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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway] Receiving Failed Orders recentlyThanks for the suggestion–I’ve reinstalled the plugin fresh and will be monitoring for any more failed orders
Thanks for the quick reply and explanation!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Pluggable functions?I know it’s been several weeks but I’m still wondering about this
Ok, thanks, I’m marking as resolved ??
We did have the podcast syndicated on iTunes. What kind of code would we have to add to the posts to make them work?
We only ever made 3 episodes, so it’s ok if it’s something super complex and manual.
We don’t actually want the taxonomy to be hierarchical, but would there be any harm in setting it to hierarchical anyway? Or would anything be bad about changing it after already using it for a while to filter posts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features FREE] Coupon keeps adding itself backOk, I managed to fix the issue but I’ll let you know what finally worked in case you can give me some insight as to what happened!
WooCommerce v2.6.4 / WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features v2.3.4
Coupon settings: Product discount w/ no expiry date. Usage restriction limited to one variation of one product. Limited to a specific list of emails. Usage limit per user: 1. Not an autocoupon.
The coupon was added via an add-to-cart URL w/ apply_coupon at the end
The coupon was “stuck” in removal limbo when logged into the admin account. I went into coupon settings to remove the admin email from the list of allowed email addresses, but the coupon was still stuck. I was finally able to get the coupon to go away when I logged out of the admin account, and when I logged back in it was gone.
Ok, I made edits directly to the plugin file to make the names correct. In button.php, I changed
$downloadButtonLabel = 'Download ' . $download['download_name'];
$downloadButtonLabel = 'Download ';
echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_available_download_link', '<a href="' . esc_url( $download['download_url'] ) . '" class="' . $downloadButtonClass . '">' . $downloadButtonLabel . '</a>', $download );
echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_available_download_link', '<a href="' . esc_url( $download['download_url'] ) . '" class="' . $downloadButtonClass . '">' . $downloadButtonLabel . $download['download_name'] . '</a>', $download );
This makes it so that each individual file keeps its own name, instead of all files for a product sharing the same name. The plugin should probably be updated with those changes.
Thanks for steering me in the right direction!
It looks like the class for Chained Products is SA_WC_Chained_Products and the data attached to each chained item is _chained_product_of. (Product Bundles has metadata for the parent product as well as for the bundled items, but Chained Products only has metadata for the items that are chained.)
By copying the code you pointed out as well as the code looking for the plugin class I was able to add a class to the chained items, but I’d really appreciate a plugin update for our live sites. Thanks!
Is it possible that there’s a problem with my upsell being a product that requires shipping? I notice that in my infusionsoft sales report page, the upsell shows its price without shipping included ($9 instead of $9 + $5 shipping). Is there an issue with upsells that have a shipping option? Or is this unrelated?
And if it’s an issue with my product having shipping options, is there anything I can do to fix that?
The error message at the end of the URL reads “?msg=Exception+Caught”.