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  • Plugin Author weeblrpress



    You’re welcome!

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    You seem to be using other AMP plugins: either the standard AMP plugin or most likely AMPforWP.

    All other AMP plugins and AMP-related features on your site must be disabled when using weeblrAMP.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    Thanks for the details. This shows that your Astra theme is trying to output some AMP content but it fails with an error.

    I would suggest going the “Comments and plugins” tab of weeblrAMP configuration and make sure “Disable theme” is checked so that your theme is entirely bypassed on AMP pages.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    1 – This message indicates that a plugin (weeblrAMP or another) on your site is throwing a PHP error. You should set WP_DEBUG to true in your wp-config.php file to be able to view the actual error message. With the error message displayed in clear, we can then determine what’s the cause of the problem and fix it if caused by weeblrAMP.

    2 – That would depend on how wpreview works and it’s possible that stars rating are displayed. However, they will not be functional (ie users won’t be able to set ratings) as this would require custom AMP code that we do no have.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress


    Hi @coinfunda

    That is expected as your page does not have a big enough image to be used as a valid image for structured data on AMP. The specification can be found on this page:

    In short the image:
    – should be part of the article
    – should be at least 1200 pixel wide
    – should have at least 800,000 pixels

    Note also that your page is still valid AMP (you can use our free SEOInfo chrome/firefox extension to check that quickly). It will be indexed and used by search engines and others normally.

    It’s only the structured data you are missing out and specifically the AMP carousel in Google search results. That may or may not be important to you depending on the market your’re in.


    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    Hi, I want to show excerpt on the home page instead of the full content. I am unable to find it.

    You should get that for any category-type display

    But, it did not work.

    That bit you add “<style amp-custom>” is incorrect and not needed anyway. You should just add your CSS without any amp or html tags. Please refer to the documentation on this page.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    Thanks for your nice comment. By “redirect for mobile”, do you mean that you want to show the AMP version of your site to all mobile visitors?

    weeblrAMP does not do that. Although I’m not ruling it out, the use case is not some common, can you expand on why you would such a thing? do you have a really terrible mobile site that you cannot use at all? a non-responsive one?

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    Glad it’s sorted, we’ll have the new release today.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    We have identified the issue and created a fix. We’ll have a new release very quickly. In the mean time, you can simply go to weeblrAMP settings page and press the Save button. This will re-save the configuration and solve the problem. Be sure to double-check your Analytics settings, it might be reset in the process (this won’t happen when installing the fixed version we’ll release hopefully tomorrow).

    Thanks again for your report.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress


    Hi again,

    I tested this locally and I can reproduce it so we should be able to fix it quickly.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    Sorry about previous message, I skipped the “with debug turned on”. So you know what you’re doing and should skip to the second part, the questions.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    I’ll look into it but the first thing to be able to perform your ajax (and probably gzipping also) is simply to prevent any such error to be displayed. They should be logged to a file and never displayed as they create a (fairly small) security risk. Note that this is unrelated to weeblrAMP, it’s just a general security practice.

    So you should first set your WP_DEBUG to false in your wp-config.php file, or adjust the corresponding PHP setting on your server.

    Now on to the warning:

    1 – What’s the history? when did this start to happen?
    2 – If you update to weeblrAMP, did you re-save configuration after updating (normally not required at all, just checling).

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    Using the latest version is not an issue per se, codes not being replaced by WP Bakery should not happen, unless you have:
    – disabled your theme
    – or disabled the WPBakery plugin
    on AMP pages.

    As it does happen, advising to use the current version, the one we test with, is the first thing that comes to mind if only to work on a level field.

    And as this does happen, there’s something else going on, most likely caused by the way your theme is built/how it interacts with WordPress. Another common cause is of course interference with other plugins, so trying to disable them one at a time may provide useful information.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress



    Indeed the developer mode will only cause your AMP pages to be invisible from search engines until the time you’re ready to disclose them, and add also validation buttons.

    If Visual composer – or rather WP Bakery, does not transform its codes into a normal page content, the common reason is that it’s not installed as a regular plugin but instead as part of your theme.

    On AMP pages your theme is not used at all so it’s a bit as if WP Bakery is just not there.

    To workaround this, you should go to the Plugins management and Theme management sections of the “Comments and plugins” tab of weeblrAMP configuration and make sure that:

    – the WP Bakery plugin is not disabled on AMP pages
    – the theme is not disabled on AMP pages

    See documentation on this page:

    Did not mention it but of course, you’ll have to be running the current WP Bakery plugin, not an outdated version.

    Hope it helps

    Best regards

    Plugin Author weeblrpress


    Hi Nunung

    We can’t really comment without more details about the full error shown in the search console and also a link to a page having those errors.

    As per this page of the documentation, you should also validate your pages before making them public (see doc on this page), this will let you fix problems before they are noticed by search engines.

    Best regards

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