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  • Thread Starter wenu


    This page is as bad!!
    I clicked the ‘Resolved’ button before saving my comment here.

    We found the Select Options option at the top right of the Posts screen under dashboard and found we could removed the ticks in the three Table items we objected to.

    Happy now.

    Thread Starter wenu


    grr I swapped the status to Resolved without posting my thanks
    Your advice worked perfectly.
    I will speriment a bit with color codes, including non-css 4 digit.
    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter wenu


    Ahh Thanks!

    A problem is that, in the illustration for 2010 Theme, they have the Post background in Blue! So I wondered.
    I haven’t been to that Wiki/Web_colors yet but I notice you used only 3 characters indicating code [ #fff; ]
    I noticed in Style.css last night, some were 3 and some were 4 digit.
    I’ll look for an explanation at the Link.
    Many Thanks for the promt reply.

    Thread Starter wenu


    I found it!
    In Settings!

    Thread Starter wenu


    Rajah! That all works.
    We still need to manually reinstall all the Links but Guran can handle that. He also downloaded evrything he could point a stick at so the Site already has pretty much the look and feel.
    Even the music player works although he says the halflife of the traklist is about expired (aka can I please give him a new one?)

    We want to thank you guys (and gurls if any were involved – we know sometimes these guys need ‘pointing’ in the right direction) for taking the interest to follow where we went and to give encouragement.

    The fix for “you do not have sufficient permissions to update plugins” was:
    Export the Posts;
    Delete the Database;
    Create a new Database, same name;
    FTP WP 3.0 to Domain;
    Run WP Install at wp-admin/install.php (usernames etc critical)
    Import Posts (confirm Poster identities)
    Select Theme (we used our own heavily customised Theme folder)

    I verified we had WP 3.0 Auto ability immediately after the new Install.
    I also verified auto after Theme swap from twentyten to orange.
    I also verified it after the Posts Import.

    The key was Deleting the old Database and running re-install.
    Database and Usernames are critical.

    Many Thanks all ??
    This bug is Resolved.

    Thread Starter wenu


    Interim report:
    The site is up running 3.0 and has Auto-Update capability.
    Next is to Import the data we exported.
    You guys are doin well ??

    Thread Starter wenu


    Ahhhhhh! Export Import!
    Dashes away
    We will delete the old database when ready and initiate a new one. Then do Re-install with WP 3.0 out of the box.
    First time we will do it with the old wp-config.php and see if the new Blog runs Auto (it should)
    Then we would Import and redo other “stuff” if required.
    All the sidebar scripts, incidentally, are running in the sidebar of the theme, so copying the theme into the new blog transfers that holus-bolus.
    Looks like a busy Saturday.
    NOW dashes away

    Thread Starter wenu


    Thanks, both of you.
    We already installed an alternate Installation (testblog above) and it ran WP 3.0 no hassles complete with Update.
    Midnight here so we will do no more till either we get further advice – or until Saturday when we will act anyway.

    My pending questions are these:
    We can only re-Install WP to the parent URL after the Database Tables are wiped. CAN we then install the new WP 3.0 and UPLOAD the old database to phpMyAdmin the MTSQL manager etc?

    If the answer to that question is YES, we still would like a work-around. heh We know the Server is OK but the Config here is wonky. When we fiddle with the config.php syntax we simply lose the Blog!

    So 2nd question is: Any advice on a likely FIX to the wp-config.php that will save our deleting the Database, creating another with same name, uploading WP 3.0 (2.9.2 in it att), Installing WP and then Uploading the original Database???

    So 2 Qns: 1 Can Upload old Database?; and
    2 A better way?

    Christopherross On 22 Jan 2008 we posted the answer to that in our Blog. One of the most visited postings. NOT BLACK AND WHITE

    Be back inna mornin.

    Thread Starter wenu


    OK. The 2 databases currently installed are: blogname_wp; and blogname_testblog
    which transcribes in phpMyAdmin to:
    _testblog (test database works 5s in WP 3.0)
    _wp (original database with auto-up problems)

    The two wp-config.php files are, noting I have copied the values from the original WenU Blog config into a virgin config-sample.php and it runs 5s but is still sans Auto-Up) as follows:

    WenU Blog
    DB_NAME : blogname_wp
    DB_USER : blogname_wp

    DB_NAME : blogname_testblog
    DB_USER : blogname_tester

    As you know, ‘testblog’ works fine.

    WenU Blog is GREAT but just has a filepath error somewhere that prevents “permissions”.

    We took a small bet and you won. You will tell us to wipe the Database and reinstall WP with a less nonsensical DB_USER desig. Or not.

    We looked at the Re-Install situation and to do so, not having Auto-Update (which in WP 3.0 seems to offer that as an option), we would need to empty the Database Tables.
    You’re right. 3.0 is a much better version! But not for that reason.


    oh oh
    If we wipe the Database [procedure to be invented – we will find a way] will all the posts etc be contained in the Database we downloaded earlier? We have the themes, music and images also downloaded to HD.

    Thread Starter wenu


    We are anxious that doing an “Install.php” now would wipe the existing Blog out of existance. Will you confirm that please?

    Tried removing the _wp by editing the file and it killed the Site. Edited the _wp back into wp-config.php and the Site is up but still the “permissions” problem.

    Possibly a fresh Install will fix it, given the installed site today came up with no problems whatsoever – your thoughts on that?

    As you are hardly likely to be sitting all day/night watching over this one Forum article, we will backup the Database and the Theme to our HardDrive while we wait for your answer.
    Re-installing at wp-admin/install.php will have no effect on DirectAdmin backups so our backup from yesterday, pre-Testblog, is still good.

    Thread Starter wenu


    OK – I’m in.
    WP 3.0 works fine and I have access to all the update data – it wants FTP info etc but clearly indicates I am not troubled with the “You do not have sufficient permissions”

    So THAT means the problem is either with the original Installation;


    That there is some hassle in wp-config.php possibly relating to the Database or the Username.
    In our original config.php, both values end in _wp, meaning
    What I did to get the new Installation working was to remove the _wp from the end of BOTH values in the TestBlog wp-config.php file.
    Suddenly it was all there and 3.0 works like a dream.

    What are your professional thoughts on doing something similar, particularly to the Username value, in our original WP Installation?
    We do have it backed up, in DirectAdmin, of course.

    Thread Starter wenu


    ” Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    Are you sure that the database server is running? “

    OK – I found the Install instruction. That didn’t work as you see above.
    This clearly takes me back to “elbows others aside” doubts about some of the syntax in the wp-config.php
    *honest – dragons!*

    Thread Starter wenu


    Yeh. I get the feeling we are conjointly out of my depth.
    1 When I go to the wp-login url I get a “no such url” msg
    2 ‘placeholder’ That was the Index.html – rid of it. Now get same message as above, regarding ‘site under maint bla bla”
    3 Running Install.php – well. I found the file, under wp-admin.

    Understand, we here do not run servers or hosts. For all I know, what I have been tinkering with is precisely in contradiction to the ToS we have (who reads it?) We do not regularly Install and Run WordPress. We buy a Blogsite, have our Nameservers transferred and upload Posts that assassinate the characters of world leaders.

    What is the procedure (link will do) for “run install.php” please. For information, the Database Creation values seem unuseable as we can only log in to DirectAdmin under the original Username & Password.

    Perhaps that was always the seat of our problem. Perhaps further tinkering will crash our blog. (if you find yourself overshadowed by a dragon – say “oops!”)
    No doubt, it this were one installation with one database in one instance of DirectAdmin, set up by our Host, the only problem we would have might be that Auto-Update was inoperable.

    Thread Starter wenu


    I “think” I have created the Directory (actually a sub-domain) and I know I created the Database.
    I also uploaded WP 3.0 to the new Directory
    And I modified the wp-config.php according to the dada given me in DirectAdmin, which told me the values for: Database; Host; Username; and Password.
    When I go to the WP Login field I get a ‘bad url’ message.
    When I put the actual Blog url in the browser, I get “this is a placeholder for the site . . . . . .”
    IF (it’s a big if) I have done everything right, I may be looking at a few hours delay while the site promulgates.
    On the other hand, even if it promulgates and I am able to see a Blog online (associated with our usual one) I cannot imagine how I am going to get IN to it to access the Dashboard. Usernames and passwords so far have not been discussed, so far as I am aware, for the new WP Installation.


    Thread Starter wenu


    Plugin Manager works under 3.0 just like 2.9 for all those who had no hassles under 2.9.
    Those of us who had this hassle (and we are not the only blog with this auto-update clog) find that Plugin Manager works great aside from ONE THING – it no longer shows which Plugin has the Update available.
    It DOES indicate an update is available.
    But 3.0 combines some part of Auto-Update with the code in Plugin Manager that INDICATES which plugin has an update – and so if AutoUpdate dunt wurk, neether does that!

    OK I akshully have other stuff (called a life) to do but I’ll try later tonight to figure out how to comply with your suggestion – presuming I can invent the skill base to do it and also that my DirectAdmin gives me the access to create new Databases. A new Directory is no hassle. Then I will have to learn MYSQL and invent a new Config?? *sigh*

    I shall report.

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