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  • Thread Starter Wegwarte


    I haven’t disabled wp-cron by inserting “define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);” into the wp-config.php file, but since my site doesn’t have many visits, and my server doesn’t provide cron jobs, I set up a cron job on a local Raspberry Pi to trigger wp-cron every minute:

    * * * * * wget -O- > /dev/null

    Thread Starter Wegwarte


    Well, maybe it’s a server issue, but I didn’t see this problem with an other cache plugin. When the issue occured, no other cache plugin was installed which could have interfered with WP Super Cache.

    I need a preloaded cache because my site is really slow. Without cached pages, loading a page took 5 seconds sometimes; with cache (static HTML files) only fractions of a second. Maybe this was the reason my site wasn’t found by Google, while another site without WordPress & PHP & DB on the same server is well indexed, even without any special SEO.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Wegwarte.
    Thread Starter Wegwarte


    The garbage collection was deactivated (0 seconds). And in the garbage collection section of the settings, there was a warning that supercache files aren’t removed because preload is activated.

    Meanwhile I’m using a bash script to rebuild the cache files for all posts automatically every hour (iterating through the post URLs from the sitemap.xml and calling wget on each URL).

    Thread Starter Wegwarte


    Thanks, but unfortunately this won’t work for me since I have to control the cache from another server.

    Thread Starter Wegwarte


    Thanks; but I know the crontab syntax.

    I have now come to an own preload solution: A bash script (rebuild-cache.bash) which parses the sitemap.xml and gets every post URL in a loop. This way the entire cache for all posts is rebuild within 4 minutes.

    > sitemap.xml
    wget -O- "" > sitemap.xml 2> wget.err
    if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
    	echo "Error getting sitemap.xml: $(<wget.err)"
    	exit 1
    for urlSubmap in cat sitemap.xml | grep '<loc>' | awk -F'[\<\>]' '{print $3}'
    	echo "Submap: $urlSubmap"
    	wget -O- "$urlSubmap" > submap.xml 2> wget.err
    	if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
    		echo "Error getting $urlSubmap: $(<wget.err)"
    		exit 1
    	for urlPost in cat submap.xml | grep '<loc>' | awk -F'[\<\>]' '{print $3}'
    		echo "Post: $urlPost"
    		wget -O- "$urlPost" > post.html 2> wget.err
    		if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
    			echo "Error getting $urlPost: $(<wget.err)"

    Another bash script (clear-cache.bash) clears the cache:

    > wget.out
    wget -O- "" > wget.out 2> wget.err
    if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
    	echo "Error clearing cache: $(<wget.err)"
    	exit 1
    if [ "$RESULT" != 'Done' ]
    	echo "Error clearing cache: $RESULT"
    	exit 1
    echo "Cache cleared sucessfully."

    Both scripts are executed by cron:

    0 0 * * * ~/clear-cache.bash > clear-cache.log
    1 * * * * ~/rebuild-cache.bash > rebuild-cache.log

    At 0:00 pm the cache is cleared, and every hour (0:01, 1:01, …) it is rebuilt.

    Since I don’t have cron on the shared webserver whith the WordPress installation, the scripts are running on a Raspberry Pi (which I’m using as a “Pi-Hole”).

    So far this solution is working for me. If there’s an easier solution using built-in features of WP Fastest Cache to achieve the same, then please tell me…

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