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  • Plugin Author WFMattR


    Note that this change was not included in today’s plugin release, as it was already in development at the time. We’ll be scheduling this soon, but I’m not sure if it will be in the next small release or not yet.

    -Matt R, Wordfence QA Lead

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi @karlemilnikka,

    This dialog box has an “X” in the corner that allows you to close the window. Due to a font issue, this “X” was missing in that release, and we fixed that, so we didn’t find it necessary to also add a redundant button with the word “Close” on it.

    But later, you called it an accessibility issue — do you mean that the “X” in the corner is not visible or can’t be reached by the keyboard for some users? If so, we can add the “Close” button back.

    -Matt R, Wordfence QA Lead

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi Jose,

    Wordfence’s firewall runs in PHP. A few Wordfence features use .htaccess to block specific files, like an exposed log or configuration file, if any are found. Javascript is used to support a few features, but not to block attacks.

    Caching is generally not a problem because attacks require PHP to run, in order to modify anything on the server — if a hit comes in that can be served from cache via .htaccess rewrite rules or an external cache like Varnish, then no PHP code is running on your server in order to serve that hit. Some cache plugins do have an option to serve content using PHP, but Wordfence will normally run during those hits as well.

    If there isn’t a cached page available for a visitor’s request, then PHP runs including the Wordfence firewall, so firewall rules can be applied to block malicious hits, if necessary.

    -Matt R, Wordfence QA Lead

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi @giuse,

    I work for Wordfence — if you are using a plugin that disables entire plugins selectively, I would not recommend disabling Wordfence on any pages. The firewall can block various kinds of attacks that can occur on regular pageloads, including viewing posts/pages, the home page, and so on, and if it is disabled, it cannot provide protection. Some plugins may also expose login functionality on pages other than the login page, so login-related features may be necessary on regular pageloads as well.

    If you are talking about only CSS or Javascript, Wordfence only loads these files on pages where they may be necessary. Some Javascript and CSS loads only for admins, which you might see on the front end of the site while logged in as an admin, but they should not load for regular visitors. Depending on which features you are using, there may be some Wordfence CSS and Javascript on the login page for all users, which is necessary for those features to work.

    @generosus : The suggestions you made may work for you, but this can prevent some necessary styles or scripts from loading, for example, if there is an admin notice because of a configuration problem, or if a false positive block occurs and the admin needs to add it to the allowlist. Please don’t suggest changes that may break functionality for other users.

    -Matt R, Wordfence QA Lead

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Thanks for the additional details. The point where it stopped could be caused by a plugin that hooks into WordPress’s updater incorrectly, so when Wordfence tries to check the status of other plugins (using a WP core function), that plugin’s code can cause a failure — we’ve seen that sometimes for plugins that are not from, when they try to provide an update mechanism of their own.

    I don’t know of any that currently have this problem, but there are a couple ways to narrow it down:

    1. Try temporarily disabling the option “Scan for out of date, abandoned, and vulnerable plugins, themes, and WordPress versions” on the Scan Options page, and then run another scan.

    2. If the scan runs successfully, try temporarily disabling other plugins (if you can do so safely, or if you have a test site on the same platform) and turn the option back on, and try a scan again — then if it’s still successful, enable the other plugins one-by-one to see which one causes the failure. If you know that you have plugins that aren’t from, I’d recommend testing those first.

    I would normally also recommend checking PHP’s error logs, but if there was no other error message in Wordfence’s scan log aside from the one in your first message, there may not be anything in the error log either. It may be worth checking, if you can though.

    There is also a small chance that your host has different configuration in php.ini for different PHP versions — sometimes this can cause the site to run out of memory on one PHP version, while it doesn’t on another version. This also could show up in the PHP error logs.

    Let me know if this helps, and if you can tell which plugin causes it, if that’s the case.

    -Matt R

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi @imc67,

    I work at Wordfence and can confirm that the “Requests_Cookie_Jar” message you’re seeing is from WordPress core, and it’s triggered during Wordfence scans because we use the affected part of WP core. WP core has a trac ticket open to fix it, since it is a PHP 8.0 compatibility issue on their side. It’s not an issue we can fix in another release like generosus thought.

    WordPress core itself still doesn’t fully support PHP 8.0 or greater. They describe it as “beta support” here:

    Though, we’ve found that WordPress itself generally does work fine on PHP 8.0, but there can be issues in core triggered by plugins or themes. Some of those are things that WP core will need to fix, though some could also be fixed in the plugins/themes that trigger them. We do run WordPress and Wordfence on test sites with PHP 8.1 and 8.2 (which is officially due to be released soon).

    So back the scan issue you’re having — there is probably another cause, unrelated to the deprecation message shown in the log. If you’re able to switch to an earlier PHP version temporarily, that would confirm if it’s a PHP version issue or not.

    Also, just to clarify — when you said “at the end of a scan”, do you mean the scan does complete, but just shows that message afterward? If the scan doesn’t actually complete, can you copy the last 20 lines or so from the log on the Scan page once a scan stops and paste them in the post? (Click the “Show Log” link on the right of the page, if you don’t see the log above the results section.)

    -Matt R
    Wordfence QA Lead

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi Andis,

    The wordfence_security_event hook is not a documented API. Internally, we don’t treat that IP address as an attacking IP. You can still use this hook of course, but may have to select which events your mu-plugin processes. Keep in mind that this hook is intended to be used internally within the plugin, and parameters or types of events may change in future versions of the plugin.

    The @ operator is still not deprecated in modern PHP versions, though we do generally avoid it in newer code, and we do refactor older code when working on changes or new features, or when compatibility issues occur in new PHP beta versions. WordPress itself still uses it in several files like wp-includes/functions.php, wp-includes/formatting.php, wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-attachments-controller.php, and others.

    Note that Wordfence still supports rather old versions of PHP still because multiple vendors still “backport” security fixes to old PHP versions, and quite a few sites are still using them. Refactoring old code that still works as intended isn’t necessarily helpful to users, and requires significant additional testing on many old PHP and WordPress versions that are still supported, but over time the bulk of it will be refactored, especially as we drop support for some older PHP versions.

    -Matt R

    @a3rev: Sorry for the trouble — we got your message overnight for most of our team. We’ll be back in touch via email.

    -Matt R

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    This should be resolved in yesterday’s release, 7.5.11 — the next scan run should clear the results if they are still present.

    If you temporarily turned off Scan wp-admin and wp-includes for files not bundled with WordPress, it can be turned back on.

    -Matt R

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi @staze,

    We’re planning a fix in the next release. Timing just depends on testing it and the other changes we’re planning for the same release.

    I haven’t tested the above workaround here, but it sounds ok since there isn’t an alternate directory that would need to be also scanned (the UPLOADS path only actually needs to be scanned separately if it’s not within wp-content).

    -Matt R

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    I haven’t dug into all of the details, but did find where the UPLOADS constant is being set, while investigating the issue. If ms_files_rewriting is enabled, the site reaches the code here, that uses the “blogs.dir” path and the site ID:

    There’s a comment just before that, saying:
    Note, the main site in a post-MU network uses wp-content/uploads. This is handled in wp_upload_dir() by ignoring UPLOADS for this case.

    So that explains how the main site is using the regular upload path, at least.

    The issue with incorrectly finding wp-admin files when trying to process wp-content/uploads/ is partly from Wordfence resolving symlinks with realpath() — if there is no symlink, we’d get the same path back — but since the path we’re getting from the UPLOADS constant isn’t actually a valid path, we end up with an empty string in part of processing the path, which was not expected.

    -Matt R

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi @staze,

    Thanks for sending the query results. A developer also checked this out while I was away and is working on a solution. It does look like it’s caused by the path in the UPLOADS not being a real directory, and being handled internally by WordPress in certain kinds of installations.

    Just to note — the forum rules don’t allow sending login information even if sent separately. Troubleshooting may take a few extra steps sometimes without it, but it’s generally safer to avoid that entirely. ??

    It looks like we’re on our way to a solution though, based on the information from diagnostics reports and query results. I expect we’ll have a fix in our next small release, but don’t have an exact date for that yet. I’ll post back here if we do need any more details.

    @gothickgothickorguk: Thanks for sending details too — it does look like this is the same issue as well.

    -Matt R

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi @staze,

    Thanks for the additional details. It is normal for Wordfence only appear on the network dashboard on multisite, so there’s something more to the issue — during testing, the scan worked normally on several multisites, including one that’s still on WP 3.8, and one running the WP 6.0 release candidate. I don’t have any that are old enough to have had blogs.dir, which looks like it ended around WP 3.5 for new installations, but that carries through upgrades if the site was originally on an older version — so I may have to install a very old version and upgrade in steps to reproduce the issue (and use old PHP versions since I’m sure WP 3.4 won’t run on PHP 7+). It looks like there’s a chance it may be testable using the option ms_files_rewriting too, if this is the issue.

    If you haven’t temporarily turned off the option “Scan wp-admin and wp-includes for files not bundled with WordPress” yet, can you run this query?
    select * from wp_wfissues where shortMsg like '%admin-ajax.php' limit 5

    Edit: If your Wordfence installation is old enough without having reinstalled in the past few years, the wfIssues table needs a capital I, and of course if you have a custom db need to change the wp_.

    This will show some internal data for one of the scan results (and potentially a few duplicates or similar results) — if you can email the result to the wftest address in Tim’s original message above, I can take a look. The data can include full paths, so it’s best not to post the results in the forum.

    @scott5598: Thanks, and I agree it sounds like the same issue. I don’t make the forum rules, so I’m just trying to follow them too. ?? But I think any commonality between your site and the OP’s will be helpful in finding the underlying cause.

    I may not be able to answer further until after the weekend, but if we can narrow down the cause enough, I expect we’ll have a fix in the next release.

    -Matt R

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by WFMattR.
    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi @staze,

    Thanks for checking that — I could cause similar results with a symlink on a test site (though not quite the same), but if you’re not finding any symlinks, there must be something else. It definitely is a new issue in this release — we reworked part of the scanner that finds files in order to support some less common structures, though this issue is not happening on any of our own multisites.

    The diagnostics reports shows that the WP UPLOADS constant is set to wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/ which I’ve seen on older multisites. It looks like this might have been the default when WP multisite was originally installed on a WP version below 3.5 or so, but could still be in place in sites that were upgraded since then.

    I can’t reproduce this by changing the UPLOADS path to the same thing here, but there still may be more to it — so a few questions:
    1. Do you see the UPLOADS constant set in your wp-config.php?
    2. Does this path actually exist, alongside the real uploads directory?
    3. Either way, does your .htaccess have a rewrite that changes the blogs.dir paths to use the uploads directory instead?

    @scott5598: Thanks for sending the diagnostics. Normally I’d ask you to make a separate forum post, since the forum rules require it (mainly to avoid confusing posts with multiple problems for different people) — but if you want to follow along and compare notes, we might find some common differences.

    -Matt R

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Hi Staze,

    Thanks, we received the diagnostics report and scan log.

    Diagnostics shows a custom uploads directory, which is ok in itself, but it seems like there is a symbolic link to wp-admin somewhere — this might be at wp-content/uploads/, or it might be another subdirectory. Can you check if there is a symbolic link, pointing to wp-admin? This is best done on the command line like find /path/to/wordpress -type l -ls, since some file managers may not show symbolic links correctly. (The path can be relative to your current directory, or just . if you’re in the site’s document root.)

    If you find a symbolic link pointing to wp-admin, do you know why it is there?

    The scan results currently show a “normalized” path instead of the actual path when symlinks are involved, which is making it confusing, but the symlink to wp-admin is not expected, if that is the cause. (We’ll be adjusting the display of paths in an upcoming version so it’s clearer how the WP core files are being found, seemingly in the wrong location.)

    You can temporarily turn off the scan option “Scan wp-admin and wp-includes for files not bundled with WordPress” while solving the underlying issue, so these results aren’t in the way.

    -Matt R
    Wordfence QA Lead

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