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  • When you say make sure we’re running PHP 5.5, do you mean that exact version, or that version and later?

    I’m having significant problems with Post Snippets, specific to freemius API, where the plugins page generate output from Post Snippets and I also periodically receive “your website crashed” or terminated unexpectedly, and it’s post snippets w/freemius crashlogs mentioned.

    I’m running PHP 7.3. Is that a problem?

    I’m on Post Snippets 3.0.11.

    Side note for my personal usage of statuses – my order processing usually needs the “processing” status to do certain things and then “completed” to do other things.

    I’ve been using GOURL crypto plugin for a long time. The way it works is as follows:

    User submits order: Status -> new
    User starts payment via GOURL: Status -> Pending payment
    GOURL sees payment, zero confirmations: Status -> Processing
    GOURL sees 6 confirmations on payment: Status -> Completed

    I liked this, because of other processes that use the processing status to do certain things, like allocate license keys, send welcome emails, etc.

    The Coinbase Commerce plugin creates a new status called blockchainpending, which maps to GOURL’s “I’ve seen a payment, but not fully confirmed”.

    One thing I’m thinking of doing is overriding the line 365-366 code from where Coinbase Commerce moves order to blockchainpending and just change that to processing so it maps with my other processes. That way an order doesn’t bypass the processing status just because I’m using Coinbase Commerce.

    My question to you is – can you think of any potential caveats to skipping blockchainpending and changing that to processing? Or would Coinbase Commerce prefer to keep that status, and use something else to move from processing to completed?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by whallify.

    @justinpobriencb yes, 1.1.2 is installed, and as shown in the link I posted, there was no change in that version to the completed status in the class-wc-gateway-coinbase.php

    Coinbase Commerce
    You have version 1.1.2 installed. Update to 1.1.3. View version 1.1.3 details.
    Compatibility with WordPress 5.2: 100% (according to its author)

    I see v1.1.3 doesn’t have any changes here, and the “fix” as @izzya21 mentioned above, seems to be changing public function _update_order_status to correctly go go completed when $status is ‘COMPLETED’

    On line 371, the change would be FROM

    $order->update_status( ‘processing’, __( ‘Coinbase payment was successfully processed.’, ‘coinbase’ ) );


    $order->update_status( ‘completed’, __( ‘Coinbase payment was successfully processed.’, ‘coinbase’ ) );

    @justinpobriencb I see some changes made to the class-wc-gateway-coinbase.php file, but it seems to be related to order being expired, but I don’t see the change @izzya21 mentioned above

    My plugin is still staying in “Processing” and it looks like we still have to manually add the change @izzya21 has suggested.

    Thread Starter whallify


    Thank you for the kind words.

    For anyone out there waiting for a fix like I am, the following two workarounds might help:

    The first is to edit the WP-CLI config file to use defaults that help the situation. Values like these can also be placed into a YAML-formatted configuration, described further here:

    For example, make a ~/.wp-cli/config.yml file that contains the following line:

    skip-plugins: wp-html-mail

    This file can be helpful for many things, like setting a default path or user for WooCommerce lookups

    $ cat ~/.wp-cli/config.yml
    path: /var/www/html
    user: myspecialuser
    skip-plugins: wp-html-mail

    Secondly, an alias can be created (assumes Linux shell). Put the following into the ~/.bash_aliases or ~/.profile

    alias wp2="wp --skip-plugins=wp-html-mail"

    and instead of using WP-CLI with the wp command, use wp2 instead.

    This can also be helpful if using WC-CLI and always needing to add a user

    alias wp2="wp --skip-plugins=wp-html-mail --user=username"

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by whallify.


    This is still an issue, even after upgrading to latest 1.8 version, which supposedly was released specifically to address this vulnerability.

    The new updates don’t have the exact same settings, but the end result is still an exposure and leaking of secret and publish keys on the website (ie, /cart page).

    260 if ( !$this->is_enable )
    261 return;
    263 $stripe = apply_filters( ‘donate_stripe_payment_object’, array(
    264 ‘Secret_Key’ => $this->secret_key,
    265 ‘Publish_Key’ => $this->publish_key,
    266 ‘key_missing’ => __( ‘Stripe key is expired. Please contact administrator to do this payment gateway’, ‘fundpress’ )
    267 ) );
    269 wp_register_script( ‘donate_payment_stripe’, TP_DONATE_INC_URI . ‘/gateways/stripe/jquery.payment.min.js’, array(), TP_DONATE_VER, true );
    270 wp_localize_script( ‘donate_payment_stripe’, ‘Donate_Stripe_Settings’, $stripe );
    272 wp_enqueue_script( ‘donate_payment_stripe’ );
    273 }

    I had the same problem – for me, the Processing and Completed emails were firing, but the WCE added content wasn’t showing up. Also, the “Purchase Note” on WooCommerce Product advance tab wasn’t showing anywhere in any notification, and I don’t know if that was deprecated somewhere, or if this plugin or some other plugin disabled that, or if it was never used, but I had written content into the Purchase Note field for every product that I thought was supposed to display for Products. But I got your plugin because I wanted more communication at more status points (ie, at Processing, not just Completed).

    Based on your note above, I disabled the Woo Preview Emails plugin and the Processing content showed up. So, that is some progress. The Woo Preview Emails plugin isn’t a critical plugin, but is a nice one to have, so it’d be good to figure out why there’s a conflict.

    The Completed content still does not show up. Of course, that’s the most important feature to me – I need to be able to send information to customers upon completion of the order.

    I have a lot of plugins and won’t list all of them, but some that might be related are:

    Woocommerce Memberships
    iThemes Sales Accelerator
    iThemes Sales Accelerator Inventory
    iThemes Sales Accelerator Reporting Pro
    Email Users
    Email Log
    WooCommerce Email Customizer
    WP HTML Email – WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Chained Products
    WooCommerce CheckOut Field Editor
    WooCommerce Services
    User Role Editor
    Post Snippets
    ithemes Security Pro

    By the way, I’d be interested in a paid, Pro version of your plugin that offered:
    – support for shortcodes (specifically Post Snippets type of integration – the editor of course lists Posts Snippets and the post takes it but I believe you mentioned shortcodes aren’t supported)
    – ability to create new WCE from inside the Product page
    – Ability to actually store and edit small text-based content embedded on product, like advanced -> purchase note, instead of a reference to a different WCE. Sometimes it’s easier to just have the content right there if it’s small, especially if it’s just a shortcode.

    I have the same problem. I didn’t realize it for dozens and dozens of tweets. I use Duplicate Post plugin (

    I see now that the plugin has a feature called “Do not copy these fields” – “Comma-separated list of meta fields that must not be copied
    You can use * to match zero or more alphanumeric characters or underscores: e.g. field* ”

    Using Admin Columns plugin I looked at the post fields to see which one stored the url, and it looks like it’s _wpt_short_url (but it’s not short).

    I made the change, and the next post I duplicated didn’t have the old cloned post’s URL.

    I have same issue, and I have version 2.7.3. If I disable WP HTML Mail, shopping cart items show up fine, but if I activate the plugin, the cart does not show. Do we need to still disable, delete and manually reinstall even though we have 2.7.3 already?

    I have the same problem. I installed the plugin, found the individual posts not working, so I did what the installation instructions said, which was to visit the Settings –> Permalinks page. I did that, (also clicked “Save” which the instructions didn’t say but I thought maybe that’s what was needed), and the individual page links started working.

    However, https://SITE]/facebook-events is not a page that works. Maybe I have to create it first? ie, make a page that shows the events, give it the slug of ‘facebook-events’ and publish it?

    Thread Starter whallify


    I appreciate the quick response — for now, I’ll stay at 3.2.3 because all I use is quick redirects, and there aren’t any 4.x features that I know of that I need.

    Good to see you’re fixing it!

    Thread Starter whallify


    Sorry – let me clarify the versions. It’s not a 4.1 to 4.2 problem, it’s a 3.2.3 –> 4.x problem. I had to downgrade all the way to 3.2.3 in order to get my landing pages to work without the trailing slash.

    Maybe I missed something in the major 4.x upgrade (I just did a stream of plugin upgrades — I know I know, BAD). Did the release notes specify that landing page words have to have a trailing slash?

    This seems like a bug to me.



    I just found Digg Digg’s manual content feature, so this will work nicely. I can just call the functions straight from my theme’s page.php/index.php and have total control. Thanx for the tip! I’ll try out the other plugin for print/email.



    Nope, but just installed and played with it some. Out of the box, seems cool, but seems to suffer from same problem – I don’t want the social icons displayed when I display excerpts (from the_excerpt() call). This Digg Digg plugin had a checkbox about excerp (sic) but it doesn’t seem to help either way.

    For my own purposes, all I want is

    Facebook (like/share)

    So I’m sure one of these will do the trick for me.



    Just as a follow up – I ended up ditching this plugin because I wasn’t able to figure out how to suppress it’s display on excerpts and sidebar… I wanted a little more control over where it displayed. I’m now testing and playing with WP Socializer.

    Hope this helps!

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