Thanks for your reply! Yes, the cookie is secure. However, there are two cookies:
– One for just signaling, that a user is logged in (LOGGED_IN_COOKIE)
– One secure for, for actual admin access (SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE)
So on my non-secure page he reads the non-secure cookie and sees, that the user is logged in. But when an ajax request is being made, it is done over ssl, since it is targeting the admin area. Problem is, even printing out $_COOKIE in admin-ajax.php shows nothing, when called from a sub-page on my network for logged in users. I even changed the ajaxurl and redirected all my
requests to the root level:
just to be sure. But nothing. He can’t read any cookies, which is odd, because the admin-ajax request is done over ssl and is targeting the root level. So there should be no difference to sending an ajax-request from the root level.
Any ideas?