Forum Replies Created
Sorry for late reply, thank you for that !
Denis thanks for reply ??
- without the plugin, yes, it will works with dislay:none but this is not a good solution because then i have two double H1 tag and google really hate this.
by the way…, i tried TitleRemover and other Plugin WP 4 MeTitleRemover and have the same error. I will use debug mode again ??
2. ok i will create the ticket.
Have a nice week. Best regards.
the extended error messages are:
<anonymous> /wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/assets/js/trp-translate-dom-changes.js?ver=2.6.1:613
functors moz-extension://dcdeab25-6052-4e14-9731-4667e0ac6116/lockdown-install.js:1Hello ?? i have deacticate all plugins. No solution.
Sorry that i take your time. I dont think we find a solution.
We have any CDN problem. But i dont understand why it is only the startpage. All other page have no problems with elementor editing.i try to delete the purge plugin und install the original cloudflare wordpress plugin. But same error here. I tried this feature
Development Mode
Temporarily bypass our cache allowing you to see changes to your origin server in realtime.But nothing change, still the same error.
Content Area Was Not Found
And with safe mode
Preview can not be load. 404 Error.
Thank you so much for your help ??
1. Safe Mode
Still the same problem.
i become this error in consoleGEThttps://www.worlds-of-universe.com/de/?elementor-preview=3911&ver=1642005337&elementor-mode=safe
GEThttps://www.worlds-of-universe.com/de/?elementor-preview=3911&ver=1642005337&elementor-mode=safe&preview-debug2. Theme
I use the “Hello Elementor” Theme. Change to another doesnt resolve it.3. Permalinks
I had told you if I change it to the permalinks -> “plain” it resolve the problem. But.. i dont want this option, i want “post name” permalinks ??4. Browser cache
I tried other browser and Inkognito Mode. Nothing ??5. preview debug
Shows me empty window !? Error 404. see only admin bar.GEThttps://www.worlds-of-universe.com/de/?elementor-preview=3911&ver=1642005480&elementor-mode=safe&preview-debug
6. Rocket Loader
I am not sure what this do, i had never use it before. I had activate it only for your testing. Now i deactivate it again.7. Hosting
I need to talk with my hoster first. But i think it is not the problem, the htaccess is control by wordfence.8. HTTP
Maybe yes it can be, because we have this 404 Error. But only since i activate the “Safe Mode” If I deactivate safe mode… the Elementor Error change from 404 Error to “content not found”9. Rules
i changed the cloudflare rule to
-> Cache Level: BypassIf I delete your proposal rules… nothing change.
Hi, thank you for reply.
First, i dont had activate the Rocket Loader Option in Cloudflare Dashboard. Now i have activate it.But the startpage still dont load in elementor. The new error is
Preview can not be load. 404 Error.
Your help-site dont tell about the setting i must use for the rules ??
I set it to “Rocket Loader: On, Cache Level: Bypass” is this right?
It dont work, gives me the same Error “404”The generate URL from elememtor is “/wp-admin/post.php?post=3911&action=elementor”
When i change the page ID, elementor works fine. Only the startpage makes trouble.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP dont load my custom CSS (only on preview)Unfortunately no. I have to remove the malware first. The page is currently offline. Can i do anything other? Thanks for your helping hands !
Only important is that we have no problem and only a message in console ??
Thanks for your time.Hi @bornforphp , yes i know. But then i fall in the pagespeed from 54 to 49% GTmetrix ?? that is not nice. When its no other solution i must dynamic my CSS with fallbacks.
sorry I must correct myself!
We have two different error messages.
In Firefox “Uncaught TypeError: elementorFrontend.elementsHandler is undefined”
In Chrome “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘runReadyTrigger’ of undefined”But… both errors are on line 43 !
I think it is the same bug, the browser gives different messages.
I dont talk about Backend, i mean the browser console !- This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by weltraumduft.
Hello Jarno. The error message shown me in Chrome and Firefox. Today, the error change to another ??
(index):43 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'runReadyTrigger' of undefined at HTMLDocument.cmplz_elementor_fire_initOnReadyComponents ((index):43) at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery.min.js:2) at HTMLDocument.v.handle (jquery.min.js:2) at cmplzRunAfterAllScripts (complianz.min.js:1) at cmplzEnableMarketing (complianz.min.js:1) at setBlockedContentContainer (complianz.min.js:1) at conditionally_show_warning (complianz.min.js:1) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (complianz.min.js:1) at e (jquery.min.js:2) at t (jquery.min.js:2)
This error only shown on the start page. and only when i accept all cookies. when i choose ′functionaly cookies only′ the error message gone. When i disable your complianze plugin, the error is gone. Dont know what runReadyTrigger do. It is a function from elementor? Why it is in a complianze fire_initOnReady function?
I found interesting point: when i disable my youtube video on start page, the error is gone ! I tried to disable the Lazy Load and the private mode. But this is not the solution ?? The elementor video box in combination with Complianze makes trouble.
kind regards, marco
Hello Cristian, it was easy to find it. i deaktivate the WP-Optimize Plugin. And the “trp-post-container” is gone. Then i found the “minimize” -> “html edit” Option on Wp-optimize made this Problem ! But why only on translated site ? Not on native language. Any problem with combination Optimize and TranslatePress plugin.
maybe i must ask the WP developer ?
Hello Jarno, Aert,
yes it is in the Dashboard.Uncaught TypeError: elementorFrontend.elementsHandler is undefined in line 43
After i install new Update this day, the Error still exist.
Sorry all good ! The Problem was another plugin.
Hello, i see you have fixed the problem with horizon scroll. BUT, you overseen the effect bug on elementor !!! When you active the “stretch” option, all animations on the page comes too late !! Animations move when the element is in the upper of browser. it is too late, because the user have empty page. When you deactivate the “stretch” option, the animations work fine and start move when the element is on half bottom site.
Please read this, write me and maybe fix it.
Thank you. Merry Christmas.