Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Verwirrt über PingbacksHi @flizzywp,
zur n?heren Erl?uterung, was Pingbacks sind gibt es einen lesenswerten Artikel auf dem WP Bistro.Warum nun ?ltere Beitr?ge von Dir anfangen, andere ?ltere Beitr?ge anzupingen wei? ich leider nicht. Es k?nnte sein, dass einfach die Cronjobs, welche dafür verantwortlich waren etwas geklemmt haben und irgendwie jetzt erst ausgeführt werden.
In Bezug auf Antispam Bee:
“Fake IP” prüft, ob vorget?uscht wird, dass die Anfrage vom eigenen Server kommt. Im Fall von “Self-Pingbacks” w?re das natürlich der Fall. Den Check muss ich mir aber nochmal n?her anschauen, weil mir die “Self-Pingback”-Problematik neu ist. Eigentlich finde ich nicht, dass wenn man einen Pingback auf einen eigenen Beitrag sendet, dieser als Spam markiert werden sollte. Ich bin mir aber gerade unsicher, ob man dies verhindern kann, wenn man den “Fake IP”-Filter aktiviert hat.>Sollte ich Pingbacks einfach generell deaktivieren?
Da kann ich Dir nicht wirklich helfen. Ich pers?nlich mag die Idee von Pingbacks eigentlich sehr. Wenn Du quasi den Beitrag eines anderen Blogs erw?hnst (und verlinkst), so wird dieser benachrichtigt und der Pingback kann dann eben in der Kommentar-Sektion dieses Blogs erscheinen. Leser dieses Blogs sehen dann, aha, hier wurde etwas zu diesem Beitrag geschrieben. Leider wurde diese Funktion eben stark für Spamming benutzt und viele Blogs haben diese Funktion deshalb abgestellt. Solange Dein einziges Problem mit Pingbacks diese “Self-Pingback”-Geschichte ist würde ich Pingbacks jetzt nicht abstellen wollen. Aber dass ist natürlich “up to you” ??Ich werde mir bis zum n?chsten Release mal die “Self-Pingback”-Geschichte anschauen, ob da irgendetwas an dem Filter gemacht werden kann.
Beste Grü?e,
David.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Too few arguments to functionGlad to hear ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] GDPRVersion 2.8.0 is out since some days, I am going to mark this issue as solved. Thank you for your questions and feel free to open a new issue, if you experience other problems.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Allow many languagesIn Antispam Bee 2.8.x you can now select more than one language.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Too few arguments to functionHello @hlorenz,
just wanted to inform you, with the latest version 2.8.1 this error should be fixed. Feel free to download it. If you experience the problem again or any other, do not hesitate to open another issue.Thanks for reporting the bug!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Too few arguments to functionI just had a second look, and it looks additionally, we have a bug here as well, we will fix it as soon as possible and update the minimum required version.
Sorry for the trouble!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Too few arguments to functionHello @hlorenz,
which WordPress version are you running? I just saw, we need to lift the minimum WordPress version to 4.5 in our requirements.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Kommentare werden scheinbar gel?scht statt markiertHi @ambiguity,
normalerweise würden diese eigentlich unter Kommentare > Spam auftauchen, also hier: https://example.com/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?comment_status=spamDer Counter ist allerdings unabh?ngig von der Anzahl der Kommentare die dort abgelegt sind. Ich will sagen: Kann es sein, dass Du die “nicht L?schen”-Option erst nach einiger Zeit angestellt hast? Dann k?nnte es sein, dass der Counter schon eine Nummer hat, aber noch keine im Spam-Verzeichnis liegen?
Hast Du mal probiert, selber einen Spam-Kommentar zu verfassen, um zu sehen, wo dieser landet (Beispielsweise, falls Du die Regex-Funktion an hast k?nntest Du einen Kommentar über Viagra verfassen, der sollte dann markiert werden).
Beste Grü?e,
David.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Statify] Missing tracking script on cached pagesHi @matthiaspabst,
yes, I think I see, what you mean. I have opened an issue, where we can track this problem on Github: https://github.com/pluginkollektiv/statify/issues/84Thanks for your hint.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] IP-Address @myfrank,
you’re welcome ??No, its just one test. The most essential is the so called “CSS Hack”. But because of your question, I realized the IP check might produce quite some false positives when activated and you anonymize the IP. We will work on this issue, see https://github.com/pluginkollektiv/antispam-bee/issues/177
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] IP-Address @myfrank,
the IP address comparison is one check beneath others and its not the most important in my eyes. If you are going to remove the IP addresses, you might want to disable the check, since if a spam IP is set to and all other comments as well, they would be catched as spam.If you store the spam reason, you will probably see, that most of the reason a spam was catched as spam is “CSS Hack”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Antispam Bee API?Hi @csn123,
currently ASB is not very flexible in this direction, but this is one of our goals for the refactor-project. We want to modularize the tests and have an API, which would enable third parties to utilize ASB for checking spam.Unfortunatly, so far we do not have a roadmap until when we will be done with this task as it involves a lot of thinking through and organizing the tasks, but its on our list.
All the best and thanks for your question,
David.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Website broken?Hi @twentyzen,
it seems to work. Maybe it was just temporary. The plugin is not effected by the availability of the website ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Doesn’t work with thrive commentsHi @alexanderhammerschmied,
I guess you mean this plugin? https://thrivethemes.com/comments/Unfortunately, I do not know this plugin and as it is a premium plugin, I can’t have a quick look into it. From what I see, they do quite a lot on the comment form and change the defaults. So it seems to me, they are also changing the
-attribute of the comment textarea.This means, Antispam Bee and Thrive do not share a common ground on which they could work together right now, I am afraid of. In our code, we rely on the name attribute to do some of our work: https://github.com/pluginkollektiv/antispam-bee/blob/master/antispam_bee.php#L1248
I also digged a bit deeper into your HTML source, I think even if Thrive would use the default name for comments, we probably still wouldn’t be able to work with it, as there is a lot of javascript templating involved.
So, to me it seems, these to plugins cant work together. I am very sorry :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Desktop Notification] Maximum server resourcesHi blenderitalia,
when you are logged in, the plugin performs an Ajax-Request every five seconds to search for new notifications for a user. Depending on your server capabilities and how many users are logged in at the same time, this can become quite expensive., you could use thedn_js_interval
filter, to slow down the Ajax-Requests, which could help, for exampleadd_filter( 'dn_js_interval', function() { return 20000; } );
This would perform an Ajax-Request only every 20 seconds.
I hope this helps.