I found a way to fix it for the Classic view. It involves 2 steps,
1) need to update the spirtes image to now include Pinterest
2) update sociable.php
find $sociable_known_sites = array(
it’s roughly around line 797
add to the array
‘Pinterest’ => array(
‘favicon’ => ‘pinterest.png’,
‘url’ => ‘https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=PERMALINK’,
‘spriteCoordinates’ => Array(
’16’ => array(“-192px”,”0px”),
’32’ => array(“-385px”,”0px”),
’48’ => array(“-577px”,”0px”),
’64’ => array(“-769px”,”0px”)
You may need to modify the spriteCoordinates depending on how you update the sprite. Sorry it’s not showing up like normal code above. Can’t seem to get the tick-marks to work correctly.
If anyone wants the graphics & code I did, feel free to email me directly.