ok, my problem is different:
this sample does not work, I wan’t to select the recipient, but it seems the filed is empty and no mail will be send.
Any idea?
[select* condfield first_as_label “– Bitte ausw?hlen –”
“Condition 1”
“Condition 2”
[group condition-1-group]
[select* your-recipient
first_as_label “– Bitte ausw?hlen –”
“OneOne|[email protected]”
“OneTwo|[email protected]”
[group condition-2-group]
<label>Standort:*</label>[select* your-recipient
first_as_label “– Bitte ausw?hlen –”
“TwoOne|[email protected]”
“TwoTwo|[email protected]”
show “condition-1-group” or “condition-2-group” if “condfield” equals “Condition 1” or “Condition 2”
Mailto: [your-recipient]