Forum Replies Created
Thank you for sharing those details,
This is a tough one. I can tell you that on our end we have not made any recent change to B2BKing pricing code in B2BKing Core, so if there is any change I believe it is likely either from a new addition to the setup, or from some recent change in one of the subscription plugins used.
To help rule some things out, I ran a test now with B2BKing Core, Woo Subscriptions 6.9.0 and Woo 9.4.1 (latest versions of both) and a Simple subscription product. However I see that the B2B price does carry through to the subscription (I see the order and subscription pricing is identical).
It’s possible it is specifically related to a change in the Enhancer plugin. I would suggest if possible to try a test with an older version of that plugin to see if it makes a difference.
Also may be worth going over any new additions to the setup: any new code snippets with pricing effects, or any new plugins with pricing effects (e.g. discount plugins, currency plugins etc).
I do not have the Enhancer plugin locally for testing. If you would like, feel free to open a ticket with us at https://webwizards.ticksy.com/ (you can use the pre-sales category as it has no restrictions) and we can discuss further there / look at possible code snippets to address this.
Kind regards,
- This reply was modified 4 months ago by WebWizards.
Hi there,
Can you please check and confirm the following?
-> Are you using B2BKing Core only, or also B2BKing Pro? I ask as the pricing code is different.
-> Please check if you have any other subscription plugins as well (besides woocommerce subscriptions). A common one for example is “All products for WooCommerce Subscriptions” which significantly changes how things work.
-> Is the subscription in question configured as a simple subscription product, variable subscription product, or something else?
-> Are you configuring the B2B price directly when editing the product? or is it being configured through a dynamic discount rule?
This should help us better understand and test for that issue, thank you.
Kind regards,
Thank you for clarifying,
Normally B2BKing adds that message to the “customer_new_account” email automatically (in both the Core and Pro version, this is not different).
Are you trying to see that message in the Villatheme customizer? You would not be able to see that, as it’s automatically added, only for users that need approval. So usually the plugin should be able to add it automatically, unless there is a specific conflict with the email customizer that prevents it from adding it.
Previously you mentioned checking if the user is B2B or B2C: you can do that with PHP code programmatically, but for that I think you would need to edit the .php template directly, as I don’t think there would be a way to do it within the customizer.
Hi there,
Glad to assist,
Can you please clarify: are you using only B2BKing Core (the plugin here), or also B2BKing Pro? There are some differences in functionality in this area.
the message when a b2b customer registers is not appearing.
Here can you clarify, which specific message are you referring to? Do you mean the approval message? (e.g. “your account is pending approval…”).
Kind regards,
Hi there,
I looked into that now and tried doing a test with a variable product with 2 variations (weight, color). However, I do see the full name of the variation in the offer PDF: https://www.loom.com/i/4c53f2b153f04fab9dcf4f147f0064c0
It’s hard to say what exactly is happening, it might have to do with the specific configuration of that variable product. We would like to help troubleshoot this further and run some tests. Since offers are a Pro plugin feature, the rules of the wp forums here do not allow us to directly support it here.
However, could you please open a ticket with our team on our support platform at https://webwizards.ticksy.com ? We’d be glad to help check this there in more detail, including to check it on your site if you can share access there,
Thank you so much : )
Hi there,
Thank you for getting in touch with us,
I believe that technically you can achieve this using the plugin’s tiered pricing feature: https://prnt.sc/IbJqB7zx-izX (you can set a tiered % discount for a quantity of 1 for B2B users).
This way you can set a % discount on each product for B2B, from the regular price, without having to use rules or to manually set a fixed price.
The only disadvantage of this method is that the price would not be immediately visible on the shop page. For that, I believe we can provide a code snippet to modify the price display, so that this tiered price appears as a discounted (sale) price. I do not have that right now but if you can please open a ticket with our team at https://webwizards.ticksy.com, I believe we can write and send that to you within a few days.
Kind regards,
Hi there and thank you for using our plugin,
By default I’m afraid the plugin does not have a feature for this. Discounts simply recalculate the sale price starting with the regular price.
There is a code snippet that can do this by implementing a fake internal regular price. I’m afraid this snippet is currently only implemented in the Premium version of the plugin, so it will not work if you have only B2BKing Core. If it helps, I mention the code here:
Could that help solve it for you? Or are you using the Core version only?
Hi there,
Glad to assist,
Could you share a screenshot of the specific place or places if multiple, where you see that ‘woocommerce’ text that you’d like removed?
I believe we can help with a code snippet.
Hi there,
I understand you’re referring to the last B2BKing Pro update (v5.1.70 – Sept 4). We are not aware of any issues with variations / we have not heard any similar reports.
Please describe the issue in more detail. If you can share screenshots that also helps.
Generally it is best that you please open a ticket at webwizards.ticksy.com – this is the support platform for the Pro plugin – there we can also help troubleshoot the issue directly on your site if you share access details.
Hi there,
Glad to assist,
I believe what needs to happen here is that we have to do an integration, to basically make B2BKing’s pricing algorithms ignore products that are set to $0 by those coupons. It depends on which specific plugin is responsible for those BOGO coupons. Usually, such free products would have an internal cart item key such as ‘free_product’, or ‘bogo_free’, ‘bogo_item_of’, etc. that we need to search for.
I have two suggestions to approach it:
(A) If you are comfortable with debugging the cart, it would be helpful if you can give us this information directly. Basically we need to go through the cart items and find a key such as ‘free_product’, that is only added to these free items. We would then use code such as:
foreach( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) {
if (isset($cart_item['free_product'])){ // product is free, ignore B2BKing pricing
}(B) If you do not have that info, please let me know which plugin is responsible for those coupons / for setting the price to $0 on those products. In that case it would help if you can share relevant screenshots of your coupon configuration, so we can try and reproduce that.
Many thanks! : )
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woo Custom Stock Status] Stock status not showing, version 1.5.4Hi there,
We are the B2BKing developers and noticed this thread.
Not sure if the following is related to the issue, but please note B2BKing has the following setting in B2BKing -> Settings -> Other, which can hide stock info for B2C users: https://prnt.sc/6tP-NNVCZF77
In any case, the easiest way to check if our plugin is involved is to simply deactivate it temporarily and check if the stock display changes.
Hi Ola,
To achieve a redirect login like that, you can add the following PHP code snippet to your site:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_login_redirect', 'custom_login_redirect', 1000000, 2 );
function custom_login_redirect( $redirect, $user ) {
$is_b2b = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'b2bking_b2buser', true);
if ( $is_b2b === 'yes' ){
$redirect = '/page1'; // b2b page here
} else {
$redirect = '/page2'; // b2c page here
return $redirect;
}(the above redirects b2b users to site.com/page1, and b2c users to site.com/page2)
This code can be added to functions.php of the child theme, or to any code snippets plugin.
Hi Aleksandra,
-> For multi-currency there are a few different options that will work, depending on what pricing features you need. The best available integration is the one with the (free) FOX currency plugin. To read more about currency options you can see: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/multi-currency-support/
-> For multi-language, most options on the market are compatible. If you need to translate to a single language, Loco Translate is a good option. If you need multiple languages, then we recommend WPML.
Kind regards,