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  • Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @bad53ct0r,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Can you do the following so I can get the information I need to help find the reason scans aren’t completing? You may have already done some of them but I want to be sure.

    • Kill the existing scan if it is still running (The “Start New Scan” button turns in to a “Stop” button while the scan is running)?
    • Go to your Scan > Scan Options and Scheduling page and locate the “Performance Options”
    • Set “Maximum execution time for each scan stage” to 20 on the options page
    • Click to “Save Changes”
    • Go to the Tools > Diagnostics page
    • In the “Debugging Options” section check the circle “Enable debugging mode”
    • If “Start scan remotely” is checked,?uncheck?this option.??
    • Click to “Save Changes”.
    • Start a new scan

    Let me know if this helps. If it does not, please send a Diagnostic report to [email protected]. Make sure and include your forum username where indicated.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi?@eddievet, thanks for your message.

    Have you tried starting scans remotely from the Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostics > Debugging Options section? Does the exact same issue occur? There are other scan troubleshooting tips here:

    If nothing that I’ve suggested there works and you’re on Cloudflare or Litespeed, there can be other configuration requirements to prevent scans from stopping but the best way for me to determine this would be getting a scan log and diagnostic report from you.

    If you could do the following steps for me:

    • Go to the Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostics page
    • In the “Debugging Options” section check the circle “Enable debugging mode”
    • Click to “Save Changes”.
    • CANCEL?any current scan and start a?NEW?scan
    • Copy the last 20 lines from the Log (click the “Show Log” link) or so of the activity log once the scan?finishes?and paste them in this post.

    Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostic > Debugging Screenshot

    This will help me see exactly what is happening when the scan fails.

    Then, can you send a diagnostic report to wftest @ wordfence . com? You can find the link to do so at the top of the Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostics page. Then click on “Send Report by Email”. Please add your forum username where indicated and respond here after you have sent it.

    NOTE: It should look as follows – Screenshot of Tools > Diagnostic > Send by Email



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi?@diegoteliz, thanks for reaching out to us!

    We’re always happy to look into the feasibility of changing or adding features based on customer feedback so I’ve linked this topic to the team for further discussion internally as we had a similar request before. Unfortunately I can’t provide progress reports or potential release schedules here on the forums.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @jsallen , sorry to see you’re having problems with this.

    We made a few changes to the free license sign-up process. Existing free site keys created before the change will continue working, but all new installations require you to register for a new key.

    You can see the reasoning behind why we changed the free signup process in the following blog post: 

    Please click on the Resume installation button on the site with issues and follow the instructions walkthrough video available on the links below that shows users how to install a free license, start to finish. 

    Let me know in case you have any issues.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @nubiesan, and thanks for reaching out.

    I’m happy to provide you instructions on how to get back in.

    If you are locked out and not receiving unlock emails but can’t wait for lockout time to expire and need immediate site access, please use FTP/SFTP — or any file manager your web host provides via their administration panel. Look inside the?/wp-content/plugins/?directory and rename the?wordfence?directory to something like?wordfence.bak. Once you have logged in to your WordPress admin you can name the folder back to?wordfence?again and change the setting that caused you to be locked out. (This works for most any plugin, BTW)

    Just so you are aware, the unlock emails actually come from your website and not our servers. If you aren’t getting emails it usually boils down to one of a few errors.

    • The emails (they come from?[email protected]) are getting sent to your junk mail folder by your email client or provider. Make sure and whitelist or add your website to the list of safe domains so you get emails consistently.
    • Your web server is having a problem with the email software on it. This isn’t like regular emails you send and receive, but rather server alert messages. Usually a restart of postfix or sendmail (whichever is installed) can fix it. Your hosting provider may need to help with this.
    • You hosting provider has disabled SMTP from the server for some reason like preventing the server from being used to spam people.
    • You have a third party plugin for sending emails with another service, like Gmail, which isn’t working. Reaching out to the plugin author for support can help.

    From your explanation, it looks like you blcoked yopur IP address. once logged in your wordpress account, Find your?public IP address?in the list on the Firewall > Blocked page and unblock it.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi?@sergiourra, thank you for reaching out.

    Can you please confirm if you’ve entered a valid license or gone through the process to get a new license after installing the plugin on the site? You will need to enter a license after installation to complete the setup.

    Usually, the yellow “Wordfence installation is incomplete” bar indicates that you haven’t installed a new or existing license or that the admin email address has been removed from the Wordfence settings.

    If you’re seeing this error when a license key is installed, please click the “Resume Installation” button while keeping a Browser Console open to see if you can detect any JavaScript errors or files that fail to load. If you see any red text in the console, please take a screenshot and send it to me.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @tarotist, Thank you for reaching out to us.

    We are not allowed to discuss the premium version on this forum. Please reach out to [email protected] with a description of your issue. 

    We will be happy to assist you.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hello @kitka, and thanks for reaching out to us!

    To turn off 2FA, navigate to Wordfence > Login Security > Settings and ensure it is disabled for all roles.


    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @justin77,

    Previously, we have seen this error when there are permissions or file-locking issues on customers site. Do you see any connectivity or permissions fail/error messages in your Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostics page? A specific area to check would be “Filesystem” near the top, but worth having a quick glance down the page just in case.

    It’s also worth checking that permissions on your WordPress site’s directories are 755, and that the process owner is www-data if appropriate for your setup. Once you’ve checked those, in your FTP or hosting file manager, navigate to your wp-content/wflogs folder. You should be able to delete the wflogs folder or its contents entirely and Wordfence should try to repopulate it within 30 minutes. If you have persistent problems with file-writing permissions, you can bypass Wordfence’s requirements entirely by setting logs to use the MySQLi storage engine:



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @tati19,

    You can use the Wordfence Assistant  plugin to delete all Wordfence data from your site or delete the plugin files via FTP/SFTP.

    You may find this article helpful?



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @wiezo,

    You may need to leave the firewall in Learning Mode for a while.

    When the blocked action is repeated, an entry should then be placed in the “Allowlisted URLs” section of the Firewall Options page. If you can see the entry being added there it should then be fine to set the Firewall back to “Enabled and Protecting” and it shouldn’t be blocked going forward.  

    If Learning Mode doesn’t solve the issue, please access the SmartCrawl plugin with Wordfence activated and navigate to your Wordfence > Tools > Live Traffic page, and see whether you find any blocked requests, click on it to expand it, then click “Add Param to Allowlist”. 

    Let me know how it goes.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @jamieburchell,

    Yes, that explains it.

    Are you still seeing the same scan result at the moment?

    If so, can you send a diagnostic report to wftest @ You can find the link to do so at the top of the Wordfence Tools > Diagnostics page. Then click on “Send Report by Email”. Please add your forum username where indicated and respond here after you have sent it.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @ chins4, Apologies for the delayed response.

    I forgot to turn on notifications for replies on this topic.

    Are you still having issues with this?

    If so, please send an updated diagnostic report to wftest @ You can find the link to do so at the top of the Wordfence Tools > Diagnostics page. Then click on “Send Report by Email”. Please add your forum username where indicated and respond here after you have sent it.



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @wpmakenorg, Apologies for the delayed response.

    You might need to reinstall Wordfence if you’re still seeing the issue.

    You can backup your Wordfence settings via the Export option. Navigate to Wordfence > Tools > Import/Export Options and click Export. You can also take note of the current Whitelisted URLs you have in Wordfence > Firewall > All Firewall Options > Whitelisted URLs as these are NOT included in the Import/Export, and will be lost during the re-install.

    Here is what is exported:

    During the export, you will be given a long string of text. Keep this safe, you’ll need it in a few minutes.

    After that, enable the option to Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation in All Options > General Wordfence Options. You will want to remember to disable this after you reinstall Wordfence again.

    After you enable that option, you can deactivate Wordfence from the Plugins area of your site, then delete it. Next, from the plugins area, search for and re-install Wordfence like normal.

    It will be like setting Wordfence up for the first time. You will need to enter an email address, and then go into Tools > Import/Export Options and paste that string of text into the Import Wordfence Options field and click the button there.

    The firewall will be in Learning Mode by default for 7 days. I would recommend switching this to Enabled and Protected as soon as possible.

    Let me know if this helps!



    Plugin Support wfmark


    Hi @wattsyourwebsite,

    From the scan log above, it doesn’t look like you have enabled debugging. Please confirm that:

    • Go to the Tools > Diagnostics page.
    • In the “Debugging Options” section check the circle “Enable debugging mode”.
    • Be sure to click to “Save Changes”.

    Your Maximum execution time is also still set to 300.  Go to your Wordfence > Scan > Manage Scan and locate the “Performance Options” section. Set “Maximum execution time for each scan stage” to 20 then click on “Save Changes”.

    Once that’s done, run another scan and copy the last 20 lines or so from the Log (click the “Show Log” link) once the scan finishes and paste them in the post.


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