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  • I’m having the same issue and having no luck whatsoever with the export/import creation of a new 5.0 database on 1and1. I keep getting either “no mysql query” or “no tables in database” error messages after the import — very frustrating.

    That said, my old WP install still seems to be working fine despite the failed update attempt.

    You know, I’m still getting this problem sporadically! It’s weird. I’ll log into WordPress and the dashboard will be broken… and then after I’ve cleared my spam queue and click back to the dashboard it’ll be perfectly fine. It almost makes me wonder if WP is trying to display spam comments in the “Recent Comments” box and that’s causing it to break or something.

    Really odd.

    Ah, fixed it in WP 2.8 final — I just reuploaded the 2.8 files manually (as opposed to the previous automated installation). Success!

    Did y’all use the WPAU plugin to upgrade or did you do it manually? I had these same problems initially, and while disabling certain plugins did cause it to go away, I wanted to keep them.

    So as a last ditch effort before reverting to 2.7, I deleted the 2.8 files and uploaded them manually. Everything’s working fine now!

    I’m having the same problem in WP 2.8 final as well.

    The plugin worked great for me as well! More positive testimony would be good — like oakers, I was rather scared to try it given the handful of negative threads — but I guess the current 4-star average is also helpful in that respect. ??

    In any case, given the step-by-step nature of the plugin’s execution and options to backup files, one shouldn’t have too much trouble even if problems do arise.

    Not sure how you all are doing with this issue, but I just encountered a pleasant spot of weirdness. While upgrading one of my blogs to WP 2.1.1, I decided to try leaving the WordPress Swift SMTP Plugin deactivated to see if perhaps something had been changed to fix the problem — and lo and behold, comment notification was working again.

    The weird part, however, is that when I decided to try the other blog <i>before</i> upgrading to WP 2.1.1, the commenting was also back up. WP is even e-mailing me backups, where before that failed.

    So I’m guessing it was a server issue on my end. Have anyone else’s problems miraculously fixed themselves?

    Hrm… you could always try having the site actually hosted on (or some other external blogging site), with your index on the school’s server set up so that it displays the external page (and you could use your school space for images and other files and whatnot). True, your site wouldn’t totally be hosted on the school’s server, but I doubt that anyone would really notice and/or care enough to raise a fuss about it.

    But yeah, getting the college to support php would probably be cool too!

    Oh, no problem! Glad I could be of service concerning that matter.

    I have no clue — I was under the impression that this thread had to do with authors and administrators not receiving comment notifications at all.

    However, if you look at comment.php in the wp-includes folder, you’ll see a note that clearly marks the line that prevents authors from being notified of their own comments:

    $post = &get_post($commentdata[‘comment_post_ID’]); // Don’t notify if it’s your own comment

    So maybe try disabling that line?

    Is that what azmatt meant? I have never received e-mail notification regarding my own comments — at least when I commented while still logged in — in any version of WordPress that I can remember. Have your authors try commenting when they’re logged out and see what happens.

    Hrm, not that I know of, though it’s possible. (Something like this has been mentioned in other threads, but — conveniently — I haven’t seen any in which anyone elaborates on precisely how one would go about enabling sendmail on the server.) The plugin I linked in the other thread doesn’t exactly fix the problem, but rather goes around it. You will need to have an outside SMTP account to get it to work, though.

    Oh, you’re not alone! ?? Try rowing over to this thread:

    See if anything that’s been said there thus far is helpful. Like I say over there, I still don’t quite know what the problem is and would certainly appreciate some input from someone with more knowledge on the subject, but I seem to have found a satisfactory (though admittedly imperfect) fix on my end.

    What are you using for the port? Despite reading in my host’s configuration options that I should be using 587, I could only get the plugin to work by setting the port to the default value of 25. If your setup is like mine, you should *not* get an error when you try the test e-mail, but you won’t necessarily get anything else either. I received no test e-mail, but the comment notifications are okay.

    Also, I should note that (perhaps obviously) this doesn’t fix the greater problem with being unable to receive e-mails from WordPress. I still remain unable to e-mail myself backups of the database, for example, and I’m not sure what the overall problem is.

    Figured I’d mention this here as well — if you’re getting the same error that I was, here’s a potential way around it. Since apparently the problem has something to do with the smtp server rejecting messages, try using the WordPress Swift SMTP Plugin and configuring it to send through the server via authenticated means. (I have an ultra-cheap webhost that offers like 4000 e-mail accounts and I was only using a forwarding one, so I set up a new private account for the plugin to use.) The reply-to section of the received e-mail messages is a bit odd in that it includes both the sender ([email protected]) and the commenter’s e-mail addresses, but at least it’s functional (in my case, anyway).

    It’s also worth noting that when I enabled it, configured it, and tried the built-in test e-mail function, the test e-mail did NOT send (although it said it did). I still receive comment notifications, though. Weird.

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