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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AntiVirus] manually antivirus scan does not workHi,
I found in php manual https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.basic-syntax.phptags.php this:
If a file contains only PHP code, it is preferable to omit the PHP closing tag at the end of the file. This prevents accidental whitespace or new lines being added after the PHP closing tag, which may cause unwanted effects because PHP will start output buffering when there is no intention from the programmer to send any output at that point in the script.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AntiVirus] manually antivirus scan does not workHi Torsten,
my problem is solved – after an long time of testing and searching the error!
I tried all Your tips, but no success. I enabled debugging and logging in WP, but no error messages, but there have been messages which are addressed to You:
[30-Sep-2023 12:24:49 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/tsge.de/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/antivirus/inc/class-antivirus.php on line 526
You should check this.
More things I have done.
I use a child theme. Excluding folders with different template files for some plugins, but no success.
Changing child theme to parent theme, manual antivirus check was running!
Changing back to child theme and renamed the file functions.php, the antivirus check was running!
Now, I edited the functions.php file in that way, that I removed a function, made a test and so on – but no success, no function was the reason for my problem.
Add the end, I removed all functions, the file was empty, but no success. The reason were two (2)! blank lines on the end of the file. I did some more test with blank lines and found thes rules:
WRONG: ------ <?php : ?> ... <- blank line ... <- blank line WRONG: ------ ... <- blank line <?php : ?> ... <- blank line CORRECT: -------- <?php : ?> .... <- blank line
The file funtions.php must start on top with the tag “<?php” and end with one (1)! blank line after the “?>” tag.
In the past, my funtions.php was running. Maybe there was no additional blank line at the end or some updates rised my problem. Anyway, problem is solved!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AntiVirus] manually antivirus scan does not workHi Torsten,
thanks for Your response. I tried all Your notes, but no successs.
In the browser dev tools I did not find any line with …/antivirus/js/… Maybe I did not look in the right place, because I am not so good in using the dev tools. There where some errors, but they didn’t point to antivirus.
I deactivated all add-ons, but no success. In the firewall I made no changes since months.
How can I inspect the button? When I put the mouse pointer over the butten, I can see this link
Clicking on the button, I see only alle the files appear on the page, but that’s all. In the past, checked filenames changed into green, but now nothing happens.
Any idea?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] Login redirect no longer worksVersion works, thank You.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] Login redirect no longer worksVersion is out and should fix this problem.
Sorry, I have to tell that it is still not available, plugin page shows Version and and searching for an update shows no result.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] Login redirect no longer worksHi,
perhaps this helps to find the bug:
– navigate to clean-login-page
– fill user and password field
– send -> fields are blanked, nothing else happens
BUT if I navigate to any page of the website I see the Admin-bar on top, login process workedOn logout I am redirected to specified page in the settings
old Version 1.12.8
– navigate to clean-login-page
– fill user and password field
– send -> Redirection to the specified page in the settings AND Admin-bar is visible on top, login workedOn logout I am ridirected to specified page in the settings
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] Login redirect no longer worksHave you tried with the version that we have launched today?
Where can I find it?
I tried plugins.svn.www.ads-software.com/clean-login/tags/, but no different.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] Login redirect no longer worksHi,
the “Search/Filter” checkbox was turned off, I don’t know when an by whom it was done. There are more poeble with access to the table.
Thanks for the quick response.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Responsive] Submenu in mobile devicesIt works! – Thank You for good work.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Responsive] Submenu in mobile devicesHi,
the site is tsge.de, Version 4.5.5 is installed, no further modifications, cache cleared multiple times during tests.
For testing I used Samsung S9 with Google Chrom and notebook with Google browser and Mozilla Firefox and developper tools for mobile view. Effect is same on both devices.
Desktop view:
All top-level menu entries are in one line
Abteilungen/Sportangebote v
Turnen-Erwachsene >
Turnen-Kinder >The submenu is shown by mouse over entry. When clicking, the page is shown an the selected path in the menu will be highlighted.
Mobile view:
All top-level entries are in one column, that’s fine!
Abteilungen/Sportangebote v – click on arrow “v” shows menu entries, fine.
Turnen-Erwachsene v
Turnen-Kinder vThe submenu is only shown when the arrow “v” is clicked – fine
When I click on “v” of Turnen-Erwachsene, submenu is shown and after touching an entry the page is shown – fine, BUT at the same time when touching, the submenu of Turnen-Kinder is shown, that’s should not happen.
Another effect when clicking on “v” of Turnen-Kinder, the submenu is shown and after touching an entry, the expected page is NOT shown, BUT the submenu of Turnen-Erwachsene is shown in addition, that should not happen. Only with a second touch of the same entry in Turnen-Kinder the desired page is shown. This is not good.
I hope these explanations give you some more infos.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Responsive] Submenu in mobile devicesNot fixed in Version 4.5.5
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Responsive] Submenu in mobile devicesMessage to moderator:
I modified two times the section with the CODE tags to get a nice example menu. I have not much experience with forum editor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AntiVirus] Virus alert since 1.4.0Feedback
I updated to Version 1.4.1. Daily check gave me virus alert. Did manual check and got three alarms: two template files in my child theme and one in file of parent theme (Responsive by CyberChimps). All alarms where falls positives and I dismissed them. Now since two days without virus alert.
Thanks for the fast response and good work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AntiVirus] Virus alert since 1.4.0On my site I found with manual scan:
– files in parent theme are scanned
– files in child theme with same file name as in parent are not scanned
– files in child theme with different names (self created files) are scanned
– files in child theme subfolders are scanned, but not all files and not all subfolders