity though, no I’m not multi-vendoring (ie: creating multiple stores, 1 per currency) but accepting true multi-currency payments. By which I mean the payment is made in the currencies selected, retained as that currency and critically, NOT converted to another base currency.
I maintain currency accounts without going through exchange rates simply because I pay suppliers in various currencies so losing money on two exchange fees is just a waste I can avoid this way.
Coming back to stripe though, I think the simplest fix in this instance is to clone your plugin, rename each clone to the target currency and then just use Aelia currency selector plugin to set which of the clones is available for which currency. That may be the simplest approach all round although it does mean a little more work when updates come out…
I’ll let you know if that works and how to achieve it in case someone else comes along with a similar request in the future.
Oh and one thought… I’m not referring to a fully integrated Stripe plugin that allows subscriptions, etc…
Literally all I’m looking at here is the ability to use Stripe at checkout to take payments in different currencies that are setup in Stripe as specific currency accounts. Not the usual, single currency and conversion approach.
Not sure what Stripe call it but if it helps I wrote a plugin for Interspire Shopping Cart before it was retired and all that’s required for your plugin to work as a true multi-currency checkout module is the following:
Admin Settings
- Allow admin to select the currencies that are natively supported by Stripe (ie: the ones that are setup as specific currencies – no conversions)
- Display input form to collecting sets of keys (1 per currency required)
Checkout process
- Determine cart currency selected
- Set PKey and SKeys from settings for appropriate currency
- Process payment as normal
I suspect there are going to be aspects of this that I haven’t considered but from what I’ve looked at so far, it shouldn’t require much any additional work beyond making the Admin UI intuitive.