Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Delete cookie law text from error pageHi @aminata88,
to me, this looks more like an issue of your cookie law plugin.Antispam Bee does not add such a notice.
would love to see this as well ??
thanks for the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] One column blocksMaybe columns is not the right block for this purpose.
I see two other possibilities, you might want to use. It is possible to select more than one block. When you are in a block and you press Ctrl + Cursor down. Once you have selected them, you can go to the “More options”-Button (the one with the three dots in the left top corner of the blocks)
1. option: You can duplicate the blocks.
2. option: You can make one reuseable block out of those single blocks.Maybe this suites your needs better than using the columns block.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] One column blocksHi,,
a bit of a hacky way would be to simply add this style in the Customizers Additional CSS section..has-1-columns .wp-block-column { flex-basis: 100%; }
But this fixes the problem only in the frontend. It would still display 50% in the backend.
But it might give you a starting point.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Upgrading a block gives ‘invalid content’ errorHi,
I think the section about “Deprecated Blocks” in the handbook answers your question.If you update your block you can add a
-property, which allows Gutenberg to recognize older formats and transform them to the new format.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Import and export users and customers] PHP 7.2Thank you @carazo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Podlove Podcast Publisher] Fatal error Ajax class is missingmoved to https://github.com/podlove/podlove-publisher/issues/1003
thank you @eteubert for your swift response.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Konflikt bei KommentarHallo @spade,
soweit ich es sehe ist es eine entweder/oder Entscheidung. Entweder man benutzt die Kommentarfunktion von Jetpack oder Antispam Bee.Wenn Du die Kommentarfunktion von Jetpack behalten m?chtest tippe ich auf Akismet als eine gute L?sung. Bedenke, dass Du dabei Daten an einen Drittanbieter verschickst (was Du bei der Verwendung von Jetpack Kommentaren aber ohnehin schon tust). Mehr Informationen zu diesem Thema findest Du auch hier: https://jetpack.com/support/comments/#privacy
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Konflikt bei KommentarHi @spade,
leider sind Jetpack und Antispam Bee nicht kompatibel.Siehe diesen Kommentar von den Machern von Jetpack diesbezüglich:
Unfortunately […] Jetpack Comments are not compatible with any other plugin hooking into the WordPress comment form.
Since Jetpack’s Comment form is hosted on WordPress.com and added to your site via an iFrame, other plugins (like Anti Spam Bee) can’t hook into that comment form.https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/invalid-security-token-with-antispam-bee/
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by websupporter.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] False positives from same IPHi @kjodle,
thanks ??Its a bug which will be fixed in the next release. See https://github.com/pluginkollektiv/antispam-bee/issues/220
Sorry for the inconvinience.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Feature Request: Disable Honey Pot SwitchHi @joerguhlmann,
first, sorry for the late reply.Thrive themes is unfortunately a premium theme provider, so I can not quickly check, what is going on. The check itself is deeply intertwined with the current plugin architecture (this is why i hesitate). We are currently thinking about a rewrite of the plugin, which most likely would enable us to make this check an optional one, but i think, this will take a while until its done.
The honeypot is more or less the filter, which catches > 90% of the spam. So if you would disable it, it would really undercut the power of the plugin, I think, which is another reason I would rather understand where the problem is located and how we might be able to find a solution for it.
Any chance, you could share the theme in question?
Thank you ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Wo finde ich geblockte Spams?Hi @timerewinder,
hast Du die Option “Erkannten Spam markieren, nicht l?schen” eventuell erst sp?ter aktiviert? Dann k?nnte der Grund sein, dass der Counter, der bei Dir bei 18 Kommentaren steht eben schon vorher hochgez?hlt hat.Wenn dem nicht so ist müsste man sich Deine Installation ansonsten einmal n?her ansehen, um herauszufinden, warum das in Deinem Fall nicht zu funktionieren scheint.
Beste Grü?e,
David.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Feature Request: Disable Honey Pot SwitchHi @joerguhlmann,
thanks for your request. I hasitate a bit to make the honeypot optional but I would be quite interested why the honeypot does not work in your current iframe implementation.I have a guess, but actually it could be anything. Do you know why it doesn’t work or do you mind sharing your theme with the Pluginkollektiv, so we can figure out, if there is an easy way to make Antispam Bee work with your theme?
Thank you ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Verwirrt über PingbacksHi @flizzywp,
ich wollte Dir nur schnell mitteilen, dass mit der n?chsten Version das Problem der Self-Pings gel?st sein wird. In Zukunft werden Pingbacks, die vom eigenen Blog gesendet werden nicht mehr auf Spam geprüft, weil sie k?nnen ja gar kein Spam sein.Das kann aber noch ein paar Wochen dauern, bis die Version offiziell verfügbar sein wird.
Beste Grü?e und danke dass Du Antispam Bee verwendest,
David.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Verwirrt über PingbacksHabe zu diesem Problem jetzt einen Issue erstellt, um ihn auf Github weiter zu tracken: https://github.com/pluginkollektiv/antispam-bee/issues/212